migraine-type headaches
Hi all. I finished my treatment about 12 years ago for Stage-4 oropharyngeal cancer (HPV16), and have few long-term side effects. Lucky boy, as my wife says. I had my treatment in Tokyo University Hospital, where they gave me 24/7 chemo (three types, second round cut short after anaphylactic shock), and then 35 doses of…
Possible throat cancer.
First of all I wanted to say that for all of you here who have been diagnosed with this horrible disease, my thoughts and my prayers are with you and never give up. Keep fighting. As for me ive stumbled upon this forum because I have a few questions and concerns. I’m a 28 year old male, obese. Never smoker never drinker…
New Year
Happy New Year H&N Members, Not to be too confusing to the (current and active) H&N members but, back in 2013 I came across the following post by a 2010 H&N member known as nkimber. I found it to be very heartfelt and I have been re-posting it back to the top of the H&N forum (most) every January since. Many H&N members…
So we tell everyone, "get the vaccination, you wont get HPV+ cancer. BUT, your chances of making it with HPV- are substantially less than if HPV+ (30-50 as opposed to 90 - full cure) So really, you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't
Radiation mask accident
Hello. During this mornings treatment the radiation techs first struggled to attach my mask. Once attached the automatic table I was laying on moved quickly towards the scanner and my head crashed directly into and under the scanner. Then it moved quickly again and for a second time my head crashed into the scanner. My…
Parotid Gland Cancer
I am interested in hear from others who have been diagnosed with Acinic Cell Carcinoma or other Parotid Gland cancers.
Tonsil cancer
Has anybody after radiation and Chemo treatment for tonsil cancer Had a biopsy come back suspicious for cancer in the same lymph node from the start of this process.
New here … tonsil and lymph node
Hi everyone , Seems this more common then I knew , I too am positive for HPV . Started in the tonsil and months of doctors giving me antibiotics after antibiotics… now I’m faced with this and to be honest I’m a bit freaked about getting the feeding tube .. which when the asked I said “yes”. I haven’t started any treatment…
Healthy Alternative to Boost or Ensure?
My brother-in-law just completed chemo/radiation last week and the past week has been hellish. Still feels like he has a hot coal in his throat, lots of mucus, nausea, etc. He is having a difficult time drinking Boost, it's just too thick and all the sugar and milk protein is not agreeing with him. Is there a healthy…
Fungating Tumors
Anyone dealing with these types of tumors? I have searched the boards but didn't find much information. My husband had surgery for oral cancer of the inside of his cheek as well as a neck disection. After some mis-diagnosis about what the pockets of fluid were along the outside of his cheek, if was determined to be more…
My radiation mask is too tight....what can I do
Hello I'm so glad I found this site. I have head and neck cancer and I'm currently getting radiation treatments. Two weeks in and my mask has become extremely tight....especially choking me and crushing my already sore adam's apple. It's excruciating and I just can't endure it anymore. My oncologist cut a hole next to my…
Side affects chin and lip numbness
Hi to everyone, I am 5 and 1/2 years post treatment of base of tounge cancer. Dealing with many side effect of 35 radiation treatment and 3 doses cisplatin chemo. Sides effects include damaged thyroid, blood pressure issues, cervical issues,dry inflamed mouth and throat neck spasms and the list goes on. Managing all these…
ATTN: All military veterans on this forum... new VA PACT Act passed 2022
I have not yet contacted any veterans organizations to get the ball rolling; however, as a former Marine '88-'93 (12 months of that in the gulf.. so, I should be covered by what have read so far), I am going to start making some calls asap. If any other veteran has had any experience with this new PACT Act, please let us…
Coughing up blood
I had bot cancer stage 3 treated with radiation in December 2021. I suffer from a lot of phlegm and I usually clear this by vigorously coughing or clearing my throat. Most mornings I suffer from a coughing fit and today I coughed up some blood. I can feel that where my cancer was is now a little sore, this area is also…
Just dropping by to say hello …
Hey folks. Another year has passed, since my operation in 2019, and I'm dropping by to wish everyone the best in life. This place has been so invaluable for support, both technically and mentally. Still getting very tired, during the day, but that's basically it, so far. I want to thank everybody once again, and perhaps…
A Support Web Site To Check Out
I have come across this site at different times in my research for support and information on cancer-related H&N subjects and I think it is a very helpful site with Blogs and Webinars and a Webinar Library where you can access past webinars on many subjects related to cancer, you may find something helpful. More…
Wishing Everyone A Happy And Blessed New Year And Great Hope for The Future-Add Your Hopes & Helps
Hello everyone, we are about to turn over a new year and are looking to the positive as much as we can I am sure. I know we are all in different phases of treatment and recovery and or dealing with the after-effects of treatment to some degree. May we continue to work together on here for the good of each other to help and…
Pain medication for Stage IV NCP SCC, HPV neg, mets/ lymph nodes & lungs
My husband was recently diagnosed with Stage IV Nasopharyngeal cancer with mets to the lymph nodes and lungs. He has his first chemo treatment two weeks ago and goes back on the 27th. Last week he asked me to call his oncologist to see if he could get any medication for pain. He has a tumor at the upper left back of his…
I need some Radiation Mask advice--Please Help
I went for the trial run today, and they put that mask on me, and I lost it. I told them there was no way that is the mask they fitted me with. When they snapped it down around the back of the neck, I just freaked out, and could not handle it. It was so tight around my cheeks. My Doctor is new, and he was so great, he…
Need advice: Does anyone have COPD and throat cancer?
