Hi. I'm new to this group, but I was wondering if anyone could give me some information about the effects of radiation on the esophagus? My mother has had cancer for years (at least 15+). It began as breast cancer, but has manifested in several different areas of her body. The most recent, she has developed a tumor in her…
CT / PET results back
The findings of the CT: There is a soft tissue density lesion of slightly higher attenuation than normal tongue tissue, measuring apprx. 4.8 x 1 x 5.3 cm and involves the left lateral tongue as well as crossing midline at the tip of the tongue and extends to the floor of the mouth. This lesion does not appear to invade the…
laryngeal cancer
My dad had his larynx removed in May. Although it seems that all the cancer is gone, he still is having a very difficult time recovering emotionally. He isn't making much effort to learn to use his electrolarynx device. He seems to be very withdrawn. Has anyone had any experience with a support group for laryngectomees?…
Cataracts and corticosteriods--anyone know about this?
Blurred vision is a temporary side effect from hyperbaric oxygen treatments, so when my eyesight didn't get back to normal after a few months I went to see an eye specialist. He says this is not from the hyperbarics, but could likely be from the corticosteroids I was given during rads to control swelling in my neck. "This"…
After Radiation and Chemo for a few years
I'm checking back in and wanted to know what everyones aftermath, that had radiation to there neck, or larnyx area...i suffered l/s paraylis, kept my voice box, but have a very tight breathing line..for some reason the muscles in my neck seem thicker, and sometimes seem to lock, the nerves in my throat are still resistant…
Hi, Mike here. I was diagnosed a couple of months ago with Squamous Cell Carcinoma on my larynx. God has healed that, no sign whatsoever at this point. Ive had 3 chemo treatments with Carboplatin/Taxotere. Im now doing radiation treatments 5 days a week for 7 weeks. Not sure about that at this point, but doing it to make…
Has anyone on here done this? If so, how long ago and what are your thoughts?
Well....darn it all....the rad machine is on the fritz....
The rad-onc called and canceled my radiation today because the machine isn't working. They told me to call tomorrow morning, to make sure it's working before coming in. I'm trying to see this as a day off...but I'm SO wanting to get to the single digits for my number of treatments....after today it would have been 9... p
My sister made me some Magic Mineral Broth
this weekend....OMG a real taste treat (one I could taste the whole way thru). She made enough to get me thru two weeks (we froze some)...I'm just so amazed that it was so tasty....to her, it seemed bland, like most of the normal food is to me. Anybody wanting a high nutrient broth, that doesn't leave your taste buds after…
HALLELUJAH!!! PET showed no other signs of the big C anywhere but where we already knew about PLUS in 2 less lymph nodes than the CT radiologist identified!!! The only bummer is just because I didn't think about it but the tonsil cancer cells spread out a bit. No biggie though. That's what the chemo is for. Overall, I am…
Do You Ever Get Your Taste Buds Back - How Long Does It Take?
My 77-year-old Dad was diagnosed with stage 2 squamous base of tongue cancer last summer and had 7 weeks of daily radiation which ending the second week of October 2011. He was in oustanding shape before the radiation. He tolerated the radiation well and did not need a feeding tube. He lost some weight but still kept…
Done with treatments!
As of this morning, I'm officially done with treatments! I celebrated by sleeping the whole day, LOL! I've been feeling really dizzy and tired today, probably because I was up all night throwing up again, but regardless, I'm glad to be past this milestone. I'm looking forward to healing! To everyone on the bus behind me:…
What food do you eat with no taste
I was wondering what foods do you eat with no taste ? I have tried following and able to eat it Chobani yougurt : mango or peach, do not like any other, 13 gms of protein Mango smoothie from costco with protein powder Water melon (like the cooling juicyness, cannot taste the sweet) Banana: oddly i can taste some sweetness!…
I will be starting Monday Radiation and Wednesday Chemo
Hi everybody the time has finally come to get the treatment started and get this behind me they told me Monday i will start radiation and Wednesday will start my chemo if you have any words of advice please let me know i got all my nausea meds for the chemo i also got a nurse that dropped off IV fluids for after treatment…
My Husband - About to Start Sixth and Final Week
Wanted to give an update. My husband is doing pretty well. Frankly, I am quite surprised at how well he is holding up to this brutal treatment, especially considering this is his second time to get radiation. He is extremely fatigued, has very dry mouth, had thrush, a bit of a sore throat (and I mean a BIT - nothing like…
just sharing last couple weeks npc
my last couple weeks of rad n chemo treatments were the hardest time. saliva becoming thickenning that make you gag. even going to my rad treatment becoming hassle feeling am gonna choke on my own thick saliva. I ask my oncology to cut out the mouth part of my mask and suction all the gunk out prior treatment, and numb my…
done w/ chemo and rad is recovery time!!
