CDC - MSNBC - Recommend Boys for HPV Vaccine
I saw this on a news station the other day.... So glad that the subject is getting more and more attention....hopefully people like Michele Bachmann saw it as well, but then again. CDC - MSNBC - Recommend Boys for HPV Vaccine And again, a reference that; An estimated 50 percent to 80 percent of men and women are infected…
Vocal Cord Biopsy Next Week
I was treated with radiation only for vocal cord cancer last summer. I am almost positive that it has returned. My voice has suddenly gone done hill. And there is a little new pain in the throat. My ENT says she cannot get a clear view of the area in an office visit. I'm having a biopsy next week. For vocal cord biopsy, it…
Cisplatin or Decadron? hiccups won't give up...
I started chemorad this week on Wednesday. One big dose of Cisplatin and given 3 drugs to combat nausea which included Decadron. 3 rads done so far. It is day 4 today (Saturday) and I have uncontrollable hiccups. I was given Maxeran yesterday instead of Stemetil. It helps a little, so does Gavisocon, but is there anything…
The ability to eat
Has anyone here who underwent head and neck treatments been able to return to completely normal eating? I'm well over 12 months out of rad and chemo and still cannot swallow anything other than pudding or very thin mashed potatoes........I can do broth but nothing solid at all...... My throat is 1cm and dilation has been…
Neck Dissection pain and cold weather. How does the cold effect you?
To all of you who have had neck dissections. Does the cold weather bother you? It seems to really bother my husband when the weather starts getting cold? How does it effect you? Vsudd
Bone scan
Since i had cancer and chemo/rads i have had arthritis in my joints especially my hands feet and back. I went and had x rays and they all came back ok. On Thursday they are going to do a bone scan. The arthritis doctor is talking about giving me a small dose of prednisone to take every day and to take me off oxycotin.…
The end of treatment is in sight
Next week is my final week of radiation and 8 infusions of Eurbitux. My observations so far are that other than losing most of my sense of taste. I can taste a few things but not very well. I have also lost a good part but not all of my saliva. I can swallow pretty well and can eat things like clam chowder with potatoes…
Magic Mineral Broth
Last Saturday my sister and I went to a presentation put on by Healing Journeys. I got to meet Rebecca Katz, my favorite cancer chef. She cooked and prepared the food that we had for lunch. Talked about FASS (Fat, acid, salt, sweetner) and had people taste her food as it was getting prepared, reasons for why she adds…
On a average how long does it take to get your saliva, taste, trouble swallowing back? I am 11 mouths past treatment and have tried all the Med’s I have read in everyone’s post’s My Doctor said I may have to live with it if I could get 75% I would be happy I know everyone is different. Also is there anything someone has…
frustrated and stressed
It is time for Jim's PET but the scheduling computers have been down all week so they can't schedule it. argh! On top of that the lump under Jim's tongue is still there and I am getting nervous. We see the ENT again in two weeks so he can check it. Jim is also going backwards in recovery. The first month after treatment he…
NED Baby
Clean bill of health for my husband.Back to work with no restrictions!!!! AAaaawww yeah!! I am so proud of my Buddy : )
Is a Small mouth Bass and a Small mouth Hondo the samething?
Dentist visit today: Just give me some dynamite and I can do it my self. Well I guess it is not that bad but beginning to really feel how life with being treated twice for C sucks no matter what you try to do. Today was my first visit to the Cancer dentist in Houston for reconstructing of my teeth, and yep the problem…
Well Mom had her first reirradiation yesterday. She started vomiting this morning. She did not have any vomiting last year when she first went through radiation. But, of course this is the 2nd time and she's getting a stronger dose as they're trying to stop/slow down growth of tumor. She really didn't have a recurrence.…
radical neck dissection side effects
In addition to radiation and chemo for my tonsil cancer, I had a radical neck dissection. So, a question for other head and neck survivors who had radical neck dissections: - did/do you have much physical discomfort? (7 months after my surgery, and my neck hurts all the time, the scar tissue is still contracting, and at…
Acupuncture Strange thing happen today
I started Acupuncture treatment yesterday for the pain and nerve damage in my head and neck, and also hopping it helps with getting my Jaw open just a little more. My doctors at MD Anderson found a local Acupuncture doc here in Lafayette and suggested I try it and see if it gives me any help. OK, I did that, and today I am…
Came back clean on Friday when I visited my ENT. That makes me 2 1/2-years post-tx clean for NPC. And, the after-effects of the 10/7 Operation I went thru have improved substantially, so all is good. It can, and do, happen- and I thank God it's happened to me. Believe kcass
OT: Share a Joke of the day or something funny.
