How's Vivian today?
Vivian, Just checking in with you to see how you bare holding up? I somehow was wide awake at 2:45am, my time and felt this strong pull to pray for you. So prayed I did! I prayed for peace again and for warmth in your heart. Billie
NED and Good Friends
Hey Everyone, I haven't posted here much lately but I do still see a few of you on the Head and Neck Warriors site on Facebook. The main reason I pulled away was because of reading some posts that were heartbreaking. It's hard when one of us don't recover. The news really pulls me down so I stop coming. Yes it is selfish…
recurrent nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) info and PET scan levels
Hello My mom 68 years old, was diagonosed with Nasopharyngeal Cancer back in April 2012. It was biopsied as keratinized squamous cell carcinoma. Stage 2b, no mets, no lymph node involvement. PET diagnosis was NPC with a FDG sugar uptake level of 3.5 She underwent 7 weeks of IMRT radiation (35 treatments) in conjunction…
One Year Scan NED !!!
1 year CT Skan all clear.....no evidence of cancer! Yea!! Doctor says everything looks perfect. I am so thankful to God and for all people for helping me to get here. Ann
Still At Square One!
Well, got all psyched up(NOT) for third try at first chemo infusion today. Nurse tried to use port for labs, but pain during attempted flush about knocked hubby off chair. She said "It's not supposed to do that". When she drew back syringe, it was full of black blood. So blood draw from hand and then on to chemo doc. He…
One year anniversary
Tomorrow( March 28th) will mark a year since I was diagnosed with cancer. I had an MRI yesterday and heard from my Dr this morning that it was completely normal. Praise God ! This year has been rough, but I'm more thankful than ever for the ordinary now.
hard time
My husband finished his treatment end of October 2012. February 26 he had a modified radical neck dissection on the right side removing 9 lymph nodes. After biopsy it showed they were negative for cancer cells. He is still losing weight and in the last week he lost 4 pounds. On Friday he went to walk in clinic because he…
From Chefdaddy
New My lovely dear friends, Your kind words are giving my weakened knees strength to stand. Today, during a non-destinational drive, I told my very sad and crying daughter that because Mason had such an incredible personality that had deeply touched and affected several doctors, nurses and CNA's over the last seven years…
Tim6003 Scan Results UPDATE: ALL CLEAR!!!! :)
Hi All ... Scan came back all clear!!! :) Lungs and neck look "great" was the word my Oncologist used. He did see the puffing of the neck....no concerns and nothing on scan that would alarm him. As always ...I can never thank you all enough for making me always feel cared for and of course all the prayers and well wishes…
Christine Gabrielle - try new thread as introduction
Christine Gabrielle ... I found your "Hello everyone!" post here at the bottom of this thread that is several days old and started by another new member. It would be a good idea to start an entirely new thread just for yourself so that your questions do not get lost way down here. If you click on "Topic" at the upper left…
Hello- I've been lurking since I received official word of my Cancer on February 28th. I've been diagnosed with Nasopharngeal Carcinoma(Poorly differentiated, nonkeritinizing, HPV+, EBV-, stage III T1,N2,MO) Whew! Since diagnosis I've had multiple consultations, Blood work, PET scan, Contrast MRI, Radiation mask fitting…
Hypothyroidism: My newest development 1 yr 3 months post treatment
Not sure how long I have had this issue during or post treatment, but my ONC had my thyroid tested in December. Test results were not covered with me until this past Thursday when I had my yearly with my PCP and asked him if everything had turned out ok. Guess my counts were off on my TSH..normal between .36 -…
Hey guys, Lots of bad news on website this past week, humbled me yet again. Vivian and David, Chefdaddy, Wolfen just to name a few, my heart is heavy but my spirit is strong that God will bring peace and solace to all of those suffering, and remind all of us that Life is precious and never forget it! Prayer for everyone on…
nothing can be done!
Dear All i am typing this with tears, my dad cancer has replease and there no more chemo or drug for him now. i don know what will happen in future, i am scare and worry. the cancer has spread to his lung and liver and accordingly to the Doc, he will feel more weak, more bloated more yellow in future and could lead to…
Choices none I like
The doctor just came in and said the plasma cell leukemia is back. We have two oThe doctor just came in and said the plasma cell leukemia is back. We have two options go to hospice where David may have a few weeks. Do the radiation then go to hospice and he may have a little longer or do the radiation and the chemo which…
Seeking Info
I was diagnosed about two weeks ago with cancer of my voice box. I am in my second week of radiation and cannot swallow without great pain. Also, have developed mouth sores but they do not hurt. They are talking about putting a feeding tube in next week. Maybe I made the wrong decision when I told then no surgery???