What to do for quick and painless recovery??
We really like the doctor today. I was originally going to get a second consult at Mayo but now I don't know if I should even bother. Loved the doc and the staff, the facility is convenient and, quite honestly, from being on here I knew what to expect as far as treatment protocol. SInce I am dealing with something that…
The First Day
Hubby started his teatment today for Stage III SCC tonsil cancer HPV+. I have been lurking on these boards for a few weeks since we got the diagnosis. The wisdom you each share in your posts made this experience a lot less scary. It went exactly the way many of you said it would. Treatment plan is cisplatin 3x 21 days…
Facial Hair Follies
Over the last year, I feel like I've had 10 different facial hair patterns. During the first radiation, I lost my beard (which I'd had for 15 years). I was left with a moustache and goatee combination, with hair on my sideburns but not enough for a beard. After the second radiation (Cyberknife) I lost the moustache and…
Deep Pharyngeal Neuromuscular Stimulation Just wondering has anyone heard or tied DPNS. It is very interesting to me and anyone who may have been affected by C treatment and can’t swallow. DPNS If the link don't work go to http://dysphagia.com/maillist/1997-January/msg00113.html Thanks Hondo
Feeding tube removed
Hi all, recently I got my feeding tube surgically removed. No stitches needed (not sure why), but now it looks like I have 2 belly buttons. Does it ever close completely?
Hi All....Opinions Sought on Overdose of
Cispatin apparently. My last treatment. I ended up in acute renal failure, creatine 21, wbc <1 rbc? Low, I was too sick to remember. Only I was told by the nurse "I don't want to scare you but you need to go to the hospital NOW because you can die from this". Fast foraward, I am Almost at my 2 yr post treatment mark!…
my little son tumor
my little son who has 2.5 years old struggle with a enhancing mass at right parietal lobe, doctors just order for take mri and reviw the growth of the tumor please help me how i can fase with the matter, everyday i have just wating for some trowble will be happen
PET Results update
Get Jim's PET results tomorrow Please pray they are clear this time Debbie
FEELING SO HELPLESS... a tongue cancer surgery for a father-to-be
Hi, my name is nancy. 3 yrs ago, my 32yrs old husband had stage 3 nose cancer. went through radiation and chemo treatment. He has fully recovered and has been eating very carefully. I'm now 7 months pregnant. We were both happily preparing and waiting for the arrival of our baby in July. BUT last week, he was diagnosed…
Just wanted to say "Hello"
Hi Everyone, I have not been here in a long time and just wanted to update everyone on Connie's condition. She has done very well with clean scans and we have returned to life as normal as possible. She had her feeding tube removed in February after one year and has been eating pretty well although she is way below her…
Just an update
on where I am. Gained 2 lbs back of the 10 that I lost, white counts back up. And over all energy level and eating ok. I guess this is what we need to know there is survival of treatment. I know it was just the 1st Chemo and it was a rough start and I have many more bumps in the road. I also have to work on being positive…
Exposed Bone
I just got back from my radiation onco and she says I have exposed bone in my mouth. I had what I thought was a sore that is pretty painful, she said it's bone coming through the skin near my surgical site. I have to have a CT and panoramic xray to make sure it's not cancer in the bone and then go from there. Anyone else…
Im pretty nervous. I already know I will be stage 4 from the CT results but I pray it's only in the nodes I already know about. Actually, pretty nervous is an understatement...