Buzz has a neck abcess

Has anyone heard of developing an abcess as a result of a necrotic (dead)lympth node? Buzz's biopsy of the abcess area was negative but he has several other areas in his neck and tongue which are suspicious. The oncologist thinks the cancer is back. We cannot procede with another biopsy until the infection clears. (after 6 weeks of IV antibiotics). Even after a positive biopsy, he cannot enroll in a clinical trial if he has an infection. Buzz also has had to go back to 100% tube feedings. Prior to the infection, he had been eating and not using the PEG for the past 6 months. We are pretty discouraged. Karen


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    have heard of an abcess
    Yes, I've read about it, Karen. It seems they routinely take longer than one would anticipate to heal. I'm sure the healing is slowed by the previous radiation/chemotherapy.

    I hope Buzz can think of this as a bump in the road and keep moving forward. Sometimes in this progression it is two steps forward and then a couple of steps back.

    I'm glad we have feeding tubes available when we need them and hope he has to use his for a minimal amount of time this time around.

    Prayerful antibiotics will take care of the abcess quickly - maybe some drainage (by a more compassionate doctor this time!) will be used, too.

    Hugs and prayers.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Karen
    I guess anything is

    Hi Karen

    I guess anything is possible but if the abscess is dead why can’t they just remove it if it is not showing cancer, dead tissue to me is a place where cancer can start again so I would get it out.

    I hope he gets the infection under control soon
  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Hondo said:

    Hi Karen
    I guess anything is

    Hi Karen

    I guess anything is possible but if the abscess is dead why can’t they just remove it if it is not showing cancer, dead tissue to me is a place where cancer can start again so I would get it out.

    I hope he gets the infection under control soon

    karen & Buzz
    Gosh Darn it, I'm starting to send prayers your way. I want you to remember that Hondo and others have had recurrences and have beaten it. Buzz can too!! I can't imagine your thoughts of what can happen, but try to get on the positive page of glad the feeding tube can be used again, and glad they caught this problem early, etc.....Keep the faith Karen, you are the one who has to buck up Buzz. I know that is a lot of pressure, but you can do it and so can Buzz....
    I'll be with you in thoughts and prayers,,,
    All the best,
  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    hawk711 said:

    karen & Buzz
    Gosh Darn it, I'm starting to send prayers your way. I want you to remember that Hondo and others have had recurrences and have beaten it. Buzz can too!! I can't imagine your thoughts of what can happen, but try to get on the positive page of glad the feeding tube can be used again, and glad they caught this problem early, etc.....Keep the faith Karen, you are the one who has to buck up Buzz. I know that is a lot of pressure, but you can do it and so can Buzz....
    I'll be with you in thoughts and prayers,,,
    All the best,

    Don't give up.
    Doctors aren't God so they can be wrong. Keep your head up and keep the faith. Positive thoughts and lots of prayers.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Have you talked with a wound specialist? My home nurse for chemo told me about them - docs who specialize in getting wounds healed up. She had a patient with an abcess who needed to see one, but whose doc never mentioned their existence - once the patient found out about the specialist and saw them, the healing began.

    I believe Soccerfreaks' wife is a wound care nurse. Hope you all get this cleared up quickly.
  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    Hang in there!

    So sorry to hear of Buzz's abscess. Will be praying for him as always. It is understandable being discouraged. But, (and I don't know if you're familiar with Jimmy Valvano - former bb coach at NC State and passed away several years ago from cancer) anyway, his motto was "Never give up!" I know that's so hard to do but it's so true; it's the only way we can fight this monster along with the good Lord's help! Try to stay positive and savor every moment and remember, "Miracles do happen!" God Bless!

    Jan (Basketcase)
  • arndog64
    arndog64 Member Posts: 537

    Hang in there!

    So sorry to hear of Buzz's abscess. Will be praying for him as always. It is understandable being discouraged. But, (and I don't know if you're familiar with Jimmy Valvano - former bb coach at NC State and passed away several years ago from cancer) anyway, his motto was "Never give up!" I know that's so hard to do but it's so true; it's the only way we can fight this monster along with the good Lord's help! Try to stay positive and savor every moment and remember, "Miracles do happen!" God Bless!

    Jan (Basketcase)

    I hope the antibiotics knock
    I hope the antibiotics knock out that abcess, quick like. I am sure you are scared and worn out. Please dont forget to take care of yourself. I will be praying for you and your hubby.