As Joe (soccerfreaks) is fond of reminding us, we need hope and humor! I thought I'd start a thread to share some witty jokes or funny stories and stuff that makes us laugh and smile. My Facebook status tonight: Dawn ®™ is not for everyone. Clinical trials show that Dawn®™ may cause nausea, fatigue, and rapid heart beat,…
Worried about Recurring Throat Cancer: Oct. 23, 2011
Hello, Last May, I had my five year check up with my throat doctor. Everything looked great and he told me that since everything has looked good, that he didn't need to see me for 2 years unless I had problems. (Five years ago I had squamous cell c. on the vocal chords. I had surgery and that was it. No chemo or radiation.…
Hello people
Sorry not posted for a while have been fighting the frustration and do not like winging. Well I could not get a PEG to much damage from previous surgery's ,so had a NGT put in again after 2 weeks in hospital.I had to pull it out 5 days ago and have been drinking vitamised baby nappies ever since (Jevity). Still loosing…
Cheek pain after radiation treatment for base of tongue cancer
My mom is three months out from the end of radiation and chemo. She had stage 4A base of tongue cancer that had spread to lymph nodes on both sides of the neck. It was HPV positive. Her petscan in August showed a complete response to therapy and no residual tumors which was great!!! In the past couple weeks she has been…
Fear!! Erbitux. Alcohol consumption, fu 5 , Tomotherapy, kids back home
Hi to all. I have St 4 tonsil cancer. Tonsillectomy with neck dissection at University Chicago. Third of 8 weeks induction chemo tomorrow. Then 10 weeks chemo/radiation, week in hospital then 11 days off etc. Thats if they have 5FU which they are short on. I have done well with all treatments so far, always worrying in…
I have had it off and on since i had cisplatin. It used to last about one or two minuets. Last night it lasted about 3 hours and was so bad i thought i was going to be sick. I went to bed for relief. This mourning i woke up fine and it started again after i was up about an hour. Now its bad enough where i might go take a…
Struggling with bloatedness, need help!
Hi, I'm just done with week 4 of chemo rads going into week 5 tomorrow. Week 4 was my second Cisplatin infusion. I can still swallow but I am having great difficulty getting anything in by mouth or tube because of the perpetual feeling of bloatedness. Even drinking water is making me full. Any advice please? Thanks very…
Pathology report
Hello Friends, so the pathology report came back, all margins were negative for cancer and the cancer showed to be half a centemeter in greatest dimention, so very small. I am happy for those good news.Mom is healing well, it back to eating normal food again. We are waiting for someone from Sloat Kittering to call us back…
Where in the World Are You
I haven't had this up for awhle and it's getting so many on it that it loads a little slow. But for you new members or relatively new members, this is a Google map that I made up awhile back that has a lot of the CSN H&N forum members/survivors locations. If you would like to be added and aren't already, let me know and…
Sunday Morning ER Visit
This is not exactly how I had my Sunday planned. My wife had to drive me into a local ER room for one of those 'unmentionable' problems we chemo patients get from time to time. They got me fixed up and gave me a home kit and some instructions on how to perform the 'Foley Shuffle' at home. I also got some more advice on…
I had a checkup with my ENT Doctor yesterday and he told me that I might as well expect to live with day mouth no saliva,mucous trouble swallowing and acid reflux from now on. He said the Evoxac and Salagen helps very few people it is to treat dry mount syndrome not radiation treatment. Also on my insurance I am in the gap…
Surgeries down, radiation starting...
Hey everyone, Thank you for all the great information you all give out to help others. The information is so helpful for those of us just going through this detour in life. 6 weeks ago I had the TORS surgery on my tonsil, back of tongue, side of tongue and all of the clear margins. Everything came back good, except that…
34 years ago today
I was just thinking - Jim and I were married 34 years ago today and we never could have imagined where our walk would take us. In retrospect, we definitely would have to say that although we would have preferred cancer not enter our lives (either through Jim or the many loved ones who have had cancer), we are closer today…
My Fathers PET scan Update
Well, My Father had a radical nex dissection back in June, and then went for 35 radiation treatments with Chemo. It has been 10 weeks since his last radiation treatment, and time for the "After Treatment Scan" if you will. He had his scan this past Tuesday, and finally received the results last night. So far, it didn't…