Not the results I wanted but I guess it CAN be worse (hopefully not GET worse). He said that the CT scan after review was ok. But that my CEA levels are 6.5 from a 1 so he has scheduled me a PET scan on 5/30. Anyone else ever have their CEA go up and it turns out to be nothing? Sue
To Jose
Ok Jose, I want an obit section; I have asked for a "memorial" site before..it doesn't matter to me what you call it, but Andrea and her struggle should not be forgotten, as well as Kris S., etc. Not only can these persons live on on CSN, their stories and contributions will be an inspiration to the rest of us.. OK? Bud
thank you lisa rose
I had not been on the site for a few days as we had bad news from my husband's scan and after posting a question went back and scrolled through recent postings and was shocked and in disbelief at Andrea's passing...I am sure "she has been lifted up on eagles wings".. thank you also for posting the link to the condolence…
Question about CEA levels
I had my resection done on Feb. 18 of this year. I am a stage III with 8 out of 12 lymph nodes involved. Anyway, for various reasons I didn't start chemo until April 10. Before surgery, my CEA was 11. After it was 3.9, 3.7, and now 4.5. My oncologist made have a CT scan when it was 3.9, because he didn't feel comfortable.…
Cancer and Cholesteral
I just posted this same info under "confused about Dana Reeves" but I think it is important and that all should read this article by Dr. John McDougall regarding cholesteral and it's effects on cancer. You can go straight to his website at www.drmcdougall.com, go to Newsletter archives and read this article in his August…
I could use thoughts and prayers..
Hi everyone, I will have my liver resection done on Wednesday and I would be very greatful if you could say a little prayer for me. I probably won't be on too much but will let you know how things go as soon as I can. Tomorrow is Mother's Day so I hope all mothers have a great day with loved ones. I am feeling kind of…
back on the horse
Well my 2 week "vacation" from chemo/radiation will be over to-morrow and I will in all probability be back on program. I'm having a hard time getting psyched up to go back. I was sooo determined when I first started my treatment, 20 rounds of chemo/radiation with diarrhea and sickness has taken a toll. I'm really "afraid"…
The Semi - Colons Remembering Andrea
Good Morning Everyone, I made this tribute with the help of Bob from the semi colons. It will be at Andrea's wake today on a board. . . . I'm sorry I did not have pic's of everyone so I did the best with what I have. I used sentiments from the announcement of her death that I posted yesterday ~ so I hope you all don't…
Just want to say Happy Mothers Day to all!
has anyone heard of this?
Hi all, A friend of my husband's gave us an article about IPT therapy. It stands for Insulin Potentiation Therapy. The article says it has cured people at all stages. Patients are give a dose of insulin and then a tiny dose of chemo. The insulin makes the chemo more effective so you don't need as much. Best of all, you…
CT scan; Good News
Hi to all; I am caught in that dilemma of wanting to share good news, but feeling unsure if the timing is right. Andrea's death has brought home the high price this struggle can bring. I hope that we all are able to have the strength to face each of our struggles and that news of good outcomes can bolster others. I had my…
Wierd deja-vu
So, I started my last step in treatment for the breast cancer...and found myself crying while laying on the table being 'positioned' for the radiation. Nov 2004 is still too close. Granted, this rad is at the top, and the other was on the bottom (hehehehe), but MAN was I blindsided by the STRONG vibes of memory! I decided…
feeling very fragile
Hi everyone. I was not online for a few days and was blindsided by Andrea's passing. I am saddened and scared. Nettie had more faith and will to live than anyone else I have encountered. She wanted to be here for her children. Her battle ended. She and I emailed often and I hadn't written her in a while, now I feel so bad…
It is with a heavy heart that I let you all know I just received word that Nettie passed away last night (Friday) Everyone, please pray for her sweet husband and their children. She fought so hard to stay with them as long as she could, but I know she is now with her Jesus and healed at last. Love to you all Franny
Hey - Is anyone out there savvy with making websites? The girls from the Colon Club graciously purchased "www.colonpalooza.com" about a year ago and I can't seem to find anyone who would like to put together the website to go with it. Is ANYone interested? I can think of tons of great links, articles, and - of course -…
