NED and Good Friends

tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member

Hey Everyone,


I haven't posted here much lately but I do still see a few of you on the Head and Neck Warriors site on Facebook.  The main reason I pulled away was because of reading some posts that were heartbreaking.  It's hard when one of us don't recover.  The news really pulls me down so I stop coming.  Yes it is selfish because so many of you were here for me when I needed you most.  Back when I was in the thick of it, I spent hours here reading a posting, just waiting to get better.  Anyway, that's why you haven't seen me for awhile.


My last PET and CT scans were clear with the exception of something called "Near complete opacification of the left maxillary sinus".  My Dr. didn't really explain what it was until I told him about all my sinus infections and how that was what got my ENT to scope me and find the tumor on my tongue.  Plus, ever since my first surgery I have had a weird smell that I couldn't pin point because I've never smelled it before.  It only happened when I bent over or sniffed in hard.  I thought it was me smelling my own mucus.  Anyway, he put the scope up to look (finally) and said it looked like maybe an infection.  Yea!  A diagnosis!  So now I'm on an antibiotic for 15 days.  It's been 10 days and now I don't smell it anymore.  Aha!  Success again!


Now to my friends.  Aside from all of you great people here, I have some old friends that I went to elementary school with.  We get together every 5 years or so and this time about half the group drove over 300 miles one way to come have lunch with me.  5 hours later they drove back home.  Over 600 miles in one day just to come see me and have a reunion of sorts.  I think my cancer really affected the way we all cherish our lives and our friends.  What a gang!


So that's it.  I'm doing good in spite of my saggy neck and numbness of the right side.  In time they will both go away.  A small price to pay to keep on the topside of dirt.




  • Redbanker
    Redbanker Member Posts: 36
    Who Doesn't Like a Happy Story?

    Congratulations on the good news and the undiluted smell of a nice spring day.  For me this is like listening to testimony in church.  (Not something that happens in NJ, but I lived in Texas and Florida so I know what it sounds like.)  For all those starting out, here's a great example of not only the rewards of weathering the storm, but also proof that the storm can be weathered.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Good Post


    That was a good read and brought a smile to my face when I needed it :) Thanks! 

    I had to giggle at the saggy neck comment at the end. There was a thread on "Turkey Neck" a little while ago. Well today, after rad #11 I looked in the mirror and sure enough!..... ~lol~

    Congrats on meeting and havng the chance to introduce NED to your friends!

    Gobble, Gobble,



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Redbanker said:

    Who Doesn't Like a Happy Story?

    Congratulations on the good news and the undiluted smell of a nice spring day.  For me this is like listening to testimony in church.  (Not something that happens in NJ, but I lived in Texas and Florida so I know what it sounds like.)  For all those starting out, here's a great example of not only the rewards of weathering the storm, but also proof that the storm can be weathered.



    Sounds like life is treating you to hear that. Thanks for stopping in, it is encouraging for many. I'm like you, it saddens me to hear bad news but lifts me up when someone, like yourself, spreads hope. God bless!

    Candi (N.E.D.)

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    Thanks for the good-news update!

    Deb (who is very pleased to be on the topside of dirt, turkey-neck and all)

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    I GET IT

    I too have gone away from time to time. I am doing this for a second time and find myself back on a regular basisBe this site is like playing Russian Roulette with your mind. Spin the chamber and you get a few NED's, and spin the chamber again, and you see someone you have known for awhile has passed.

    My wife tellse this all of the time, but I feel a sense of loyalty to the group, knowing that it F&$@S with my sanity.


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    I GET IT

    I too have gone away from time to time. I am doing this for a second time and find myself back on a regular basisBe this site is like playing Russian Roulette with your mind. Spin the chamber and you get a few NED's, and spin the chamber again, and you see someone you have known for awhile has passed.

    My wife tellse this all of the time, but I feel a sense of loyalty to the group, knowing that it F&$@S with my sanity.


    I'm so happy for you, congratulations on this huge news.
    Don't be a stranger, at least stop in and say hello once in a while.
    It was great to hear from you and even better to hear the NED bells ringing
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member



  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Skiffin16 said:




    By the way..
    Where was this photo taken? I swear I have a pic of my husband and I in front of that same building on 66.....
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Billie67 said:

    By the way..
    Where was this photo taken? I swear I have a pic of my husband and I in front of that same building on 66.....


