Nephew Update
Hi all: Well, the staph infection and pneumonia on my nephew Brian has cleared up and he was moved from the hospital to a nursing home/rehab. Still has the trach in, but when his mom told him she loved him this past Sat. even though he was hard to understand, he told her, "I love you, too! I'm going to Chatt. this weekend…
Feeding Tube
Hi everyone. My husband finished radiation, and chemo last week for stage 4a throat cancer. He is very week but hanging in there. I have been searching the board and found many replies about the duration of the recovery. It looks as though it could be many months when he is feeling better. I have been making soups (Carrot…
Scooby Doobbbyyyy Dooooooo - SSD
We got our first SSD check in our bank account today. It sure has been a long 6 months. Cancer free and money in the bank, I have to say, things are getting better.
Stage 4?
Just curious as to what stage of cancer was your diagnosis? I was Stage 4 and recently the ENT who found my tongue mass told me that when he found the cancer he went home and told his wife he had taken care of a patient who wasn't going to make it! He and I are good friends now and I love his frankness. Why did I make it…
Question for someone who has been through this
I am only almost 6 weeks post Rad treatments but I wonder if I will ever feel like I used too? If not how close to my old normal will I be? I do not like the way I feel now. Mitch .. Florida
What state do you live in?
How do I use this site to determine what other people live closest to me? I'm thinking there's probably a way, but I'm not great at any of this. I live in WA state, in Olympia. Just wondering who is nearby and what treatment centers they've used for what. THanks in advance to anybody who wants to share
Birthday Girls
Just a quick reminder for everyone to give a shout out to a couple of Birthday Girls.... IngridK and StaceyA.... Both have upcoming birthdays...(thanks for the reminder FaceBook, LOL). ✄╔╗─╔╗ ✄║║─║║ ✄║╚═╝╠══╦══╦══╦╗─╔╗ ✄║╔═╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║║─║║ ✄║║─║║╔╗║╚╝║╚╝║╚═╝║ ✄╚╝─╚╩╝╚╣╔═╣╔═╩═╗╔╝ ✄───────║║─║║─╔═╝║ ✄───────╚╝─╚╝─╚══╝…
Done, done, done, done!
Finished my second go around with radiation. YEAH! Let the heal begin. (I know, a few more weeks of cooking first!)
Just finished my visits and the CT with contrast was clean, my throat scope and exam was clean, and my ENT did biopsy 2 spots but said "put your money on negative" as the tissue below where he biopsied look very healthy. He did recommend haing my wisdom tooth pulled as whatever caused the swelling to the tissue is being…
Another pain med ?
I had my first cancer surgery in July 2010 and my last surgery in March 2011. I currently take 120 oxycodones 10 mg and 60 oxycontin 30 mg in a month. I have problems from my radiation. The radiation ate my jaw bone now im in constant pain eating or talking. I have been on oxy since july 2010 i never get a buzz from the…
I'm tired of this
The last three days have not been fun. I noticed a shortness of breath, fatigue and just generally felt/feel like crap. Temp has been rising slowly and today its 100.4. The temp coupled with the very sharp pain in my back that just won't go away makes me suspicious that I may have yet another bout of pneumonia either here…
Great Advice for people with No Insurance
My wife just got results from her biopsy today. She has stage IV tongue cancer. My question is we no longer have insurance and I was wondering if anyone might know if their is anyway she can get help for this condition. Her doctor told us to try to get her on medicaid but I am afraid this could take too long because her…
My Mucus is under control !!!!
I am honored that again I can talk up my caretaker (lovely young bride). She seen the misery I was in with he phlegm/mucus and she has been all over net and talking to anyone she could. She has me on Mucinex w/expectorant alternating with Children s Allergy w/anthihistamine. She had to ask the pharmacist the conversion…
Cancer of base of tongue questions??????????