m y 65yo boyfriend has had COPD for several years and it was managed well. Two months ago after some suspicious symptoms, he was diagnosed with stage 3 throat cancer. Last week, he began chemo 1x/week of cisplatin for 6-7 weeks, and radiation 5x/week for 6 weeks. Two weeks ago he had his port put in. About 4 days later his…
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all on here. This was a gift from my wife. She had an incredibly talented artist paint it as a Phoenix. She said the quote, "In order to rise from it's own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn" really spoke to her in relation to my experience. I hope each of you have found some peace and rest during the…
PEG Tube- Need tips
Difficult or painful to install? To maintain? To get used to? Do they effect your ability to sleep or eat normally when you can? My Docs want me to put one in week 1 or 2 of the 7 weeks of IMRT just in case needed. I am going in with a normal diet, appetite, perfectly healthy and about 25 pounds overweight. Do you think I…
"First bite syndrome" - oh it hurts!
Hey All, I had head/neck cancer diagnosis in June 2018, finished treatment in Sept 2018 (2 rounds of chemo + 42 days IMRT radiation). The treatment was pretty rough but now I'm 7 months post-treatment and each day is a little different, mostly in the positive direction. Before treatment, occasionally I'd experience "first…
I Am Wishing Everyone A Blessed And Joyous Christmas And Hope For Tomorrow-Add Yours
Christmas is Upon Us Once Again It is once again Christmas and time for family gatherings, food, gifting others and extending goodwill to all. This is certainly a wonderful time of the year that can fill us with hope. Because Christmas is the story of hope and hopes eternal. Christmas is a time of great joy and celebration…
Had Radical Neck Dissection May 26.22, BUT now a small Fistula had opened
Any of you experienced vets encountered this? It started out early Dec as a pus-filled abscess that eventually erupted voluntarily. Took one antibiotic for a week. Drainage reduced 95% but not completely. Then surgeon put me on AUGMENTIN 875, 2/day for 14 days, now on DAY 4. THEN, to complicate matters, here in the last…
Radiation Necrosis in the throat and neck
TORS tonsilar cancer surgery in May, 2022, 30 IMRT's completed Aug, 2022. Had SCC in left tonsil/lymph nodes in 2007. Minor surgery, 35 IMRT's, 7 weekly Cisplatin treatments. LEFT SIDE IS STILL NED. However, there are parts of my neck and throat that received parts of all 65 IMRT's from both events. First post-treatment…
Anyone get sick from drinking Boost?
I am nearly 15 months out of radiation for bot cancer. While I expected to lose some taste and saliva glands, I thought that I’d be able to eat much better by now. I still have problems swallowing many foods, some surprising to me. (mashed potatoes!?! Feels like I’m trying to swallow wet sand).. So I’ve been living mostly…
NED - Year One
Hi all, Ringing the one year bell! CTs ordered by the MO and scope and poke by ENT show all clear - NED! Most report various long term side effects and about a year out declare their new "normal". A handful declare a new normal as good as or efven beetter than the old normal. For some unknown reason, I'm extremely…
tongue cancer
I was recently diagnosed with tongue cancer. I had part of my tongue removed and a neck dissection. I would like to connect with others who have been diagnosed tongue cancer.
Coughing that doesn't stop
I finished my treatment back in July I have this cough that just doesn't stop it keeps me up all night I prop myself up sleeping or I just sleep sitting up on the couch my Dr's have prescribed hycodan, codeine, numerous magic mouth washes, guafesin syrup, I've tried a couple Over the counter cough syrup that don't have…