Too Funny
Hi all. I was going through my Sunday circulars and came across this item. Hopefully you don't need the visual: An ad for a new 4C drink mix: it's called..are you ready... "Totally Light2Go Sticks". Obviously, no one on their ad agency has ever had a colonoscopy!!! Hope everyone is well. Barb
The ASCO People Living With Cancer web site has just been updated-- http://www.plwc.org/portal/site/PLWC Some useful information... Howard
I can't stop crying
Hello to all my wonderful semi-colon friends, History, stage IV dxed in March of 2004 with 2 mets to liver and 1 to my lung. Surgery was not an option at the time and I started with chemo but then went the alternative route. If you want to know more, read my personal web page on this site. Anyway, I had scans done last…
one week out from ileostomy reversal...no control
hi folks as you know, i had my ileostomy take down last saturday. and i finally did poop on tuesday. as of thursday, it does not stop. NO control. i am wearing a pad and a diaper. it oozes out with no warning. i am losing my mind. i emailed with my surgeon and have started Benefibre and immodium since yesterday. not better…
Need Caretakers Support
Oh how oh how do you do it. I just came back from visiting my dad who has stage 4 cancer. He is doing very bad right now. He had surgery to drain fluid from his lung because of a tumor and he has gone down hill ever since. He is supose to try once more type of chemo but I think they are going to say he is too skinny and…
Please Pass the Broccoli
Came across this today - not exactly juicing, but... Broccoli, cauliflower and genetic cancer Sulforaphane shown to inhibit the occurrence of hereditary colon cancer NEW BRUNSWICK/PISCATAWAY, N.J. Need another reason to eat vegetables? A new study at Rutgers shows that certain vegetables broccoli and cauliflower, in…
Does anyone else HATE insurance companies?
Hi all - I'm sure EVERYONE else hates insurance companies. I am so frustrated that I need to vent. My husband dropped off our insurance as of April 1 - covered by Medicare now. But I am still covered until I am 65 - several good long years from now. And I am still busily paying pretty high premiums. Won't go into the…
I guess I should have said still NED!!!!!
I am sorry to have scared some of you with my subject line of "I can't stop crying". I didn't mean to. Truth is I was crying my drive home, and for several hours afterwards. I'm not sure if it was for joy. I think it was more a combination of survivor quilt and relief. I had gotten myself pretty worked up over this round…
scans all clear!
Hi Everyone, My scans were clear, so no more chemo. Yeah! The no more chemo part makes me nervous, but my body needs a break. I'm still looking for a place to live and time is running out. I found a house that fit everything I was looking for. When I called to see it the management company asked me if I had good credit. I…
For ccartwri (Claudia)
Hi Claudia, I tried responding to your email, but I'm not sure if it went through. I live in Parkville, northeast of Baltimore. I see Betsydoglover is also from MD. Maybe we can all meet. Linda
winner of round 1
hi all, just finished my 25 radiation treatments and 6 weeks of chemo. surgery is next. my dukes are up!!! cherri
I recently finished my tenth cycle of FOLFOX for stage IIIA colon cancer. (Only two left! Yay!) It feels like the fatigue I feel is getting worse. I sleep 12 hours every night, and today is the first day since my last chemo (last Fri., Sat., Sun.) that I haven't woken up still feeling tired. I talked to a nurse…
I'm running in the Beach to Bay Relay Race in Corpus Christi, TX this Saturday. I'm not exactly a runner, (actually not at all-swimming is my thing) but I got caught up in the momnet and thought what fun a weekend at the baech would be and hey, my leg ofthe race is only 4.0 miles, no sweat,what's 4 miles?, so I registered…
Weird Stupor
It's hard to compete with headlines like "No Poop Yet" but I still need to run this by you guys and gals. I am currently on Folfox-6, 6 done, 6 more to go. Yesterday evening I had this bizarre experience. The best I can discribe it is that I felt drunk. I felt light headed, was wobbly at the knees, had very shaky balance,…
a little bummed
Hi everybody!!! I have had a recurrence of my colon cancer in my pelvis this past December. I have a tumor on my loin muscle (psoas) and a small one on my small intestine. I have had 9 rounds of CPT-11, 5FU, and leucovorin. My doc told me the tumors cannot be resected or radiated. He also told me there is no cure. I guess…
to Barb - tkg3
Barb, I am in a Relay for life June 9-10. I would love to borrow your banner again. I was going to try to make one, but I have a son graduating in 2 weeks and my daughters wedding is also taking up alot of time. there are not enough hours in a day. Let me know. Thank you, maureen
Good news for Stage 4
Hello Sorry for my lack of posting recently. I have been reading all the time though! For those of you who don't know, my boyfriend was diagnosed with colon cancer in November 2004. He had the tumor removed and had a course of CPT11 and 5FU. He seemed to be doing well but in June 2005 the cancer had spread to his liver…
No Chemo for me .
