catching a cold post rads

Does it take longer to get better after radiation? My husband goes back to work on monday and this morning he woke up with a terrible cough. He says he feels like he has a chest cold.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi ahamric

    Remember his immune system is not working to full capacity due to the Radiation treatment so you might just want to call his doctor and inform them or ask if you need to come in for a visit. Keep checking him for dehydration and fever as that is all you can do for now.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Like Hondo mentioned, I'd see my GP....

    For me, LOL, I swear I didn't get sick for two years after treatment...I swear it must have killed every germ in my body.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi ahamric

    Remember his immune system is not working to full capacity due to the Radiation treatment so you might just want to call his doctor and inform them or ask if you need to come in for a visit. Keep checking him for dehydration and fever as that is all you can do for now.


    -what Hondo said. And, one of my bigger gripes was with a Rad technician who was sniffling on the day of my last rad. She was the one who typically raced into the room to unclamp me, so she was breathing over me and all. And, yes, a couple days after my last rad I came down with a cold. Took me a month and a half to completely get rid of, and I did go to my PCP and was put on an antibiotic that starts with the letter "A".

  • RogerRN43
    RogerRN43 Member Posts: 185
    The little buggers called colds...
    Colds are viral and antibiotics only work on bacterial infections.
    The overuse of antibiotics has caused antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria so most MDs these days are reluctant to give them out unless the viral infection has developed into a bacterial infection.
    So if his cough develops into yellow/green sputum, or he becomes more easily tired and short of breath, fever, definitely see his GP.
    I'd say go anyway to be sure. If he's really feeling it, he might be asked for a chest x-ray.

    As for recovery, rad is a shock to our immune system but it also depends on the virulence of the cold strain and how it's treated in how long it will last.
    From working in a hospital and having small children, I've had colds try to get me the first day, then the symptoms are gone the next, whereas others run it's course over a week.
    Keep him hydrated, make sure he rests, and gets good nutrition to amp up his immune system.

    I love it that he's going back to work, I wish I was at that stage.

    I hope he recovers fast!
  • ladybug1123
    ladybug1123 Member Posts: 3
    It may be a cold but it
    It may be a cold but it could also be the mucus buildup from the radiation. This lasted months for me. Anything with guafenisen will help.
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Like Skiffin
    I was lucky. I didn't get sick for like two years either. Course I don't go out much and I don't kiss an hug anyone either. Don't have little kids bringing everything home from school, etc.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Like Skiffin
    I was lucky. I didn't get sick for like two years either. Course I don't go out much and I don't kiss an hug anyone either. Don't have little kids bringing everything home from school, etc.

    Yep, we just have fur kids....well, I do, you have a furless kid....but he's a little man, so he's cool.
