not to get political..but

Sorry for my soapbox time,
This week has been joyous for some and I don't want to steal fro anyone, but for others and all of us who care its been Hell.
I was watching some stupid show Splash tonight where celeberties are in a diving competition, run out of ideas for reality TV I suppose, but the trainer is Greg Lugenis(something like that), remember the olympic diver that hit his head and was bleeding in pool and turned out he had Aids and didn't reveal that info. Well I think that was late 80 early nineties I don't know, but here he is,God Bless him, pictureof health. Aids is a cell mutating disease, an epidemic that when it hit the general population,besides just homosexual, they all get up in arms and find a pill that can't cure it but can stop it. So Greg, Magic Johnson and many, many others get to live a normal life.
Aids was only around 10-15 years before that pill came out, well where is our pill. Cancer is a cell mutating disease, its just that a tremendous amount of people would be without jobs if they found a cure. The economy of the country would have noo chance to recover if insurance and bills didn't get paid because we were all saved by a pill.
Cancer has been around for hundreds of years, we are a super power, so they say, God put really smart people on this earth, where is our Pill? Help me understand why greed is more important than hundreds of thousnds. Lives?
rachel, u make a good point.
rachel, u make a good point. we have spent countless numbers of dollars on the research and should definitly be more progressed than we are. the way it is now, it all depends on God to either heal us or call us home. as long as people worship the dollar, we're out of luck. what a shame.
God bless,
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No Conspiracy
Hey Rachel, I know where you are coming from, but I don't really buy into a conspiracy... I'm more in the line of thinking that AIDs is more simple singular disease than the many types of cancers out there...
While I admit I don't know a lot on AIDs and I don't think they stop it... I think some of the persons you mention might carry the AIDs virus, but it isn't the full blown disease... Kinda like having HPV, but it not developing into cancer...
But, I'm pretty sure that some people with full blown AIDs still die from it.
Though I could be totally off on that, not sure.
And while cancer is still a killer (potentially), many survive these days... I have to think back to when I was a kid... It seems if you knew someone with cancer, it was basically a death sentence.
Technology and understanding have cancer at a much higher survivor rate than 50+ years ago.
I'm sure that others that know more than I can chime in...
Maybe I'm too opptomistic in my thinking..
But, I can totally understand your pain and frustration..., especially with you dealing with it for such a long time.
Thoughts & Prayers,
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Racheldebbiejeanne said:rachel, u make a good point.
rachel, u make a good point. we have spent countless numbers of dollars on the research and should definitly be more progressed than we are. the way it is now, it all depends on God to either heal us or call us home. as long as people worship the dollar, we're out of luck. what a shame.
God bless,
I totally understand the frustration but I have to agree with John. I've heard many people say that there is a cure fir cancer but only the very wealthy can get it. To that I always argue that many wealthy people who could certainly afford a cure no matter the cost have passed away from this nasty beast.
I think Aids, while a terrible disease is probably not as complex as many of the cancers out there.
All that being said, I'm frustrated too that while many people have had successful treatment, too many still have not won this battle.
It is my hope that we will start hearing even more successful stories of survival.
Billie0 -
did you hear about
Steve Jobs, Patrick Swayze and Hugo Chavez could afford the cost, but there wasn’t a cure pill for them (or was there).
The reason there are so many crazy shows is there are a lot of channels to fill up and crazy ideas get the nod. Hey, you were watching.
I do not think cancer is a big conspiracy, but I also hoped Lance Armstrong wasn’t juicing.
Oh well, I don’t recommend dwelling on the conspiracy or greed of cancer for to long it is like smoking cigarettes and that’s bad for your health. Anyway, I see that celebrity splash is on again and I hear it is a real hoot.
Matt out
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Hi everyone above,CivilMatt said:did you hear about
Steve Jobs, Patrick Swayze and Hugo Chavez could afford the cost, but there wasn’t a cure pill for them (or was there).
The reason there are so many crazy shows is there are a lot of channels to fill up and crazy ideas get the nod. Hey, you were watching.
I do not think cancer is a big conspiracy, but I also hoped Lance Armstrong wasn’t juicing.
Oh well, I don’t recommend dwelling on the conspiracy or greed of cancer for to long it is like smoking cigarettes and that’s bad for your health. Anyway, I see that celebrity splash is on again and I hear it is a real hoot.
Matt out
I wasn't
Hi everyone above,
I wasn't saying its a conspiracy, I was saying why can't they come up with a cure. I don't think they are hiding it away somewhere, I just wish some smart person would come up with a cure. In the 80s John Hopkins was so close and they had come up with something that stop the growth of cancer in major organs, they were getting ready to try on humans and the study was stopped. Maybe something went terribly wrong I don't know, I am a survivour so I know a lot of us. Beat the animal, I just don't like to see people lose. I just wish they could find something that's all. Not a conspiracy just a cure.
Rachel0 -
Sorry Rach...
I didn't mean to come off as you were implying conspiracy...
But a time or two others have...
I just think it's as I stated with the comparison to having AIDS, and full blown AIDs, to having HPV and having HPV that turned into Cancer.
