To thick to spit

ditto1 Member Posts: 660
was what I ran into last nite. Folks have spoken of a dry heve of plem almost makes you feel like you are choking and not going to get it out. It was my 1st being that thick and concerning. Nothing since then, but I have others describe this dry heve/mucus. Do we deal with it the same way as reqular mucus. Because right now my mouth is either overflowing with plem or dry as a desert. Right now Diane has me gargling with salt/soda water many times a day. Still able to drink water, pretty much liquid diet. Everything starting to taste very salty, RAD #18 today sounds like thats normal. Either way kind of freaky when spit wont come out any suggestions would be helpful since i expect it to get worse before it gets better.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Kleenex and a cup!
    I kept Kleenex handy (or paper napkins), some people had to spit (drain) into a cup. Keep drinking water, keep gargling, keep on keeping on. It is bizarre to me but root beer helps break up my mucus. This is when I started to sleep on the recliner, didn't seem to choke as much or add some extra pillows under your head at bedtime. You will get through this but it is not fun during the episodes. Good luck and keep listening to your
    caregiver. I also would suck on sugar free hard candy.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Been there done thick and sticky you have to wipe it out...cause it ain't coming out on it's own.

    You can try ginger ale or club soda to help cut it, but I don't think you're gonna find much to relieve it other than time.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Give it time.....
    Ditto 1,
    hey it sounds like your doing all you mentioned above it will take time. Your wife sounds like a trooper ! Tell her I say hey ! Keep plugging away...and this trip will get better ! Warmest regards, Katie
  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532
    I remember that!
    I got a small suction pump, and it came in very handy for about a month. The feel of the phlegm in my throat would make me gag and throw up, even if I was coughing it up. I could use the suction machine to hopefully get it out before the gag reflex got too strong. You could ask your oncologist about it--it's usually covered by insurance.

    Stay strong! The start of the mucus means the start of the last half of treatment. You'll get through this!
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    you are all welcome to spit in my yard
    Hi ditto1,

    Phlegm, dry heaves and mucus, what a sweet spot in the treatments. I also gargled and rinsed with the salt/soda water multiple times a day. Usually, the worst was trying to prepare for bed, you know trying to get to the ground floor (normal) so I could sleep. The worst will disappear, but the problems with spit will evolve over time to a controlled annoyance. Even today we reserve the utility room sink to spit central (it is nice and big). No more dry heaves, at all. Don’t forget to buy the Kleenex, if you are like me they are a life saver when in public (people frown on me hacking a lugy, chances are it would hang of my lip).

    You might get worse but I can just about guarantee you will get much better. Spit problems (I think) are one of the lasting gifts from radiation, thank you very much.



    Do not travel anywhere with out your water bottle.
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    Laralyn said:

    I remember that!
    I got a small suction pump, and it came in very handy for about a month. The feel of the phlegm in my throat would make me gag and throw up, even if I was coughing it up. I could use the suction machine to hopefully get it out before the gag reflex got too strong. You could ask your oncologist about it--it's usually covered by insurance.

    Stay strong! The start of the mucus means the start of the last half of treatment. You'll get through this!

    Last half mucus
    your right about the mucus, its like a rovolving door, one minute my mouth is full of mucus and 5 minutes later it can be as dry as a desert. Everything taste salty but Im getting my Boost and Frosties down trying to keep the weight on. But it aint easy seems they just skyrocket the mucus. Half way there not counting after treatment time, but still one day at a time. Thanks for the mucus tips, I know we all are dealing with the same frustrations of have been there done that. Like a long nightmare at times, maybe a little over the top but not much.
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    Laralyn said:

    I remember that!
    I got a small suction pump, and it came in very handy for about a month. The feel of the phlegm in my throat would make me gag and throw up, even if I was coughing it up. I could use the suction machine to hopefully get it out before the gag reflex got too strong. You could ask your oncologist about it--it's usually covered by insurance.

    Stay strong! The start of the mucus means the start of the last half of treatment. You'll get through this!

