Hey Dawn 'sweetblood22'!
I don't think we have private message (PM) capabilities on this board. I've got a question to ask you. Can you shoot me an email to rightclick38@gmail.com? Doug
♥ Have a great recipe to share?
In the spirit of sharing and gratitude, a website has been set up where recipes can be entered, viewed or downloaded by members. The recipes don’t have to be holiday oriented and can be anything you enjoy and would like to share. Thanks for contributing! Clickable Link: ♥ Recipe Sharing Project…
nasopharyngeal carcinoma stage 4B
Hello all, one morning my gf (31yrs old) woke up with double vision on her right eye, she lost 50% of her hearing on her right ear and she lost feeling on her right side of her face. I immediately took her to the emergency room and she was diagnosed with stage 4B NPC in early July. Her tumor was 7cm and was super…
Results for Cat scan this morning
Hello everyone, First of all I want to thank you very much. I will never thank you enough. I know I still have lots to learn from you guys :) . You are the best teachers :) The whole thing is pretty good considering. The scan results were cleared......no other tumor. I am so happy about this and her too. She is getting…
has anyone else heard this?
I heard on the radio this past week that researchers are going through the prelims to get approved to run clinical trials on a new therapy that they claim could be the cure. tests so far on rats and mice and such have revealed a possible cure. They said that a nano piece of gold is inserted into a liquid which is then…
How my Doctor Ruined Christmas
I got some lousy news at the doctor yesterday. I have to have another surgery right after Christmas on my tongue to remove another area. The PET/CT scans showed no new areas of concern, but a tiny area that showed up on my post-surgery tests in June is still there. Recently, it's been sore and I was hoping it was just scar…
Small Bowel Tumor
Had some occasional abdominal pain over the past couple weeks but last Tuesday evening I started vomiting. Wednesday afternoon I was at gastro doctors office and off for CT scan of area. Got call Thursday first thing that I had a small intestine blockage and was admitted to hospital at 10am. They did additional xrays and…
Have not been on here for awhile, my husband Steve is doing very well, he is 7 months post treatment. Two weeks ago he did a complete turn around. He can taste he has gained 10lbs, his energy level is up, and his chemo doc says he is doing great, and he does not see this cancer (HPV tonsil one node involved) coming back.…
Thinking About Those Facing Treatment
At this time five years ago I had just finished surgery and was awaiting radiation and chemo treatment. As I think about those who are facing this now during the holiday season it brings me back to my thoughts during that time. Just to let you know there will be some difficult times during your treatment and recovery, but…
Salivary glands and mucous - 2
I finished 35 rad and 7 chemo treatments for stage 3 tonsilar cancer in Mar 11. 2 follow-up PET/CT scans have been all clear. However, after 9 months I'm still unable to eat regular food and subsist on 560 calorie Carnation breakfast drink 4 times a day. BTW I was able to take the Carnation orally throughout my treatment…
Astragalus or Curcumin
Does anyone take this or have any comments regarding the benefits. It is suppose to benefit the immune system. John
lumbar puncture
Jim goes for a lumbar puncture today at 1PM then i observe him for aa week to see if he shows improvement in confusion and walking. If it does then they will put in a shunt to keep the fluid from building up. He will be in out patient for 8 hours for observation. Ugh! Hewill probably sleep and I will probably get a numb…
Still here
I tend to stay away from puter when I am falling in my hole fortunately just dipped the heels over the edge. Will be more elaborate soon as I had to get on and apologise so I can go back to sleep hehe it's 0019 hrs here
Calif. teen takes $100K national science prize
Some really amazing news about technological advancements in cancer treatment. Unfortunately, it could take at least 25 years for practical use though. Calif. teen takes $100K national science prize
Cat Scan results for next Monday am
Hello friends, Just wanted to say thank you for your suggestions again. I told my partner about your messages saying she should keep on being persistant and keep calling about getting the results. Well she called back a few times and was lucky as she talked to someone live finally. The person booked her for Monday morning…
Flouride tray alternatives
Hi All, Went to see my ENT today and he scoped me and said everything looked PERFECT. He was concerned about my teeth though. Didn't I read on here about some fluoride gel or something one could use in lieu of trays? Any info would be appreciated. Best to all, Steve
loss of taste
I have lost all taste for sugar and all bread products taste like a was of flour. Can any one tell me how long this lasts. I have had 3 chemo and 35 radiation treatments.