That along with the fact that there are just so many different types of cancer... To me, I feel there have been great strides in Cancer Research, treatment and recovery.
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John,Skiffin16 said:Sorry Rach...
I didn't mean to come off as you were implying conspiracy...
But a time or two others have...
I just think it's as I stated with the comparison to having AIDS, and full blown AIDs, to having HPV and having HPV that turned into Cancer.
That along with the fact that there are just so many different types of cancer... To me, I feel there have been great strides in Cancer Research, treatment and recovery.
No worries, you could
No worries, you could never offend me you to helpful to everyone to ever have poor opinion of you. My head know what you say is correct, but my heart after the last week on this site, with a few losing their fight, I just wish the strides were faster, and I know we all do.
The God fearing woman that I am. Knows thaat its all neither here nor there, its all up to the Lord whether we survive or go home to Jesus. I just wish we all could go at a ripe old age holding our loved ones hand, in our sleep. Not too much to ask for right? Lol
I love all you guys and I think this being the first week where people I had come to care for so quickly had to make me face a reality even as a survivor I tried to ignore.
God bless you,
Rachel0 -
It’s funny, but seems that I
It’s funny, but seems that I had pretty much the same thoughts, just verbalized differently; take a look at my older post:
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Corleone,corleone said:It’s funny, but seems that I
It’s funny, but seems that I had pretty much the same thoughts, just verbalized differently; take a look at my older post:
And then you met
And then you met NED! Congrats..
That was a whole lot of information, my NPC also tested that it was from Epstein Barr(I never had that, not even mano)
I did have an extremely wicked case of chicken pox at 14, so I think that has the same strain and believe that's is the virus behind my slim fast, or so I called it.
When I joined this web I was looking for information. And hope for at the time a bleak future with dysphagia, feeding tube, and no food or liquid due to late term rad effects. I never expected how blessed I would feel to have found such a family, and come to care about all of you. It seemed all happy, and the poor Vivian and David and the others this past week I got so angry and sad that we still haven't completely stopped this hell from taking good people!
Due to my faith I know the Lord is in charge of it all, its his path and my job is to walk it and trust completelly in Him. Being human I can't turn off my emotions at WHY? Why is there no cure. I do understand,unforunately, that cancer is so complex, but I watch and support that Stand Up to Cancer where they gathered groups of specialist in almost all cancers and every year they tell stories of the great strides, and of course so many survive now, even more than when I was dx in 2000, but so many rich,poor,famous,or family and friend it still takes people and I just wish it would stop.
That's is what I will pray for now, that it stops taking people, let them be called home a less painful way at an old well lived age!
Good for u, keep well, God bless,
Rachel0 -
I think a cure would be good
A good example of money spent is Breast Cancer, they receive tremendous amount of financial support for research, but no pill that cures. While our treatments seem to be antiquated (rads & chemo) they have improved some portions of diagnostics to where a more tailored regiment of treatment causes less (permanent) side effects.
Cancer mutates to live another day. Finding treatments which go after bad cells and leaves the good cells untouched is difficult to say the least and to find a cancer before it presents it is (currently) like looking for a needle in a hay stack and trying to get people to take preventive care is challenging.
I would be naive to think there aren’t some people growing rich off the number of cancer patients and the treatments we receive, some are good people who invested in health care stock. The unscrupulous will pay in the end.
I am with you and your thoughts.
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You go girl!
What a fine reason to get on a soap box! It is amazing at the attention and dollars, and the reach of cancer to the point I don't think I know a family that hasn't been touched. I also am aware of how our patent process works, and to a point I think that some paths are blocked or harbored by those that might benefit by them, and it really angers me. And then I have the moments where I think of those like Steve Jobs, who at least could afford his own team of researchers to scour the earth for more. Amazing that the man waited as long as he did to treat with 'gold standards' and how long he survived - makes you wonder what was different about Steve - besides his money.
You are so correct, there should be a pill, and if there ever is -- we will meet you in Philly and stand in line with you
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Kai,NJShore said:You go girl!
What a fine reason to get on a soap box! It is amazing at the attention and dollars, and the reach of cancer to the point I don't think I know a family that hasn't been touched. I also am aware of how our patent process works, and to a point I think that some paths are blocked or harbored by those that might benefit by them, and it really angers me. And then I have the moments where I think of those like Steve Jobs, who at least could afford his own team of researchers to scour the earth for more. Amazing that the man waited as long as he did to treat with 'gold standards' and how long he survived - makes you wonder what was different about Steve - besides his money.
You are so correct, there should be a pill, and if there ever is -- we will meet you in Philly and stand in line with you
I'll hold you a spot
I'll hold you a spot don't worry. But although even in my cancer NPC they. Have made great strides, but deep in my gut even if I live well into my 80 or 90s I don't think we will see it in our life time.
I believe the satistic was 1 in 4 people would be diagnosed with some form of cancer and that no one di not at least know closely 1 person affected in my family that I know of, I lost a grandmother,grandfather,6 yr old cousin, and 2 Uncles. All blood related all unrelated cancers. Wth!
