Chemo Treatment Today
The location that I go to see my hemotology onco and receive weekly carboplatin is moving into a much larger facility on Dec 2nd.... great for them as they will have more space for all they do there including exam rooms and a larger room where patients receive treatment , it will certainly be more comfortable for those…
Hi everyone. Just wanted to say hi. 2 years 1 month and getting more amazing by the day. Have put some weight back on. Loving food again (except chocolate). Loving life and it's almost like this all happened in another lifetime. Great to see the oldies all doing well. Love to all and merry Christmas xxxx
9 Years Ago this week
Wow my Wife and I was setting this morning and remembered that is was 9 years ago this week that we got the new of my cancer. I went to see my ENT about problems with my ear being full of liquid, also had a lot of problems in the nose from being broken twice as a kid. While he was in there repairing everything he seen…
12 down - 27 more to go
Tomorrow I will be 1/3 of the way thru my rad treatments...not so bad so far. I see the rad doc every wed and he says I am doing well, keeping my weight, my mouth is a little sore, but no sores, the right side of my throat hurts a tad when I swallow, dry mouth annoying but manageable, still have saliva function..... BUT, a…
Neck dissection complete
Hello everyone, Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been bust getting back to my new normal. My neck dissection is complete now and the pathology came back negative: no surviving cancer, thanks to the team of Doctors at University of North Carolina's Cancer Hospital and of course, GOD. As of now I am cancer free and…
I saw your comment on HPV
I just stumbled on this website tonite.. But was interested in your statement about public health agencies being aware, or not being aware, of the % of men exposed to HPV and contracting SSC. I may have not quoted this properly, but if you understand the gest of what I am conveying, I am so curious..My late husband had…
My 90 y/o grandmother.
Hello all, I am writing to hopefully get some answers. I am looking after my 90 year old grandmother that has a cancerous tumor in her parotid gland & 1 lymph node. She has been healthy up until about two months ago when she found out that it was cancer. At her age surgery is not an option because her heart is only working…
Physical anomalies, what you know now that you didn't know then?
The journey through treatment and post treatment has been an education of the intricate workings within. I would venture a guess that everyone has weird physical quirks in their anatomy but were unaware of them until they started getting poked, scanned, scoped, and monitored on a regular basis. Every scan for me reveals…
Jugular Vein Blood Clot
Has anyone had the experience of developing a blood clot in the jugular vein? The Medical Oncologist states that it is associated with the port. The port catheter does not sit in the jugular vein but makes a curve right below it. Buzz subsequently developed an abscess which occurred when he developed an infection in the…
I need someone with a paralyzed larnyx, and throat cancer to answer some questions?
I just came from the docs today, good news the cancer is gone, and he said it looks permanetly gone...the bad side, he has it in his head I need to have a trach or somesort of airwave in my throat for extra oxygen, I have live wihout my trach for nearly a year, yes i get tired, and it's hard a night to sleep but i have…
Checking In
Hi all: Basketcase checking in here! Got back from NC on Sat. afternoon. Had a good time. Got my in-laws tree up and decorated for them. It was so............pretty driving up and back with the leaves and color and all. I don't know if I've mentioned that my Mother-in-law had to get used to the idea that Charlie was…
What is the best time to do a PET/ CT scan after the last Radiation treatment.
can someone tell me what is the best time two months three months ,six months, Myself i did a CT scan 8 week post treatment, and their was a residual tumor of 30mm by 27mm ON MY LEFT PNS, should i resume treatment or wait few more months.
