naturopathic doctor ?
Well, I went for my first visit yesterday. Although she asked me a lot of questions about my diet she really gave no suggestions about it other than to make sure I get enough protein. She has given me some supplements, some to take all week, some to take only 4 days after chemo. They include glutamine (supposed to support…
How Do You Die From Cancer
Hi everyone, I am having these thoughts alot lately because my dad is getting worse. I wonder how the cancer eventually gets you. Does it shut down your organs and thats how you pass. My biggest fear is my dad has a large tumor in his lung. I have this fear he will eventually suffercate as it gets bigger. I want him to be…
Some people are like Slinkies ... Not really good for anything, but they will bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
maybe someone with an ostomy can help
My surgery in Feb included removal of my rectum and sigmoid colon and a temporary ileostomy. Nearly 8 weeks later the only pain I still have is in the (former) rectum area where they attached the colon to the anal sphincter. I still need to take pain meds (oxycodone) daily. Everything else has healed with no lasting pain.…
Power of Prayer
Hey all, about a month ago, I posted a question regarding an elevated CEA and if it could ever be mis-read or not a sign or reoccurance. Graciously, many told me that an elevated CEA was a definite sign of cancer and that possibly the tumor was simply too small to be seen on CT scans or PET scans. Being a youth pastor, I…
It's been just over 6 weeks since my hemicolectomy. I found this site the day I returned from the hospital. I cannot begin to tell you all how much you have helped me. I'm a nurse, but when I was diagnosed, I felt helpless and frightened. The posts have given me so much encouragement and excellent advice. All of you have…
decision to make
hi all, today i went and seen my surgeon. not great news but kinda expected. anyways he can try and remove the tumor but doesnt think i will be able to gain bowel control because the tumor still involves the spchinter muscle but there is a chance i could. the other downfall of that is the higher chance that the cancer will…
Even more depressed...
Hi everyone. Thank you so much for your words of support this weekend. You guys are great. I really don't know what I would do without you. Well, now I'm even more depressed. I talked to my dad's onc today and he told me that my dad won't be able to have the radio frequency procedure done because the tumor is resting on a…
How To Stop His Fear
Hi everyone, hope all is doing well. Went to see my dad this weekend and he is so scared. I feel he says he is in pain when he is not to get attention and to have someone sit with him at all times. He does not sleep at all at night. I was up all night with him and I believe he is afraid to sleep. At least with the pain you…
blood clot in catheter
I have a blood clot in my carotid artery that is causing facial, neck, shoulder, and chest swelling. Has anyone experienced that? I have been following your discusssions lately but have not seen anything pertaining to a blood clot in cath. I have just finished my chemo for stage IV colon cancer and am now NED. Yeah! But…
Need guidance
My name is Liz - I am 23 years old, and I have watched my father suffer with colon cancer for the past four years. The cancer had burst through the intestinal wall when they discovered it, and he was given a colostomy bag for about a year after they removed the blockage and as much of the cancer as they could see. After he…
Xeloda side effects
I was Dx stage 3 in Oct.2005, also had my resection that month. Started chemo in Dec. with oxaliplatin and xeloda (oral 5FU). In March I had a severe allergic reaction to the oxy so my onc just kept me on xeloda for the 2 remaining cycles. She triple dosed me to 4500 mg/day and I had terrible side effects-everything and I…
Stopping Chemo Early?
Hi, I've done 11 treatments of 5-FU, leucovorin and oxaliplatin for stage IIIA colon cancer. I'm scheduled to do my last treatment this coming Friday. I've been doing pretty well with my treatments, but I've been exhausted and during my last couple of treatments I've had pain and nausea that I haven't been able to get…
Had to point it out....
