p16 positive
I just found out my removed left tonsil came back p16+ which I understand is a protein marker for HPV and not necessarily mean that HPV is active in me now. I'm in Canada, is the p16 test used in the U.S. to determine HPV positivity? I'm trying to understand if that really means my SCC can be classified in the HPV…
Chest CT and Neck CT w/ contrast today at 3pm followed by Onco, Rad and Thoracic Surgeon Appts. next Monday. Of course with my wife's pull, I will know the final results of the scans before I even get home tonight. Great if all clean, sucks if there is something and I have to wait one week for the Appt. to hear the bad…
More on Fluoride Trays
So I've gone back and gotten some new fluoride trays built. The sets I've had in the past have consistently picked up a nasty coating, or were actually impregnated with residue from the Gel Cam and perhaps food debris. In other words, they got absolutely nasty looking, and nothing I did could get this stuff off. It became…
First real meal... kind of
Hi, I just had a whole bowl of cocoa krispies with milk.First thing to go down right since my last meal about 2 months ago... Everything burns at one certain spot at the back of my mouth, it feels like its a sore. Will it go away eventually? My last radiation treatment was Nov 10th, and i can feel it getting better slowly…
Possible email for delnative..ps sorry to be stalking you but we all are worried
I think this may be the right one Twitter J.L. Miller @delnative Delaware News Journal reporter Other jlmiller@delawareonline.com
Swallow study results
Hello to everyone My dad just had a swallow study today and the therapist said the water did not aspirate into the lungs which is good. His muscles are weak and he is a little anxious about eating..however she said his esphogus is curved. When the liquid goes down it goes down anterior? I am still awaiting the actual…
I'm about to have a nervous breakdown!
I just got back from my oncology appt. to review my recent PET scan, Head and Neck is great! NED! But my stupid left ovary has something growing on it. I'm just so tired of it. Have to go in for an MRI to see what it is. I'm just shaking right now, I just don't want to go through this again. I know I'm jumping the gun, but…
Unknown Primary Can it be found?
Hi Friends, I am happy to say I am a Survivor, and have been NED for almost 1 year. I am playing catch-up on doctor visits, and going for a Upper EGD scope tomorrow. I have had an ulcer for years, and it only began to act up when my Ex starting acting up over the holiday. Coincidence? I think not! Anyway, besides the…
1-year post scans
This past Friday I had my 1-year post CT scan and an ultrasound of my thyroid. The thyroid is severely damaged, mishapen and non-functioning - but there are no nodules or masses. No sign of thyroid cancer. Chill for another 6 months. I won't have the radiology report back from the CT until Wednesday, but upon my untrained…
I have never posted here but feel it's time. I want to say thank you to all for the wonderful information you all share. I feel I know each one of you. My Story: I am 44 and the mother of a 18 year old and 22 year old with a wonderful retired military husband. I was dx in May 2011 with SCC in a knot in my neck. It was the…
PET Cancelled
Had to Cancelled the PET scan due to some other problems, it was not my normal 6 months scan just a mid scan to check on the aspiration in the lungs. I am still looking at possibly getting a PEG tube like Denny to help go around the issue with have to take everything in through the mouth and getting stuff accidently…
Throat still sore
Seems like my throat should be getting better by now. I am almost 5 weeks post rads and the side where I got the most rads is still very sore when I swallow anything that has spices or is fizzy, even Ensure burns going down. It is not so bad if I am just swallowing. How long does this normally last? John
Bump in the road
Just that, a bump, scar tissure, no sign of cancer. Yipee! Took a little longer to get diagnosis because Anthem Blue Cross and Stanford were in negotiations. I only had permission to see the doctor--no blood work, no proceedures. A bump on the scar site, I have no idea if it hurt, I am numb. Bump did not change in 2 weeks,…
Decided to start some morphine... am I sleeping to much?