PET not clear
Well the stress goes on. The PET shows the lymph nodes are clear but there is something still at tumor site, scar tissue, inflamation, cancer? doctor is not sure. He will do another PET in 3 months. The bad news is that he has a lot of symptoms for metastasis to brain so has ordered a CT of brain right away. Doc wanted a…
USMC - 236th Birthday
Just wanted to wish my Marine Corps Brothers a Happy 236th Birthday. Proud to have served, and proud for all of the others that have gone before and after me... John SGT, USMC ~ 1973 - 1977
Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Respected Sir/Madam. My father is 61 yrs old. He had cancer in right lateral border of tongue (T1 lesion) and doctor has done wide glossectomy(T size: 1*1*0.9cm) on 15 March'11. Then in August right level 1 lymph node appeared, then doctor did right MND. The report is as follows: Clinical history: Wide glossectomy on…
Cholesterol lowering meds...what are your thoughts and experiences...OR..if I was a bowler these num
Well...my cholesterol is 270 (total) and it has been high for years... (6 months of custards and ensure didn't help) and per my doctor if you throw in a bit of potential radiation induced carotid vessel issues..it is time for treatment. We know it is not diet, because even when I was 80 plus pounds it was 242 and as you…
Bad sore throat ??
What is good for severe sore throat pain? I have dry mouth very bad and use biotene spray and jell. But my throat gets very sore and painful has anyone found any kind of spray to use?
Better Days
Hi All Its been a while since I've made any contribution. I felt kind of bad that I'm doing so well and others are having such a tough time but I want to let you all know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and hang in there Its been 200 days today since I was first diagnosed, 124 days since my last radiation…
How to sleep with thick mucus?
The post treatment thick mucus is now making me really miserable. This is much worse than during treatments. How long does this last? I can no longer swallow my saliva because the thick mucus is making me gag so much. Now it's also impeding my sleep. I'm worried that my recovery is going to be hindered because of the lack…
Modified radical neck dissection issues for an athlete
I had cancer in my thyroid and neck and had a thyroidectomy and modified lateral neck dissection on Sept 6, 2011. He removed 59 lymph nodes and 4 of them had cancer. I am a triathlete and was training for an Ironman that took place this past weekend. I didn't do the race because of many issues I am having recovering from…
Do you ever feel like giving up? Sometimes I know that I do when the side effects just keep coming and it seems like there is no hope in site. Today I realize something that I guess I had forgotten and that is how much I love my Caregiver Wife. For some reason I was just thinking about the past and ever turn I made my…
Treatment is done!!!
Thank you everyone for all of your help and encouragement. After the Trans Oral Robotic Surgery (TORS), neck dissection, and 30 radiation treatments, I am sitting back and waiting for the radiation to finish its work. Today was my last radiation treatment. The biggest decision of the day was, keep the mask, or let them…
Seond Opinion from Sloan Kettering in Baskin Ridge
Hello all, so after my mom's surgury for tongue cancer (0.5 cm in greatest dimension) we went for a second opinion at Sloan Kettering in Baskin Ridge. Doctor confirmed that all margins are clear and that he agrees that mom does not need chemo and that the treatment that she had for the first cancer in her tonsil was…
PET Scan Clear!
I finished treatment in August of 2010, this week I had my "1 year" post treatment PET scan. I got the results today and it was all clear! It was a full body scan and not a trace of cancer anywhere. I wish all of you could have seen my wifes face. I don't post much, my wife, "noelles mom" usually does it but this one I had…
Cruelty to animals
@ to BP to help the gas shortage. Well the time came for my first normal BM in over a year and I proudly sat my butt on the throne, a smile on my face looking forward to my greatest achievement. Now I need to digress a bit. I must sat that I have the most wonderful cat ever. He is solid black and actually acts like a dog…
Techniques for coughing out mucus
I know this sounds rather flaky! But has anyone perfected the technique of effectively coughing out mucus without too much pain/discomfort? I managed to get a blob of thick green mucus the size of an avocado stone out last night. But nearly coughed my insides out. I would leave it inside if I could but it's impeding my…
Question about eye problem
My neck dissection was on the left half of my neck. I read the surgical notes which are available to any patient at your hospital. He "sacrificed" my spinal accessory nerve during the surgery. That has led to many issues but the one I have a question about is my left eye. Two things. One: the eyelid has been slightly…
I want to wish all of those who have served a Happy Veteran's Day. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Myka
Thank you to all of those who have served. Myka
mouth dryness
Andy is 5 months out from radiation and lots of things are better in regard to radiation side effects. Lately though, he has really been suffering with terribly dry mouth during the night and upon awakening. We have a humidifier by his bed, he has Biotene spray by his bed, he's on Salogen, and of course, has water next to…