I just read a reply from phillieg to a post. Too powerful to pass by...especially after the recent replies from all you guys to not-so-common areas that the beast has gone.... Philip said "You are not alone..." Boy, is he right on the money! I'm sure that this site is right up there with some of the best oncologists for…
Treatment questions
I have recently [April 2006] been diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma probably of colon origin. The tumor is large [8 by 10 inches]and connects the liver and stomach. Have been told that it is not either liver or stomach cancer so the treatment is for colon cancer since this is the most known about cancer. Being treated with…
please say a prayer
today on memorial day my brother in law will be returning from iraq. after many close calls we are praying for his safe return. like the war or not these men and women risked their lives everyday all for their country which include each and everyone of us. thanks to all those before and after who give so much of…
While watching a segment on national hurricane preparedness I heard a great quote - I wish I had caught the official's name so I could attribute it, but I didn't: He was talking about having supplies to survive the first 48-72 hours after a hurricane hits "You have to survive in order to complain" Sort of sums up a lot of…
To Spongebob
Firstly, might I apologise profusely for "my message" which in fact was posted by my son, aged 17, and a know it all one at that. I couldn,t believe it when I saw my name there. He is anti-Iraq war, and as you say, it is his right to have an opinion, but I am really annoyed at him for this. He and his friend thought it was…
Hey, everyone - During this weekend, which is officially the "start" of summer, please do me - and yourself - a favor as you grill burgers, play in the pool, attend a ballgame, visit with friends, knock back a beer, lounge on the beach or whatever... At 3:00 pm EST on Monday - Memorial Day in the US, please join me in a…
Hi everyone, Hope you are having a nice Memorial Day weekend. I have been pretty depressed. I guess I just wish I could have some joy in my life again. Since my dad's diagnosis, I feel that I haven't been the same. It's always in the back of my mind. I have a beautiful baby and a great husband. This should be the happiest…
My Inspiration
Hi everyone, I don't post too often, but read every day - I know there are alot of people out there like me that quietly read your posts. But I just have to tell you that you are what get me through this. My husband was diag Feb '05 with stage 4 mult liver mets and given about 3 months to live at the time. He is still here…
Back on Erbitux
Has anyone been off erbitux, then went back on? I took it for 30 something weeks and had good results. I just had two spots removed from my right lung and my lymph node in my chest removed (the lymphnodes were non cancerous). I have to go back on Erbitux and CTP11 for 6 months and then I may be done (?) Are the side…
good news
Hi all....firstly, thank you all so much for your support from both Jen and I. The verdict is in. Jen's specialist said there were NO signs of polyps and NO inflamation of her colon and is confident that her problems are the IBS playing up to the extreme. The bleeding is thought to be coming from a fissure that flares up…
cc mets to liver survivors
I want to thank you all for your replies and support..I will check out the webpages..Bless you all, tia
stage IV cc with mets to liver/organs survivors please reply
my husband feels there is no hope since cc mets to liver after almost 5 years. I would like to be able to tell him there are people who survive and their experiences, thank you, tia
Thank you
Thanks to everyone. No one except someone who has gone thru this as a caregiver can understand the pain. My husband and I never talked about him dieing because we did not want to make it a reality. My husband was a singer,muscian, had a wonderful voice and could have gone far in the business , but we fell in love , got…
Says it all...thanks!
I found this in my e-mail wanderings...says it all... To The World You Might Be One Person; But To One Person You Might Be the World. I LOVE you guys! Hugs, Kathi
Friday laughs
Hi All: Here's a little holiday weekend laugh for all of you! Have a great one! - JADot - - - The Eighteen Bottles I had eighteen bottles of whiskey in my cellar and was told by my wife to empty the contents of each and every bottle down the sink, or else... I said I would and proceeded with the unpleasant task. I withdrew…
Thoughts for the Holiday Weekend
I re read this recently and it means more then ever!!!!!!!! "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on Earth." Let's leave out the last line for the weekend....."Work like you don't need the money"....... Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!! Lisa P.
I'm not sure exactly what you meant by saying, "I was told and did not listen;" however, there is NO reason that you should refrain from coming here or even posting. In fact, because of your husband's sad passing maybe you should come here more often and post as often as you need. I say this for multiple reasons. We are…