I need help. Hubby took Ambien(5 mg) Monday night and has been asleep almost constantly since then. He is in and out of lucidity, no strength in arms or legs, can't hold onto anything and can't stand. I'm putting water and now Glucerna into the tube. Managed to help him urinate a tiny bit in a prone position. MDA navigator…
Update on Best Friends Husband and all
Hi all: Beki's husband Steve has finished treatment but did spend last Mon-Fri in hospital as he was very dehydrated and not eating or drinking much. Also want to ask y'all. They have given Steve morphine pills for throat pain and I have kinda wondered about that at this point. Now part of the idea I understand is to take…
Round 2 And Still Standing
Hello All, Hubby finished his second round of chemo today. I have learned that Erbitux is actually called Biotherapy, while Taxol & Carboplatin are Chemotherapy. The plan, as it stands now, is to get the Erbitux every week for 9 weeks and every third week to get all three. The doc agreed to no Benadryl, but did have some…
Anyone had a deep bone or muscle infection in the jaw??
Hi again, I have been randomly viewing the posts for the past few months and not really getting in the conversation fray. John (Skiffin) does a great job of keeping everyone informed and in a good mood. He and I speak the same language, so why duplicate!!!??? However, I woke up Saturday morning with my left cheek swollen…
spindle cell squamous (sarcomatoid) carcinoma
My sister 34 was just diagnosed with spindle cell squamous sarcomatoid carcinoma after a dentist apt for what we thought was an ulcer. If anyone has information on specialist please post.
What is caringbridge and how do I get to the site ? Peggy
Dad coming home Friday
Wanted to update you guys with some good news. Dad is getting out of rehab on Friday. He still needs a wheelchair. But, his walking is getting better. He can stand really good with his cane. When he is getting out of the wheelchair he only needs me to guide him. He is still using the feeding tube, but doing good. Thanks…
Funeral went well
Thankfully the funeral went well. I am sure David was smiling down from heaven as we celebrated his life. Everyone consistently talked about his faith and acts of love. He did so much behind the scenes. It was all about loving people and letting them know they were not alone. He will be greatly missed. I am so glad it is…
spindle cell carcinoma
Last week my father in law was diagnosed with spindle cell carcinoma located on the top of his scalp. Today, he went to see a dermatological oncologist, who confirmed the diagnosis and said that she did not see anything in the lymph nodes. She did however say that she could not confirm anything until they had removed the…
My throat has been acting up the last few days. Hard swallowing, sores on the roof of my mouth. I have always had allergy symptoms around this time of year but I can't really tell if its allergies or not. Foods with. Tomatoe sauce seem to be particulary hard to get down recently- even though it has been going down pretty…
spindle cell squamous (sarcomatoid) carcinoma
My sister 34 was just diagnosed with spindle cell squamous sarcomatoid carcinoma after a dentist apt for what we thought was an ulcer. If anyone has information on specialist please post.
PAMY had a question on Proton Therapy -
Hey all....looks like Pamy posted a quetion on an old thread by Sam999...so I am reposting here for her. Question below.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Proton therapy? Hi John- Just researching treatment options and wondered if you had Proton vs IMRT. Although they have not confirmed it improves outcomes, I believe they…
Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Last two fingers on both hands numb all last week and continuing. Just starting 4th week of cisplatin. Any suggestions? Thanks.
now what?
My husband’s treatment was over 14 days ago and I think he is feeling much better and even started his job just part time. He started to drink liquid and little bit solid food and beside not opening wide open mouth and few mouth shores he is not complaining about anything. Today we had his ENT doctor appointment and ENT…
My angel David
My David truly is an angel. He was pronounced dead at 2:24 am EST. he fought a glorious battle and touched many lives in the process. I am so thankful that God spared his mind at the end and he got to say all of his good byes. I will miss him, but he has helped me in so many ways. Just as each of you has helped me. God…
I'm Back...
I have been remiss in not visiting this site for several months and realized how easy it is to become self-absorbed. I know that as a throat cancer survivor I can contribute to helping newly diagnosed patients who want to hear from others who had the same experiences. I completed my treatment in August 2010; it was (as it…
I say it's time!
