‘Just never give up’: message from a cancer survivor "(NEGU) Never Ever Give Up"
Hello, everyone. The following video shows the reason we always say on here-------- "(NEGU) Never Ever Give Up" I would like to share with you a short video of an amazing story of this woman who conquered cancer and beating the odds even though she was given only a 5 percent chance of living 5 years. This is why she says…
ROLL CALL 2022 - First Posting January 1, 2022
CivilMatt note to members: Now that I have 2 weeks+ under my belt in dealing with the bringing together the New Roll Call and the new CSN format. I would have to say, “the appearance of the Roll Call after uploading for the members, caught me off guard.” The format I saw on my document, at home was worlds apart from what I…
Memorial Day May 29, 2023 We Honor and Remember our Fallen
Monday the 29th is Memorial Day, a day set aside to honor our country's servicemen and women who died in service to our country and who gave their all. These are the ones who gave their lives for their country-their last full measure. They deserve no less than the highest honor and respect. Participate in the National…
Tonsil cancer w with lymph node involvement
Hi all, I would like to introduce myself and say HI to everybody. I am 41, male from European country called Poland. I was diagnosed recently with left tonsil cancer with lymph node involvement. Today I was told that my treatment will be radically and will take 7 weeks of radiation and 2 chemos. My cancer is HPV related…
Anyone have head/neck radiation on HALF only?
My husband's doc may be recommending radiation on only one side of his head/neck. He has had a neck dissection, tonsillectomy and parotidectomy on one side, and now radiation is being recommended on that side only. I hope that means half the bad side effects. Comments, anyone??
Breathing Issues For Head & Neck Patients-Be Aware-Help-Informational-My Story
Breathing Issues Head & Neck Patients Help & Solution Informational-My Story Since I have had radiation twice around the H&N area and a lymph node operation left side which has resulted in some muscle and tissue loss to remove all the cancer it also affects the area around all the functions of the H&N area. And we all know…
Happy Mothers Day Celebration And Blessings to Everyone
I would like to wish everyone a Wonderful and Blessed Mother's Day. Enjoy this day and celebrate mothers everywhere because we all have one, everybody does. Go visit, send cards, or phone Mom and tell her how much she means to you and how much you love her. And for those of us whose mom has passed on, bask in the memories…
My dad finished treatment about 5 years ago. NED since then. But he had a nosebleed yesterday which got me worried as I know it's usually a flag for recurrence (or something people get during treatments). Anyone here experiences nosebleeds? I contacted his ENT oncologist and he said a one time thing is ok but if it…
Swollen lymph node
2 weeks post treatment, HPV BOT and lymph node. 35 Rads and 6 cisplatin weekly. Rough ride, but my support and prayers got me thru. My lymph node still looks little bit swollen. Was wondering if this is normal or should have it gone down completely after treatment. Just took the HPV blood test. Which is giving me anxiety.…
Razors and Shaving
There were some older posts on the topic of Razors and Shaving, but anyone have recent experience? Electric razors really never worked for my skin type; but if you've found a product that helped you along this journey please let me know. I can't seem to get past 5 days of growth without it driving me crazy... I start Rad…
23 yr old f- Swollen submandibular lymph nodes for months
I am a 23 year old female with no know medical issues. About 10 months ago (around Sept 2019) , I had swelling of my submandibular lymph nodes. It was a little swollen on both sides, but the right side had one in particular that was hard and round like a marble. I wasn't sick, so I was worried and went to get checked out…
Tongue Biopsy? - side of tongue near back
Hi! My dentist found a pea sized bump on the side of my tongue close to the very back. How painful is the biopsy? Will local anesthetics be enough or should I be put under? How long does the biopsy last? I don’t have issues with numbing injections when I get fillings but it might be a different ballgame when talking about…
Do You Need A New Normal?
Hello and welcome friends and fellow survivors. Today I am going to post an article made by a lady on the Inspire Network & Communities. Her screen name is Mandymuff and she is a mother and grandmother and lives in Canada. I contacted her and she happily said I can use her posting on CSN, she said "Thank you for asking!…
Video---Marks Story of Recovery---Many of us Can Relate Exactly
Hello, my fellow cancer survivors! I want to share this short 2-minute video with every one of this young man's recovery from cancer. He did not have head and neck cancer. But his story is just as much of a struggle and triumph as any of ours who have experienced the brutal H&N treatment. Mark was diagnosed with Hodgkin…
Carotid Artery Stroke Issue From Radiation Treatment
Hello, Folks-I encountered this discussion on another H&N forum and thought it was important to share here. Please read this lady's account of having a stroke due to muscle stenosis around the carotid artery from radiation treatment 15 years prior. I believe I had heard of this but had forgotten about it. I don't think it…
It's been 10 years for me this month...