    Last half mucus
    your right about the mucus, its like a rovolving door, one minute my mouth is full of mucus and 5 minutes later it can be as dry as a desert. Everything taste salty but Im getting my Boost and Frosties down trying to keep the weight on. But it aint easy seems they just skyrocket the mucus. Half way there not counting after treatment time, but still one day at a time. Thanks for the mucus tips, I know we all are dealing with the same frustrations of have been there done that. Like a long nightmare at times, maybe a little over the top but not much.
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    CivilMatt said:

    you are all welcome to spit in my yard
    Hi ditto1,

    Phlegm, dry heaves and mucus, what a sweet spot in the treatments. I also gargled and rinsed with the salt/soda water multiple times a day. Usually, the worst was trying to prepare for bed, you know trying to get to the ground floor (normal) so I could sleep. The worst will disappear, but the problems with spit will evolve over time to a controlled annoyance. Even today we reserve the utility room sink to spit central (it is nice and big). No more dry heaves, at all. Don’t forget to buy the Kleenex, if you are like me they are a life saver when in public (people frown on me hacking a lugy, chances are it would hang of my lip).

    You might get worse but I can just about guarantee you will get much better. Spit problems (I think) are one of the lasting gifts from radiation, thank you very much.



    Do not travel anywhere with out your water bottle.

    Thanks Civilmatt
    you are so correct. Water bottles and Kleenex, never far away. Thanks for the hopeful thoughts yes its always good to hear from survivors that say it will get better even if a little bit and a little at a time.
  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    ditto1 said:

    Thanks Civilmatt
    you are so correct. Water bottles and Kleenex, never far away. Thanks for the hopeful thoughts yes its always good to hear from survivors that say it will get better even if a little bit and a little at a time.

    Yes, this one of the of
    Yes, this one of the of annoying side affects that stays for a long time. I am out 3 weeks and still struggle with it.

    Hot water with soda and salt water seems to work the best for me.

    Suction machine will help if you have large quantity. Insurance will cover the cost.

  • Vikeman10
    Vikeman10 Member Posts: 62
    Sam999 said:

    Yes, this one of the of
    Yes, this one of the of annoying side affects that stays for a long time. I am out 3 weeks and still struggle with it.

    Hot water with soda and salt water seems to work the best for me.

    Suction machine will help if you have large quantity. Insurance will cover the cost.


    Agree with others, the mucus
    Agree with others, the mucus is crazy. I just finished rad and chemo last week so know what you mean. My problem is even worse as I had a tracheostomy and have mucus shooting out of it when I cough. I go through a box of kleenex tissues a day. I use a heat exchange humidifier with a mask at night to keep throat moist as breathing through trachea opening dries out the lungs.

  • Vikeman10
    Vikeman10 Member Posts: 62
    Sam999 said:

    Yes, this one of the of
    Yes, this one of the of annoying side affects that stays for a long time. I am out 3 weeks and still struggle with it.

    Hot water with soda and salt water seems to work the best for me.

    Suction machine will help if you have large quantity. Insurance will cover the cost.


    Agree with others, the mucus
    Agree with others, the mucus is crazy. I just finished rad and chemo last week so know what you mean. My problem is even worse as I had a tracheostomy and have mucus shooting out of it when I cough. I go through a box of kleenex tissues a day. I use a heat exchange humidifier with a mask at night to keep throat moist as breathing through trachea opening dries out the lungs.

  • Tanager75
    Tanager75 Member Posts: 89 Member
    I agree with all the above. The worst for me was the 3 weeks after last rad treatment. I found a sip of coke would cut through the mucus for some short term relief (when I wasnt throwing up becuse of it). Hang in there your halfway done.


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Tanager75 said:

    I agree with all the above. The worst for me was the 3 weeks after last rad treatment. I found a sip of coke would cut through the mucus for some short term relief (when I wasnt throwing up becuse of it). Hang in there your halfway done.



    Suction Machine ...
    I did not have one but I heard others say it works well ...might give you some comfort to know it's handy if needed.

    As for the mucous...oh my how many times I said to myself "I don't know if I can take this another day" ...just seemed forever before it went away ..and then one day suddenly it was MUCH better.

    Get the recliner ready won't be sleeping flat ...keep the rinses going and DO the neck / mouth exercises to keep your throat as "large" as you can ...very imporant to keep the swallowing exercises too...all of that helps.