good cat scan results
I had a cat scan on Wed. It started out as a terrible day. It took me 2 1/2 hours in the rain to get to the hospital. It normally takes about an hour. When I got there I had to "P" so bad I almost didn't make it to the bathroom. I started the cat scan drinks and then they tried to get my IV in. The IV was difficult so they…
Confused about Dana Reeves
I know Dana had lung cancer but I thought a few of you would know more about her. She seemed to be thriving, moving forward and then she was gone. Does anyone know what happened? It was such a shock because she seemed so positive and on the way to recovery. I guess this has been on my mind lately because my friend Mark has…
Hi, hope everyone is doing well. I thought I would give you a bit of an update on me! About 18 months ago I was diagnosed with rectal cancer, had j-pouch surgery with TME, and a temporary ileostomy. Had my ileostomy reversed in November, and they decided against chemo or radiation. Last month I had my first post surgery…
For anyone recently diagnosed with liver mets
Hello everyone~ I just wanted to let you know I recently read an article on MD Anderson's site discussing some study results. It stated that there is a " 5-year survival rate of 58% for patients whose lesions were surgically resected. Intrigued by the benefit of aggressive approaches to hepatic resection for colorectal…
Andrea's Picture
Hi Everyone, I was heartbroken to hear about Andrea's passing. I thought if anyone was going to beat this it was her. It's so sad and tragic. I was reading the guestbook at this link that Lisa Rose provided and if you click on her name at the top of the page it brings you to her obituary where there is a picture of her.…
Hilluciations while on drugs
Hi everyone. First of all Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there. I wanted to ask if anyone has had experienced this. My dad is 73, ever since he started on Oxicotin and Morphine and an anti-depressant he has been seeing things. He thinks us kids are there and we are not. He saw a lamp shade and thought it was my…
Andrea Elder's Obituary
Andrea Elder OBITUARY ANDREA ELDER 1982-2006 On Wednesday, May 10, Andrea, cherished daughter of Lesley Lacate and the late Lloyd Elder, beloved sister of Matthew Elder, and dear grand-daughter of Frances Lacate, went gently into that good night; peacefully surrounded by family and friends, at the age of twenty-four, after…
The Semi - Colons Remembering Andrea
(The previous message didn't post properly, so I am trying this again) Good Morning Everyone, I made this tribute with the help of Bob from the semi colons. It will be at Andrea's wake today on a board. . . . I'm sorry I did not have pic's of everyone so I did the best with what I have. I used sentiments from the…
need encouragement
o.k. everyone 5 radiation treatments left and i can barely walk. it just seems so depressing that there is still so much more to go through, most days i stay pretty strong but today is not one of them. thanks for letting me whine a little. would be thankful for your always strong words of encouragement. cherri
CAT scan tomorrow
Hi everyone, Hi everyone. My dad goes in for his CAT scan tomorrow. I am so nervous. He won't get the results until Monday. We definitely appreciate any prayers. Thank you. -Lee-
An Article on Andrea Elder's Fight
Hi All: I found this article on Andrea's fight. I thought maybe it would help those of us who didn't know Andrea before to learn more about her life and fight. http://www.mcgill.ca/reporter/36/13/stein/ JADot
Caught in the Insurance Cogs!
Ok, so I'm probably preaching to the choir, but THIS made me SO DARN MAD!!! Hope you all don't mind me venting. I am scheduled for my last chemo on Wednesday of this week, appt with onc yesterday to review. BILLER called and said "Please don't come in today, your insurance company owes us money". After initial panic, I got…
Still in Remission
Hi Everyone, My Dad just got the results from his 1st scans since going on a maintenance schedule of chemo. NED!!!! Yeah. For any newcomers: Dad was diagnosed 6/04 w/ stage iv, metastasis to liver and peritineum. Told he probably wouldn't make it through Christmas that year. 1st round of chemo killed the beast and he was…
Hi everyone, Just a brief bio: Dx in July 2003 Stage IV colon cancer, with 2 lymph nodes.. surgery, colostomy for 18 mos... then reversed... yeah!! 7 mos of 5FU, leukovorin, and oxillaplatin. Also 6 wks of radition everyday with the chemo pump. Happy to say went for my Pet CT scan last week, and they called me today to say…