They gave me morphine elixir in anticipation of what's to come, it says 1-2mL every 4 hours = 1-2mg. My oral cavity isn't too sore, just the tonsil bed and left side of my tongue, but my rad burns are really sensitive... so I took .5 mL at 830am and soon after I felt really sleepy, napped. Took another .5 mL at 1230 and…
New Cancer patient
I just found out that I have Head and Neck Cancer. I will go to MD Anderson in two weeks for test and then treatment. I have had two biopsies and have an enlarged lymph node. I have Squamous Cell Carcinoma. They do not know where the primary tumor is. I have two children, full time job and am a bit afraid of the changes…
Radiation burns
Everyone reacts differently. I have 6 rads left, fortunately so far, my mouth isn't too sore, just the left side of my tongue and the tonsil base, like a mild sore throat. I'm still swallowing my supplements. The mucus isn't that bad and the glands are working overtime trying to survive, perhaps the right parotid being…
Another Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
Hi Everyone, I'm really glad I found you all here. Very nice to be able to read about others experiences and learn from it. This is not my first post but my first topic heading. My case is similar to others. Have had a lump on my right neck for almost a year. Showed it to at least four doctors who dismissed it as nothing.…
Keep us in your Prayers - My moms cancer may be back
My mom had stage IVA Base of tongue cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes in both sides of her neck. It came back as HPV positive. She had 35 rads and 3 cisplatin chemo treatments. During her treatment we lost my dad to his cancer that he had been battling for 3 years. So we have had a rough time since April. She…
Hondo's scan
I believe Hondo has a scan coming up next week. Praying for a great result and for his anxiety free wait. Blessings to all my CS family Debbie
A Tale of Two Christmas's
Last year, just before Christmas, I was pronounced NED and the 2010 Christmas season was gloriously happy for me. Also, because my scan was clean, I turned down a early retirement from my job. Now, just before Christmas this year, I am looking for the results of a scan after two rounds of chemo after I got mets to lungs…
Scan results....over 2 weeks now.
Hello everyone, It has been a little stressful since the 17th of Nov. My partner had her scan to see if her tongue cancer has spreaded. It has been over 2 weeks. It is a torture to wait for the results. Just in case you don't remember what I wrote a while ago. On the 7th of Oct, the doctor removed a 2 centimeter (appx)…
update on fsdman-its back !
Hi all, I havent posted in quite a while for two reasons-1 is that you guys do such agreat job with newcomers and 2 is that I was really feeling great until Sept when I had a bloody nose. Went to the ENT and scope showed nothing. About a month later I got another scope and sure enough a growth was found. Biopsy showed NPC…
Boost - no not the supplement
At the end of my nightly rad treatment today, the tech said they will be doing a boost, she explained that I will have a CT scan next tues, she explained they plan to reduce the area of treatment on my neck, however the rad dosage remains the same. Additionaly the mask will be evaluated for fit, it's still as tight as it…
One more session of Cisplatin? Maybe not?
So I'm a little confused. My rad onco wants me to do the last chemo, no regrets later he puts it. My chemo onco trumps him saying the Cisplatin is very hard on me, I suffered uncontrollable hiccups and nausea with the first session despite a slew of drugs, lost weight not eating for 3 days. The second session, my counts…
Scans Day, Saturday
So I had my three-month PET/CT scans today. They were supposed to be yesterday, but the machines at Georgetown were down, so I went instead today. I have appointments scheduled to discuss the scans, so I wanted to get them over. Like everybody, I'll always be apprehensive about getting those scans. The first time, they…
Dry skin?
My whole body is shedding like a snake, dry small flakes, like dandruff is coming off everywhere. With my new stomach tube, I am afraid of getting it infected again, so I only shower 2x/week. I use a transparent waterproof bandage to cover it when I do. The other days I'll sponge bath. I don't think I'm dehydrated, my…
Saunas Baths
Just wondering if any one does Saunas Baths and what do you think about them? While I was in Honduras I was doing a Sauna Bath once every week and I was feeling really good and my skin was very clean. I am thinking about getting one but just not sure what type to get, any help on what type is the best to buy. Thanks Hondo
Connie is doing very well!
Hello Everyone, Just thought I would check in and let you know that Connie is doing great! She had a clean CT scan last week and also did a barrium swallow test and did so well the doctor told her their was no need to see her speech therapist anymore. She is trying to go without tube feeding at this time and see if she can…
After my first two rad treatments I became nauseated. I have been nauseated for the last five days. It's an all day thing and I don't want to eat because it makes the nausea worse. The Radiation Doc said it could not be caused from the radiation - must be something else. Did any of you have nausea as a side effect so early…
Tinny Taste
Has anyone expierenced a tinny or metalic taste in their mouth? I get a weekly carboplatin infusion and have finished 21 of 39 rad treatments so far. I get this taste without eating or drinking anything. Linda