I was diagnosed with HPV tonsil cancer 10 yrs. ago this month. I just want to encourage all of you that you can make it. Has it been challenging? Yes, of course with the dry mouth. The fear of dating someone new. Just the fear in general but I want you to know you can make it through. Kick the fear to the curb. I live…
Dry mouth
I'm sure most of you who has/had head and neck cancer suffer from dry mouth due to radiation treatment. I'm no exception and wondering if my dry mouth is as severe as from the norm for most of you. Don't have dry mouth after radiation? Tell us why you think this is. I would think irradiation of the salvary gland would…
Dry Mouth
Someone posted some different dry mouth solutions recently. what were there? I got thru everything else but the dry mouth is driving me crazy!
Dry Mouth
My wife had radiation on her neck and throat . This radiation caused her to have a defective saliva gland and now she had a dry mouth . She is using Salagen and dry mouth gum and special tooth paste .Her dry mouth is still with her .Her dentist says that she will loose her teeth and because of her dry mouth he will not be…
Dry mouth remedies?
Has anyone found a product that helps with the dry mouth? Either OTC or prescription. Jeff wakes up every hour because his mouth is so dry and also to pee from all the water he drinks all day and night. Thanks Sue
Skin problems
Hi, I had radiation treatment on one side for a tumor in my jaw in 2014. I have recently been experiencing burning and discoloration on the radiation side only. My neck actually feels like when I was going thru radiation and appears burned. My skin is losing pigment on that side and getting freckly. The other side of my…
Wishing Everyone A Happy Joyous Blessed Easter
I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Easter as we celebrate life eternal and a Risen Savior Jesus Christ who has conquered death and risen from the grave after three days as he said he would. And because of this, we do not sorrow as others with no hope for we shall be raised also on the day of redemption. Hallelujah!…
How Particle Accelerators Are Used to Cure Cancer - with Simon Jolly
Hello fellow survivors. As a mechanic, I am always interested in what is behind the scenes, and what makes it work. If you are like me or just a person that likes informative videos and seeing amazing things you may be interested in this slightly less than one-hour video presented by Simon Jolly. It is of course about…
I.am a 63yoF who just got diagnosed with Stage 2 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Hi ~ This is my first time here so a little unsure. I was recently diagnosed with vocal cord cancer & am kind of freaked out. I had endo cervical cancer last year & so far so good on that. Chemo & rad. I am so much more afraid this time. I haven’t started rad yet (no chemo this time) but I already can barely be heard…
The C: Section Chronicles - 6 years later
It's been a while. Yes it has been that long. yesterday I had my final ultra sound scan at the bequest of the ENT. It is hard to believe that 6 and a half years ago a lump was discovered on my neck, which started this adventure (as recorded in the Chronicles which I am going to collate into a full document sometime.)…
Reading A Pathology Report And Questions To Ask Your Health Care Team
I was talking with another CSN'er and a question came up about pathology reports and got me digging for more information and in doing some research I came up with a wonderful page of information from cancer.net about pathology reports probably everything you need to know and the questions you should ask your medical team.…
Questions For Your Doctor After Treatment Has Ended
Hello folks, I came across this short guide and I am attaching it here. It gives you an idea of questions to ask your doctor after your cancer treatment has ended. It can be printed out and there is a lined section at the end for you to take notes. Take care, God Bless-Russ
Questions For Your Doctor After Diagnosis
Hello folks, I came across this short guide and I am attaching it here. It gives you an idea of questions to ask your doctor after you get the diagnosis of cancer. It can be printed out and there is a lined section at the end for you to take notes. Take care, God Bless-Russ
Spring Is Starting-Spring Is Close
Once again here in Southeastern PA spring is and has been getting started. I am sure your part of the country varies from this location as per spring happenings Things are not totally bustin' out yet but after a few really warm days things will really get started. Every spring wherever you are at all things are new and new…
Can you remove lymph nodes in neck area without radical dissection?
I just spoke to a friend at work who's husband has hodgkin cancer. She told me had had lymph nodes removed from his neck and he was in and out of the hospital. I have two lymph nodes that may need to be removed, can they remove them without radical dissection? Is this possible?