What's everyone doing this weekend? I say we all meet at a central location and have a little get together. I'll bring the chips and salsa and some cold beer. Now each of you bring something and we'll have ourselves a nice little party :-) Ok....reality check...I guess that's not gonna happen. Wishful thinking. Dang it, it…
Turkey Neck Solution
Hi all, At Dan's visit to the ENT Surgeon this week, Dan made a snide comment about his turkey neck. The doctor cracked up at the name.. we picked it up here! :) Anyway, he said he has been telling patients to buy this support hosery for the neck, and Dan's going to give it a try. It is suppose to help the water collected…
Taxol - 2nd Round
I'm in the middle of the second round of chemo. I gained a half pound on the weekly official weigh-in. So if I keep up the good work, I may be able to avoid the PEG. (I of course, would use a PEG if it became necessary.) Most of the blood was good so I started on 2 weekly injections of Taxol and Erbitux. However, my…
Is it possible to have almost no side effects of tongue radiation?
Hi Everyone, I am so glad to find this site. Everyone is so helpful and inspiring. I have been reading lot of things for past two days. I am 45 years old and was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Cancer of the oral tongue (front bottom part of the tongue). I had surgery to remove it two weeks back. Also had a neck dissection to…
Slightly OT, but have you noticed
I was watching TV tonight and over a period of about 2 hours I saw at least four commercials for cancer treatment. Is it just me being oblivious or has the competition for cancer patients gotten kicked into high gear. I haven't gotten a firm handle on what my treatment has cost (bunch of EOB's not in yet) but I'm pretty…
Mask Anxiety and Panic
Yesterdays mask fitting did not go well. Rob said it was like he was choking and they thought it might be because his tonsils are still swollen from the biiopsies last Thursday. Last night he had a bit of a panic attack just thinking about it. Pretty sure the realization of every thing is hitting him at once. We will go…
Stayin positive
I am hearing better- I am cancer free- I am doing well- I will live every day to the fullest- my fatigue is getting better each day- I will stay positive and I will not let negativity into my life- I had to write it down!!!!!
back on the merrygoround
Three weeks ago I started to get pain in between my legs in the groin area, it did not go away, had an appointment any way with the urologist due to the farce in October/November. I have had prostatitis before and had an enlarged prostate that was shaved down in November. I figured it was just another round of prostatitis…
Thank you my many friends
I am overwhelmed with the many beautiful words shared by members of CSN for David and I. It has been a long road, lived day by day and sometimes minute by minute. I am truly lucky to have found a love so deep and pure. I don't regret standing by David. He was a great warrior, companion and husband. He loved me every day…
Update on First IDC now SCC
I went to UIC today, I go for a CT scan on Tuesday and then go back on March 16 to see my Dr/Surgeon and a rad onco. My doc is hoping to be able to try just radiation due to the fact that surgery on my entire chin and lower lip could be disfiguring. Of course this depends on what the CT scan shows...I am not getting my…
April H&C Awareness
I stopped by my local American Cancer Society office today just to see if their was an event I could attended. To my surprise There was Nothing. Not only that they had no idea it was even H&NA month. In today's ACS there only type of cancer here its pink. All Cancers are horrible and you would think the American Cancer…
The glass is half empty!
Hi Folks, I'm writing from the chemo lab getting some fluids and anti-nausea meds. I hit the wall on Sunday and the last few days have been the most challenging thus far. The next three weeks will be as much as or more challenging but so far, considering what it could be, I'm doing Ok (translation: this SUCKS but I'm…
Depression, survivors guilt
I have always struggled with depression, and have had some sucsess with medications, however, being diagnosed with cancer in Aug of 2012, has really kicked this in to high gear, and with all of the financial struggles, being constantly sick, weak, loss of work, and many other worries, I find myself mentally exausted, and…
Bitter melon
I just read in the ST Louis Post Dispatch that a researcher there received a grant(albeit it small, about 40,000) to research the effect of a natural herb called Bitter Melon on Head/Neck cancers. Wondering if anyone has heard of this before. Try googling it for information. I thought some of you out there might be…