With cancer worldwide, landfalls in Washington, that sink hole in the mid west, sandy hook, sandy the hurricane and the one that took out New Orleans, global warming, the anartic melting...we should all make sure we are right with God because I am sensing HE IS A LITTLE MIFFED! I am Catholic so rest assured I will be on my knees praying for all of you and that his wrath not come till after my daughters time is done, long after me!
God Bless and let's hope someone smart comes along who just wants to save people and not make money doing it!
Rachel0 -
Look In the Dark
Too many look for the answers (to Cancer) where they think the answers will be. Like the drunk looking for his keys under the light, even though he dropped them in the dark. But breakthroughs will come from unexpected places. (Cancer) researchers need to venture were "no man has traveled". Cancer researchers must be encouraged to pursue "silly" ideas; who knows one of them may be a "cure".
Of course, I don't want to confuse "silly" and "unsafe". Patient/subject safety is utmost concern. However, research money is too often restricted to "sound ideas." But all of these "sound ideas" are just leading us in circles. Need to branch out. Need to be brave. Rick.
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Rick, Well said, and just forToBeGolden said:Look In the Dark
Too many look for the answers (to Cancer) where they think the answers will be. Like the drunk looking for his keys under the light, even though he dropped them in the dark. But breakthroughs will come from unexpected places. (Cancer) researchers need to venture were "no man has traveled". Cancer researchers must be encouraged to pursue "silly" ideas; who knows one of them may be a "cure".
Of course, I don't want to confuse "silly" and "unsafe". Patient/subject safety is utmost concern. However, research money is too often restricted to "sound ideas." But all of these "sound ideas" are just leading us in circles. Need to branch out. Need to be brave. Rick.
Rick, Well said, and just for the heck of it is there a ribbon that stands for cancer of head and neck. You never hear that discussed. Short of the guareenteed terminal cancers, I don't think there is a more side effective cancer then that of head and neck and yet no walks, no fundraisers, no teeshirts. I want a cure for all of them that we are aware of, but maybe somehow some way more light can be shed into our area. I mentioned I lost a 6 yr old cousin, Shane was my cousin Marks son, 1/2 of identical twins. Complained of severe headaches that lasted like labor ppains, fairly quick and when gone no residue. My cousin and his wife took Shane to neurologist and Shane never came home again. He was scan or tested, immediately in for brain surgery and 19 days for admitted to hospital and diagnosed, God brought him home. Now that was a few years after I had survived, but that is why I wish there was more awareness on head and neck. Shanes brain cancer,my and many others on here NPC, BOT Larnyx, tonsil, etc. Just my thoughts, just my opinion, Rachel
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ribbon color is burgundy & whiterachel12yrsuv said:Rick, Well said, and just for
Rick, Well said, and just for the heck of it is there a ribbon that stands for cancer of head and neck. You never hear that discussed. Short of the guareenteed terminal cancers, I don't think there is a more side effective cancer then that of head and neck and yet no walks, no fundraisers, no teeshirts. I want a cure for all of them that we are aware of, but maybe somehow some way more light can be shed into our area. I mentioned I lost a 6 yr old cousin, Shane was my cousin Marks son, 1/2 of identical twins. Complained of severe headaches that lasted like labor ppains, fairly quick and when gone no residue. My cousin and his wife took Shane to neurologist and Shane never came home again. He was scan or tested, immediately in for brain surgery and 19 days for admitted to hospital and diagnosed, God brought him home. Now that was a few years after I had survived, but that is why I wish there was more awareness on head and neck. Shanes brain cancer,my and many others on here NPC, BOT Larnyx, tonsil, etc. Just my thoughts, just my opinion, Rachel
The ribbon color for Head & Neck cancer is Burgundy & White (ivory).
I have ordered pins and things from this site.
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I Have to agree RachelSkiffin16 said:No Conspiracy
Hey Rachel, I know where you are coming from, but I don't really buy into a conspiracy... I'm more in the line of thinking that AIDs is more simple singular disease than the many types of cancers out there...
While I admit I don't know a lot on AIDs and I don't think they stop it... I think some of the persons you mention might carry the AIDs virus, but it isn't the full blown disease... Kinda like having HPV, but it not developing into cancer...
But, I'm pretty sure that some people with full blown AIDs still die from it.
Though I could be totally off on that, not sure.
And while cancer is still a killer (potentially), many survive these days... I have to think back to when I was a kid... It seems if you knew someone with cancer, it was basically a death sentence.
Technology and understanding have cancer at a much higher survivor rate than 50+ years ago.
I'm sure that others that know more than I can chime in...
Maybe I'm too opptomistic in my thinking..
But, I can totally understand your pain and frustration..., especially with you dealing with it for such a long time.
Thoughts & Prayers,
There is a nice video on you tube, I beleive his name was Byrzinski(sp) in Houston that had a better treatment than the current chemo/rads type treatment. Without all the darn side effects etc. He was told to hold all the clinical trials etc. Just watch and I beleive you might agree with Rachel
Watch another video called gashole and you can now see why gas prices are where they are at.
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