My significant other was diagnosed 1 1/2 yrs ago with squamous cell cancer at the base of the tongue and underwent radiation and chemo. At his 1 yr follow-up scan it had returned but seems localized to the tongue. (previously it was present in one lymph node on the same side of his neck). He will undergo surgery the end of…
Today is the last of my 3 infusions over a nine week period. Wohooooo! It's going to be all day, first one in last one out, and then my favorite beastie the 5FU pump from today until late friday afternoon, neulasta injection next monday. The light at the end of the tunnel just got a just got a wee brighter, next train ride…
HPV Negative but P16 Positive
Lots of pent up questions tonight. Doctors were surprised at this pathology but told us the P16 positive "trumped" the HPV negative. Still doesn't make sense to me. I thought P16 was a type of HPV. Anyone have this same outcome? They say there can be false negatives and maybe the HPV part was a false negative but the P16…
CareGiver Tribute Week
Mitch brought up a good point concerning the value of our caregivers. I am putting my lovely wife (Shelley), caregiver and my princess photo up on my avatar for a week. Anyone that cares to join me by putting their caregivers photo up also, more than welcome. Thoughts and Prayers, John
Question: Always cold?
since the weather dropped from the 80's to the 50's and now colder at night, I find myself constantly cold. Even layers of clothes don't seem to hold off the cold from my bones. I seem to be ok at work with a sweater added to my wardrobe (and most of the other workers are too warm) but at home I just freeze. Does anyone…
Gall Bladder
Has anyone had issues with their gall bladder during treatment? My internist who has me have labs done prior to refilling certain scripts, sent me for an ultra sound last weeks as my liver enzymes were a bit elevated, this was no doubt related to the current chemo infusions. Long story short, the ultra sound showed I have…
Sitting here eating my blow of oatmeal and just amazed at how good it taste, and to think I use to hate this stuff, boy how things change after treatment. My wife makes it for me in the morning to take to work and in the evenings for me right before I go to bed. Trying to fatting me up I guess. You know it taste good when…
So, what was the score? Did you bring home the gold? Any color would be gold in my book, back in the game 1 year post treatment! How many CSN friends were you able to meet face to face, even with barbeque sauce in your faces! Hope that the weekend went well.
Please help with Excess Mucus or Phlegm
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to control the excessive amount of Mucus or Phlegm ? It is mostly when I lay down but sometimes when I am sitting or standing. Its like it is constantly flowing down the back of my throat, very thick and constantly flowing, very aggravating and drives me crazy. Also how long does…
Hello my CSN friends. I believe, I have never posted my name. If anyone wants to friend request me on facebook, here is my name. Crystal Rowan - Houston, Texas.
Dry eyes and burning smell during treatments
Hi, I finished the second week of rads and I'm getting really dry eyes on one side. Did anyone experience this? I could also swear that I smell something burning every time I start my radiation treatments. It does go away halfway through though. I'm wondering if my mind is playing tricks on me. Thank you.
another list of side effects
******************************************************************************************* please read !!!!! No one will develope all of these symptoms. Every patient is different and treatment is custom tailored to each individual by their doctor(s). The effects you experience can vary depending on how and where primary…
peg tube/eating problems
Finished my 7 weeks of radiations and 3 chemos on April 18, 2011. I've been with a peg tube from the beginning. I cannot seem to eat a complete meal yet. My taste buds are still altered but getting better. Any suggestions for bland diets as spices flare up the taste buds. I can't have peg removed until I am off the…
peg tube/eating problems
Finished my 7 weeks of radiations and 3 chemos on April 18, 2011. I've been with a peg tube from the beginning. I cannot seem to eat a complete meal yet. My taste buds are still altered but getting better. Any suggestions for bland diets as spices flare up the taste buds. I can't have peg removed until I am off the…
Another question.....this time about our thyroid
Is it common to have issues with our thyroid after radiation to the head and neck area? I am asking because I have been experiencing a lot of side effects that seem common for someone with thyroid issues, also cancer treatment so it's so hard to tell. For example my vision issues, sore muscles, fatigue, being cold, shaking…
just new here
i just started my chemo on Oct 03 (which is once every 3 weeks) and radiation(for 7 weeks), im stage 2 NPC cancer, but when they did my bloodwork, my chemo doc told me i have elevated liver, im scared if its metasticize there, u think its possible, i need some advise...
Anti-depressants anyone?
After discussion with my H&N Nurse Practitioner today, we come to the conclusion that I am exhibiting signs of depression. The chemo MD gives me a script for Effexor. I have an appointment with a social worker and eventually a psychosocial nurse. Anyone took anti-depressants through treatment? Taking them now? Do you…