Long term effects of radiation/ chemo
have been out of treatment for almost three months. Just had my first pet scan and it was negative. I had a partial neck dissection and removal of one lymph node under my jaw left side. My primary was diagnosed as occult primary, so they radiated everything in my head and neck and I had three chemo treatments of cisplatin.…
Hair Today... Coming Back Nicely...
Just a quick post for those going through treatment... Though I lost all...ALLL (if you get my drift) hair during chemo, and the famous back of the neck strip from rads... I just wanted to post an update that after nearly four years, my hair is coming back nicely....whatcha think... Oh and BTW.... It's Friday...., let the…
Submandibular salivary gland transfer
Does anyone have experience or information about submandibular salivary gland transfer procedure that is done prior to radiation to protect the salivary glands during treatment. The salivary glands are moved to a different location. Research studies found 83% of patients who received this procedure retained their salivary…
I know that I am only a few weeks out of treatment but some things are different this time. The first time I had radiation, my nose ran for months after treatment, Kleenex everywhere. This time radiated higher, I think sinus was involved. I smell things that are not there and gag very easily and things that I liked before…
Recently, I've made a couple posts about Guaifenesin. It occurred to me that I may not have been clear on its use. It is used for breaking up chest congestion due to mucous. It's not to dry up sinuses or do anything with nasal congestion. Guaifenesin used to be a prescription drug that now can now be found in OTC…
Your follow-up schedule after tx...
Hi All, I was wondering if you each would mind telling me what your schedule of follow-up visits consisted of/and how often after tx. I know Kreg will be seen every 6-8 weeks with scope by his ENT, but he was unclear of his scan schedule, just that it was head to chest. I'm waiting to get some clarification on that and in…
new here
My name is mike I was diagnous with tounge cancer 5-16-12 , this last year has been just unbeleivible I went from being 216# able to lift weights to 159# . I have lost about 60% of my strenght. I used to live to eat now food is just something that is required to stay alive. I have been in remission for about 3 months and…
Scanxiety today....
scan tomorrow morning at 8:45....then probably two days wait to hear the results. I sure can get myself into a dither.... . Not so much thoughts rolling thru my head, but a knot in my gut that makes sleep, eating, even thinking clearly hard to do. Keep catching myself holding my breath, too....which makes me dizzy! The…
humor anyone
Well I am sitting in the hospital watching David sleep which he has done all day. I could use a chuckle if you could amuse me.
Such a hard night
I am having a very hard Night. David has been hallucinating on and off since 2:00 today. Then tonight when he was praying it started out fine and then his mind was somewhere else. I just started weeping. About that time the nurse came in. She is really worried about me. The nurse before her was worried about me and I am…
Medical insurance for dental care?
Someone here, some time ago, posted or responded to a post that they managed to get dental care covered by their medical insurer. I visited ENT Man (ToothDude was concerned about ulceration in the oral cave but ENT Man proclaimed it non-cancerous and probably long-term radiation effect) and he said that if I could get more…
First bilateral IDC, now SCC
I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer in Aug 2012. I finished my last round of chemo on Dec 10, 2012. Less then two weeks later a bump appears on my chin. I really thought it was just a blind pimple that was going to heal slowly due to my immune system being down from the chemo. It stayed the same for weeks then one…
Anyone have any suggestions for seeing eye doctor?
Tomorrow we are going to have our eyes checked. It's my yearly visit as I wear the glasses. And after having radiation so close to the eyes, I decided it wouldn't hurt to get Dan's checked. He's worn the cheaters from the drug store for reading before, but getting his eyes checked by an opthamologist can't hurt. Did anyone…
Lung MicroNodules - A Good Story
Here’s a story for those of you on the precipice vis a vis lung nodules identified in a CT scan. It’s a positive story of the kind I was scouring this board for over the weekend. Heaven knows that I’ve read anything touching on this subject over the weekend and collected anecdotes and timelines and found real hope and sage…