Hello all , I am so frustrated .. I have not had chemo in three weeks as my Platelets are taking there sweet time coming back up . My white cells are great . My red cells look fine . But My darn Platelets Just don't want to play I guess . Anyways I went in today and received only My Avistan . I have to now wait two weeks…
Yesterday was the hated colonoscopy! BUT I got the report....'normal' colon, NO polyps, No ulcers, and the reenstamosis is NORMAL!!!!! YEA!!!! So, now that I've been speaking with my buddy NED, we both think I sould get a discount...12 inches LESS colon should cost less to scope than a full colon, don't ya think????? Hugs…
msg. for JADot
Can you please tell us more about the gamma gun procedure that your aunt had? What is that exactly, how did she find out about it, where did she go in China, who was her doctor and was it costly? That is a lot of questions I know but a freind is also being told there's no cure for him and has large nodules in his liver -…
Genetic testing??
I know I have posted on this before, but it has come time for me to make a decision on HNPCC testing (although I have no family history, and my tumour was not consistent with the usual features, it is purely being done on an age basis - 25 at dx). Can anyone tell me their reasons for having / not having this done? Cal :)
Second Opinion?
I had a resection on 4-21-06 with 6 lymph nodes removed. All were negative and the surgeon said no further treatment was needed. I have had a few friends say I need to follow up with an oncologist to make sure he/she would be in agreement. No cancer cells were found outside the mucosa...the surgeon said it was staged at…
much gratitude
Thank you for everyone's responses to my post. I actually starting feeling better as soon as I wrote the words down. But that is only because I knew what would follow. Warm fuzzies everywhere. My husband and I had our 5th anniversary this weekend (been together 9 years) - my dad got us a nice hotel room last night. We had…
CAT scan results
Hi everyone, Hope you are all doing well. Just wanted to let you know the results of my dad's scan. Well, he did in fact have two liver mets (which I wasn't too sure about), however, the onc said that there has been about 70% shrinkage in the tumors after just 5 cycles of chemo. He said that he was pleased with these…
scans today
Hi everyone, I hope that you are all doing well. I had scans today so I am now playing the waiting game. I was doing ok until tonight and now my nerves are shot. I'm also in the middle of moving. I have to be out of my house by May 31 and I haven't found any place to rent yet. I did not anticipate finding a small house in…
no poop yet!
Hi all. Did I get your attention?! That's right. I am STILL in the hospital at Johns Hopkins. Had my ileostomy reversal Saturday morning and I have not had a BM yet so I am being made to stay here. Holy cow! You know how everyone has a story...a woman today told me she knew of someone who it took 7 weeks to have a BM. No…
Wear Yellow and send a message!! If you want to check out more info: www.livestrong.org. I haven't been on the computer lately. THere are SO many posts I want to respond to, but alas, time is my enemy today...again. I read them all. I pray for everyone. Till I can get back again, God bless and LIVESTRONG !!!! All my love,…
question for dash4
Hi-was re-reading my post and somehow missed your post (I was pretty tearful about Andrea that day)..thank you for sharing your experiences.is your hubby just on the avastin and erbitux or chemo also??? It is so frustrating when we waited to be able to access avastin here in Canada at a trial and then to not have it…
I was wondering if any of you have associated things with your chemo to the point that thinking of those things can make you sick? I am finding that I am doing that a lot and I am trying not to, but I can't stop. Are there any tricks to stopping this sort of thing? In case you don't understand what I mean, here are some…
What is Best Pain Meds
Hi everyone, I was wondering if you can tell me which is the best pain meds out there. My dad tried Oxycotin but it gave him hallucinations. If you could please let me know which pain meds helped your loved ones I would appreciate it. I just want to stop the pain for him. He is experiencing alot of pain right now and I…