CT results
Clean! NED remains my friend. Had my scan w/contrast this morning. My appt. isn't until Thursday but the nurse gave it up when I called, she always does. In addition, my last dive in the hyperbaric chamber is tomorrow morning. I will have finished 30 tx (60 hours). Going on vacation next week, to your neck of the woods…
One Year Anniversary
Hi All, Even though the testing never really ends for Head & Neck cancer it is good for the soul to celebrate small milestones every once in awhile. We have all been through so much with this nasty disease. If not for this site, good doctors, and medicine available for our comfort, who knows where we'd be. Looking at the…
nasopharyngeal carcinoma- metatasis to lungs
My aunt, 55 years old, was diagnosis with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 2011. She finished her radiation & chemo treatments inn 2011 and still follows up with doctors but recently she coughs more but no blood, the chest X-ray reveals 4cm mass (?), concluded: metatasis to lungs. The doctor suggests chemo again but stronger…
George !
Playing with the site a bit. And trying to post a picture of my rescue pet George. So I included him with me. He doesn't hold still as you can see from the picture. He is a 4 yr. old Minpin....and a hand full ! Loves to play, and takes my mind off of lifes bumps. My lung re-check went real well last week. I'll be having…
Ok, not too bad but I still can't eat
Had a pretty good exam today from my ENT. My Onc wanted me to see him after my NED CT. The problem was he only has office visits one 1/2 days a week, the rest of the time he is doing surgery (mostly Davinci)So it took me almost a month to get in. Anyway he was really pleased after he scoped me. He told me that everything…
Needles tomorrow
Ready for a pocket, just like everyone else on the board tonight, I can't think of much else other than David and Vivian. Tonight I am suppose to be clearing my desk for the next day and a half -- I am off. Absolutely no concentration on business. Tomorrow is the needle biopsy on my thyroid, and I abhor needles -- although…
Pockets please
hi. We get our first post tx scan tomorrow. Anxiety is high. Hubby has been having this cramp on left side....like runners cramp and it usually starts when he begins his long drive to work. So, he is worried that will show as something bad on the PET. He is so frustrated by the fatigue! That bothers him the most. His…
Question About Scans After Treatment
I have ten more rad treatments and 2 more chemo treatments left to go. As far as I know anyway. ( NPC, T-3,TN-2,M0) ( treatment plan was 35 rads 12 chemo) I talked with my rad Doctor this morning and asked him if he would be doing a scan after my last treatment to see how things worked out. He said that the first scan…
Treatment update
Well, I started treatment last Wednesday- 1 round of 220mg Cisplatin mixed with Emend, Aloxi and Decadron., followed by a shot of Nuelasta on Thursday and radiation treatments Wed, Thurs, Fri, Mon and today. I felt pretty good Wed through Friday but then the wheels fell off Saturday and I slept most of the day. Some Nausea…
Need advice about social worker
Hi everyone, Thank you so much for the responses about my awful luck. I think I have the truck issue undercontrol. Now here is my next issue. When I went to see my dad yesterday the social worker pounced on me. She told me dad was not improving, had all sorts of issues, there was no way that he could come home and mom and…
Can't seem to get this treatment started.
My husband had surgery, got his RO and MO all aligned, finally has his treatment date, got fitted for the mask (second time, once before surgery) and now the RO wants him to have another PET because she saw something on the pre-radiation CT scan. Talk about scanxiety! I think it's gonna have to be a double dose of the…
Thyroid cancer
Well my husband had first post treatment CT scan. ENT surgeon saw suspicious thyroid nodule. Had a biopsy last week and doc just called . Here we go again...it's thyroid cancer and he needs surgery. Discouraged to say the least. I know he will be ok it's just a huge let down. Joan
Ultrasound after CT - lymph node still enlarged
Hey everybody! My dad had an ultrasound of the neck today. There is still a bit enlarged node in region II in his neck (2 x 1 cm). They did a needle biopsy on that node and took three samples. The doctor was very nice and explained a lot to my mom and dad. She said that it is probably post rad effect and it could be only…
Probably David's last day
David has been running a fever 104, which I has not responded to meds. they've tried ice packs and a bath. He is unresponsive fever wise and just to people. The nurse thinks he may have a few hours left.
