Two Weeks Down

NoDuck Member Posts: 134
Five more to go. This week is actually better than last week. The stomach spasms ("I think my body's trying to reject my PEG tube!") and digestive tract problems are all but gone. Still searching for a Magic Mouthwash he can tolerate. His gag reflex is so sensitive to the taste, texture of the swish and swallows that he can't tolerate them. Neck is starting to show signs of the rads. Throat getting sore but still taking most of his food by mouth.

2nd chemo (cisplatin) is next week. Anxious to see if the side effects are as bad with 2nd round. I think the first round was so hard on him because of the PEG tube surgery the day after.

Today is his 67th birthday. We will celebrate it and many more later. Right now, we have a full time job fighting The Big C.

Fight. Faith. Finish.



  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    Hi Debbie,
    Happy birthday to

    Hi Debbie,

    Happy birthday to your husband. Happy to hear that he is feeling a littler better this week. Every day gone by helps. It will go faster than we think it will.

    For the rad burns, try fresh aloe vera if you have availble at a local farmers market. It has really helped me. I am finishing 4th week and neck is still doing good.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Merry Second Week.....
    It may very well have been that PEG that made chemo so darn hard last time, and if his Dr.'s are aware how hard it was on him, they might up the nausea drugs this time just to make sure he's more comfortable.

    If his neck is already showing redness....(mine was a mess of cracks and crust)...besides the aquafor...there is Calendula cream that worked well for mine...I also put Manuka Honey Lotion on the really bad parts....way soothing, way healing. Down the road he may need a prescription cream.

    Good for him still eating...the longer he hangs on to that the better!

    Say Happy Birthday to him from all of us.........and many, many more!!! :)


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    I love magic mouth wash

    Don’t worry about (gagging) the taste of magic mouth wash, in another week you won’t be able to taste it. That is good news, because you can use it to your hearts content (too relieve mouth and throat pain). What ever the magic formula I had, it was goooood. I chugged down 5 or 6 bottles (little tiny sips) during the painful times. Now that I am better and can taste a little bit again, I can’t believe how the stuff tastes. I use to cherish my magic mouth wash, there were a lot of late night sips, ahhhh, those were the days I mean nights.

    Anyway, Happy Birthday now and later.