Checking In
Hi all: Sorry, I haven't been on lately but have been keeping up. Just returned home this morning from a week in Nashville/Chatt. My friend Debbie (the friend that lost her brother to this beast in Jan.) went to Nashville Mon-Thurs. for the Opryland Country Christmas. Was fabulous. Saw the Louise Mandrell show and the…
NEW TO THE GROUP (unfortunately) - Tonsil Cancer
My dad (51yo) was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 tonsil cancer. It has spread to the lymph nodes on the same side, and they see a tiny spot on his lungs. He has completed the full neck dissection and the removal of the tonsils. Also, he had his teeth pulled in preparation for radiation. He begins Radiation and Chemo…
Anyone had experience with treatment plans for ORN (osteoradionecrosis)? My husband was diagnosed with this today after getting is CT results. Wondering if anyone else has had experience with treatment plans, etc. Many thanks
Time frame for scans
Hello to everyone My dad finished chemo on 10-24 and rad on 10-18 for tonsil and lymph. We are doing speech 2x week to start eating again. We go for a scope by the radiologist on 1-4-12. Right now they say there is still a lot of inflammation in the throat and did not want to aggravate or damage it anymore. When should we…
clinical trials
I thought it would be interesting to share experiences with clinical trials if any of you have participated in one. Hopefully, I won't get many replies because that would mean your initial treatment was successful! Anyhow...Andy is participating in the REO trial at Emory University in Atlanta. It is a combination of…
Cant talk ???? need advice
I am a year past treatment still cant swallow or produce saliva. Now I can’t talk my voice gives out all I can do is try no one can under stand me what is going on I am wondering what’s next I am about ready to give up, Has any one had this problem ? I don’t know what else to do. Please give me some advice.
NPC Second round of chemo
Hello Everyone, I was reassured by my rad onco, who came to treating me with some impressive recomendations, That because of where my cancer and its type that Rads were going to be the primary treatment for me with Cisplatin every week to support the treatment. I felt reassured by the tomotherapy machines and Her extensive…
Tests over and Chemo starts next week
Hi I have gone to MD Anderson all week. Primary tumor is in left tonsil with 3 secondary in left lymph nodes. They a final biopsy on the to tonsil today and will start Chemo for 3 weeks then Radiation for 6. I am not sure why they are not doing Chemo and Radiation at the same time, but am ready to get started. She said I…
How do I return from caretaker to lover!
Hello Everyone, I don't know how to really write this but I need advice and I don't know where else to turn. Since Connie got sick our relationship changed from what it was before C. Her appearance has changed and she is 30 lbs. under weight. I love Connie but I have been waiting for her to regain her health before sex and…
Two Christmas's Scan Results
Well, the results were actually pretty good and encouraging. The tumors in my lungs have shrunk as a result of the chemo and they could not find any growths in my face. I guess this is what they call a 'partial remission'. For an extremely rare and dangerous cancer such as this, I consider this to be very good news indeed.…
Loss of voice and trouble swallowing
So my voice is all but gone, and in the last few weeks I have been having more problems swallowing. My neck is so tight from the neck disection I'm hoping. Has anyone had similure problems and if so what can I do to resolve this. I would really like to be able to speak again and also be able to eat. I am on a feeding tube…
My wife came home last night with the "final read" from Radiology. No Evidence of Disease anywhere. There was evidence of a recent aspiration into my right central and right lower lobe of my lung. This makes sense to me as my wife and I were out with "Greg 53" and his wife last Thursday evening for dinner, and between the…
Infection and (maybe) not cancer
Buzz just received the results of his CT of the neck. It showed the mass to be much smaller with resolution of the abscess he had in September. He still has swelling under his chin and along the muscle on the left side of the neck but this swelling has been attributed to the infection! For now, he no longer will be getting…