The good, the bad, and the ugly
The Good The Bad and The Ugly The Good I have a good friend Pat, we call him “Moon” going through tonsil cancer and today he completed 15 of 35 radiation treatments with absolutely no side effects. That’s right folks no sore throat or nasty mouth sores. I could hardly believe it The Bad He also completed his first Chemo…
Dental problems after radiation, 2nd time
I had hodgkin disease 22 years ago, and again one year later, then in 2008 I was diagnosed with a malignant tonsil. Radiation again. My teeth were fixed several times through all this, but the radiation has destroyed them this time. They are brittle, breaking, decaying and just falling apart. I have had 5 pulled so far. I…
Guess I Was Wrong
Silly me, I thought we might make it into April without another visit to ER. WRONG! Last night at midnight, hubby was sitting in the recliner just watching TV. All of a sudden, he called to me and his skivvies were soaked with blood. That damm G-tube was pouring blood from the incision site again. This time, at 12:15, no…
Can't Find Prognosis
Tonsil with multiple lymph node involvement (all on one side of neck). HPV or not - was not tested apparently. Was told Stage 4. 7 weeks of rad and chemo (1x per week). Starting week 3. Feel the docs are evasive as to prognosis. One told me 90% 5-year sr, then changed it to 70%. Other doc when told said he agreed. Third…
Where will I go after this
For so long it seems I have been in the thick of battle. Fighting the terrible beast at all costs. So what happens when David passes from this world? I no longer have a job, the house isn't in my name, I won't have a husband, my dance instructor moved. What do I do and where should I go. I don't even know about the CSN…
Still on pain meds
First my husbands goes for his ENT scope next week. No scans!!! His doctor has not done anyt type of scans on my husband, except the post PET scan. I have a question for all you warriors.. How long have you beed on pain meds. My husband is going on 2 years. He is 3 months shy, from being 2 years NED. It's just trips me out…
Fatigue or Depression?
I am exactly two months from my last radiation and chemo. Neck cancer, neck dissection, unknown primary. I find I am still sleeping what I consider too much. About 8 to 9 hours at night (awake about 4 times to drink a little water), then two naps a day. Some days the naps last an hour or two sometimes 3 hours each. I do…
I can breathe now!
While at my sons baseball game I got the call! I'm Phrannies sister.....Billie "NED~ina ", so nice to meet you all! Funny thing is that my oncologist is actually out of town and so he hasn't read the report yet. The nurse said it was driving her crazy to not call me so she broke down and did it without his ok. She said the…
surgery is behind me and I'm back home
Hi, everyone! Thanks for all your information and advice after I was first diagnosed. Last Friday I received trans-oral robotic surgery at the Mayo Clinic. They removed lymph nodes on both sides of my neck, did biopsies of the tongue, tonsils and adenoids, and removed my right tonsil and part of my left all for the purpose…
underwent Thyroid nodules
My husband recently had his first post treatment CT scan and the ENT surgeon called last week and said he saw a small (1cm. ) area on his thyroid and so he needed a biopsy of this. We had the biopsy done but , of course, I am back in worry mode. Trying not to but you know how it is... this cancer thing has really messed…
Classifying Scanxiety
I was thinking this morning that there are different stages of Scanxiety. First, there's When-Is-My-Next-Scanxiety, when you're not sure what the next step is. Next, there's Waiting-For-My-Scanxiety, when the appointment is scheduled and you start to experience phantom symptoms while waiting. Then you experience…
Can not take much more
Hey guys, I just needed to talk. This was the worst Easter ever. I was on my way home in my brand new truck I got New Year's Eve and an unlicensed uninsured driver ran a red light an totalaled my beautiful truck. I have pulled muscles in my back, arm and shoulder. I was after dark and raining. I stood in the ran for over…
Drum Roll!!!
Finally, a somewhat positive post! Fourth attempt at first chemo was successful. Slight two hour delay as lab nurse thought port was infected, so we saw the surgeon. He said all was okay. He was given saline, Benadryl, Zofran, & Pepcid. Next came the long Erbitux infusion, followed by Taxol. Big trouble with the Benadryl.…
Concentration issues
I keep trying to get on CSN and read some of the posts and get up to date with others, but I find my mind gets diverted and I am having trouble reading long posts. Its not that you guys aren't important to me, I am just totally full I guess. Nevertheless it makes me feel bad.
So not to get Relgious but...
Alright going up on soap box again So I spent the last 5 weeks watching The Bible on the History Channel, being Catholic there were some things I don't agree happened the way they showed it, but all in all Obama Satan look alike controversy aside. The very detail flogging, beating of our Savior as he tried to walk wealend…
Checking in on a positive note
Hi everyone, Sorry i have not been visiting lately. Full time job, kids and additional cooking is taking up all my time. We will be empty nesters in 3 years and i will definately be a active memeber of this wonderful forum. It has been 1 year since diagonisis and 9 months since last rad. I have no complains except dry…