    I'm pretty sure I have the same picture...  I'm thinking it's a pawnshop in Kingman, AZ...


  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Billie67 said:

    By the way..
    Where was this photo taken? I swear I have a pic of my husband and I in front of that same building on 66.....

    Route 66

    My motorcycle club was doing a ride to the Calico Ghost Town east of Littlerock and I think it's past Vicorville too.  We took the back way as much as we could so we could stay on Route 66.  We stopped for gas, where I don't remember, and my friend took the picture of me at the sign in the window of the gas station.  I would have to Google it to see which way we took way back when.  


    Sorry I couldn't be more exact but it was a long time ago.





  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    Route 66

    My motorcycle club was doing a ride to the Calico Ghost Town east of Littlerock and I think it's past Vicorville too.  We took the back way as much as we could so we could stay on Route 66.  We stopped for gas, where I don't remember, and my friend took the picture of me at the sign in the window of the gas station.  I would have to Google it to see which way we took way back when.  


    Sorry I couldn't be more exact but it was a long time ago.





    My dad lives in Apple Valley and that is right next door to Victorville. I knew I had seen this before! Did you by any chance go into the R66 store there in Victorville?
    We have a picture there and one down the road a bit more at a roadside diner that's mainly open for breakfast. My dad and hubby have Harley's so we did a cancer ride thru there as well.
    Small world huh?
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    keep living good



    Nice post, I am glad you are finding some bright spots in life after cancer.  I am trying to do the same.



  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    keep living good



    Nice post, I am glad you are finding some bright spots in life after cancer.  I am trying to do the same.



    Great news Tommy ..

    Glad to hear the good news Tommy ...was wondering where you have been ....totally understand the reason ...gald you stopped by all the same.



  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283
    Great news! Congrats!!!

    Congratulation on you great news. I understand that you don't post much because I don't either.. My dad finished tx in September 2012 and now has check-ups every two months.. I get anxious every time and then I post to this board.. In the meantime I try to live life without thinking about cancer and due to that I just read posts on this board, but don't post much... It is hard too to read some bad stories, but it lifts me up when there are so many NEDs.

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    Congrats !


    Congrats and thanks for stopping by.

    I know what you mean about staying off the site for a while....too much sad news sometimes.  But then I see some of the others like Skiff who have been on the site for years and are still always the first to reply with advice and support.   I tell myself that I have an obligation to come back here and offer my support and/or advice since so many no longer can.

    It sounds like you have some awesome friends !  I have some old friends, but we don't go all the way back to elementary school so you must be a great friend to have.

    Wish you continued NEDs...

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Old friends

    It was wonderful to read your post.  It brought a smile to my world.  I'm so happy to hear the issue was only an infection, and seems to be clearing !  You are so right about true friends.  You must be very close.  I agree about having to back away from the bad once in awhile.  We know that this is a fact of life, but sometimes it's too much and we feel lost.  But you got your wind back, and is so good to hear all is well in your world.  Katie

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    tom, glad it was just an

    tom, glad it was just an infection.  sounds like you have some awesome friends! 

    God bless,



  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Billie67 said:

    My dad lives in Apple Valley and that is right next door to Victorville. I knew I had seen this before! Did you by any chance go into the R66 store there in Victorville?
    We have a picture there and one down the road a bit more at a roadside diner that's mainly open for breakfast. My dad and hubby have Harley's so we did a cancer ride thru there as well.
    Small world huh?

    A Store?

    Dang Billie!  We didn't see any store there but I do go through Victorville several times a year.  I'll Google it and find the address so I can stop in and see all the neat Route 66 stuff.


    Unfortunately, I no longer have a motorcycle.  My wife asked me very kindly not to buy another one.  She always worried when I rode and now that she went through the cancer stuff with me she doesn't want to worry anymore.  It is a very hard habit to break.  Once you get it into your system it's hard to get out.  I still get two motorcycle magazines a month so it would be best if I didn't resubscribe.  What she did agree to was almost as good.  We have some great riding roads around my area and there are two Eaglerider rental shops in town.  I can get one of my old riding buddies to come up and we'll spend the day hitting the back roads on a rented Harley.  So I'm good.


    Yes, a small world it is.


    A big Thank You to eveyone who posted back to me.  It means so very much.  Without you here holding my cyber hand through all the tough stuff, I just don't know how I would have survived it.  You all kept my mental attitude in top notch condition.

