Checking in

I officially have one chemo and 11 rads left. Still doing pretty good thanks to PEG and daily IV hydration. No mouth sores, sore throat or rad burns. Skin on neck is nice and "tan" but no pain or anything. A little anxious about how the next 4-6 weeks will round out but I need to learn to take things one day at a time.

My home health nurse thinks my PEG site might be growing but the seepage keeps decreasing so I'm not convinced. I will give it another week and see how it looks.

Hope everyone is doing well!



  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Thanks for posting
    Wow, you have been doing well. Hope this continues to the finish line.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    very good update
    Hi Cindy,

    So glad to get an update on your bus ride, it sounds like a pretty smooth ride. That’s the way it should be. PEG is working out, symptoms not to awful; whatever you are doing keep it up. Make sure you stay on top of any changes; you are getting closer to the end.

    Keep resting, hydrating and swallowing.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    GroundHog Days
    Same thing, day, after day, after day......

    Congrats on a job well done so far...keep it up.

    Just like the cat said when his tail was cut of.....

    Won't be long now.

  • tuffenuff
    tuffenuff Member Posts: 277
    Skiffin16 said:

    GroundHog Days
    Same thing, day, after day, after day......

    Congrats on a job well done so far...keep it up.

    Just like the cat said when his tail was cut of.....

    Won't be long now.


    Lol... Good one!

    Lol... Good one!
  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532
    You're doing great!
    Keep up the good work! It's awesome you're so close to the end and you have so few side effects. I hope you sail through treatment and the couple weeks after. :-)
  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    good report
    I am glad you are doing well. My last two weeks were the hardest. Hopefully your good news will continue!
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    You really are tuffenuff !
    I am so glad to hear the strenghth and determination in your words ! Continued success....and very few if any side effects wished your way ! Katie
  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Hey Cindy, it's good to hear your positive report,and that you are movin on through the process, it will be a memory in no time. Keep it up!

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You're doing wonderful Cindy!!
    Really, no mouth sores, no bright red neck, no sore throat, and only 11 rads left, all I can say is wow. Plus you're damn near to single digits...

    What do you mean about the PEG mean the hole is getting bigger?

  • biggles1955
    biggles1955 Member Posts: 15 Member

    You're doing wonderful Cindy!!
    Really, no mouth sores, no bright red neck, no sore throat, and only 11 rads left, all I can say is wow. Plus you're damn near to single digits...

    What do you mean about the PEG mean the hole is getting bigger?


    Checking in as well!!!

    Checking in as well!!!
    Looks like Cindy and I are almost on the same level! 10 more rads and 1 more all day Cisplatin to go...... Coping with paracetomol and codeine, (have oral morphine should I need it),6 x Fortijuice per day ( through PEG, can't stand the taste of it!), and 2 pints of whole milk per day. I wish I could eat though, feels like I'm starving all the time. Just feels like my throat is lined with sandpaper. And the rad nurses are doing a wonderful job with neck dressings to keep the sunburn at bay. Oh, and had new mask last week because the swelling on my neck as almost disappeared!!
    "2 WEEKS TO GO....... steak and chips, chicken madras, chilli con-carni, spag bol,sunday roast, BEER and more BEER !!!!!! BRING IT ON !!!!!
  • tuffenuff
    tuffenuff Member Posts: 277

    Checking in as well!!!

    Checking in as well!!!
    Looks like Cindy and I are almost on the same level! 10 more rads and 1 more all day Cisplatin to go...... Coping with paracetomol and codeine, (have oral morphine should I need it),6 x Fortijuice per day ( through PEG, can't stand the taste of it!), and 2 pints of whole milk per day. I wish I could eat though, feels like I'm starving all the time. Just feels like my throat is lined with sandpaper. And the rad nurses are doing a wonderful job with neck dressings to keep the sunburn at bay. Oh, and had new mask last week because the swelling on my neck as almost disappeared!!
    "2 WEEKS TO GO....... steak and chips, chicken madras, chilli con-carni, spag bol,sunday roast, BEER and more BEER !!!!!! BRING IT ON !!!!!

    Sounds like we have the same
    Sounds like we have the same eating habits too lol!!! I sure hope my tomato based favorites come back to me ASAP!!!
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    tuffenuff said:

    Sounds like we have the same
    Sounds like we have the same eating habits too lol!!! I sure hope my tomato based favorites come back to me ASAP!!!

    I'm starving, too....
    and it looks like that is where this conversation is heading....FOOD!! Went to a picnic yesterday...I tried every type and style of pasta salad there, except the one my husband reported as "hot"...must have totalled 10 pieces of macaroni of different shapes. I really wanted a cheeseburger deluxe like Greg had with pickles and everything....course I just swallowed my Instant Breakfast for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks, this morning...

    I really REALLY want mexican....anything mexican....just beans would do me..

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    I'm starving, too....
    and it looks like that is where this conversation is heading....FOOD!! Went to a picnic yesterday...I tried every type and style of pasta salad there, except the one my husband reported as "hot"...must have totalled 10 pieces of macaroni of different shapes. I really wanted a cheeseburger deluxe like Greg had with pickles and everything....course I just swallowed my Instant Breakfast for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks, this morning...

    I really REALLY want mexican....anything mexican....just beans would do me..


    9 weeks out, different surgery but rads and Cisplatin. Was able to eat the center of a Taco Bell bean burrito the other day but no sauce. I can do white sauce pasta better than red. I do best with hamburger (burger, meat loaf, hamburger helper). My 1st burger came from a blender but I could taste pickle, etc. so it was satisfying. Now I just have to cut very small bites since I was left with so few lower teeth to chew with. REALLY missed salad which I have now had and it was every bit as good as I recalled! I am surprised at how little appetite I have since I was overweight most of my life. I get tired of eating or trying to chew before I finish. Yesterday I had 1 Ensure and 1 hamburger patty...know I have to do more than that even if it's more Ensure. Worried about 1st scan this week and disappointed at how long dental implants are going to take. Hoping good news this week will help my attitude and appetite.