Chemo after liver resection.
Hi to all, I am one of the lurkers who does not post very often but read all of yours on a daily basis and have learned so much from you all and admire you all. My query is about chemo for my husband following liver resection,short history summary, dx april 05 with rectal tumour and liver mets, chemo/radiation may/june,…
More 'bald head, big mouth' stuff
Thursday and Friday I went to an action conference to discuss crc screening and ways to implement low cost programs in California...my colon was invited, but, of course, my MOUTH worked, too.... My fav question (they got tired of it) was 'WHY are we waiting till 50 to VALIDATE the possibility of crc?' And, the 2006…
Near The End.....
Hello Semi-Colons, I was asked about my sister's death. I am going to describe it for those who asked and it's not pretty. **********WARNING***************************** Please do read any farther if you don't want to hear about my sister's non-peaceful dying and death. **************************************************…
support groups
I have been looking for a support group in Eastern Kentucky, and it seems the closest one is 2-3 hours away. Does anyone have any advice for a support group? If I can't find one how do I start one? Who do I contact? any info will help. thanks, Mark
relay for life...Austin
Scusey me for takin up writin space but just have to tell you this. When us palooza guys n gals "walked the walk" I just could not believe the the incredible energy in the stadium. Yes, I did cry, so did Jen and so did just about everyone there. Correction...I think they all did! When we were taken for the "survivors meal"…
Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing well. In response to Margo's thread about avemar: I did some research on it, and it sounds very promising. There has actually been a clinical trial performed on humans which showed to prolong survival of colorectal cancer patients and prevent metastasis to other organs. I went to the…
A Beautiful Day
It's a beautiful day in NC for celebrating Survivors' Day! I hope you all have something special planned. As for me, I have graduation for my youngest son, Deuce a 6 month old Great Dane, from Obedience class! I guess that makes me a double survivor...cancer under control and so is he! Seriously, hope you all have the best…
hair n chemo
Hi everyone! I have been on CPT-11, 5-FU, and avastin for about 6 months. Most of my hair fell out (about 98%). Well, I am still on the chemo cocktail, but something strange has happened. My hair is starting to grow back. Can this happen while on chemo? I always understood the hair falls out and will not grow back until…
Pet/Cat scan
Hello all , Tomorrow morning I will be going in for my first Pet/Cat overlay Scan ..I am so nervous . I am not nervous about the test (well a little) . But Its going to be a tough few days for sure waiting for the results . I am just praying that my tumors have shrunk. Or better yet GONE . I could sure use the extra…
Thank you!!
You guys are the greatest... Lisa, I can't believe you remember all these days!! My birthday was yesterday... a friend flew into town and we went to dinner and hung out.. had a wonderful day!! AND THEN.. I checked this site and smiled so big. :) - me smiling, only bigger. Sorry I have been away - moving and unpacking and…
To all insomniacs and others
I just wanted to share this really cool web-site with everyone. I found it a couple of years ago. Whenever I'm up late ( Kathi and Ying) I like to check it out. It has free wallpaper and screensavers. Exceptional work and beautiful designs. http://www.mikebonnell.com/ Have fun. Happy Survivors Day. Barb
To Emily - End of Life
I believe, believe, believe. What we are goes on, and those that have gone before us, guide out steps and watch over us. Just got back from ReLay for Life...what an event. Did the overnight shift of 2:00 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. Found all my luminaries except one...my moms!!!! Last year, I found all of them in my first lap. I…
catching up reading topics
Durn it...bin awol again working and now have lots of topics to read but will do so "thoroughly". Don't wanna be left "in tha dark" so to speak. Thank you dear friends for your replies to my "good news" posts re; CT scans. Hey...the reaction to the IV I expected never happened, thankfully. It's gunna take me ages to catch…
Site has been a real blessing!
I want to thank you all for your very kind and encouraging responses to my post about my PET results. Your thoughts and prayers mean the world to me. I have only known about this site for a couple of weeks but it has already been such a blessing! I don't yet know what I am facing, but I feel more positive about my…
Another Angel in Heaven
First let me say THANK YOU to all of the many folks in this group that has been support for me during the past 2 1/2 years. This is the first place I turned and found mountains of love during our fight. As some of you will remember I was a caregiver for my husband who had stage iv colon cancer. Ken lost his battle with the…
To Emily-end of life
this is the only way I can reply-I'm having all kinds of problems with this site.. I refuse to believe that we are "gone" when we die; somehow she is still with you, watching over you, giving you direction, protecting you.. thank you for talking about her death up front and real. It needs to be said. I just wish she had…
FREE cancer survival cooking classes
There are some excellent classes going on around the country that are FREE and geared towards cancer prevention and treatment/survival. I first read about these classes on the Lance Armstong Foundation site. They are put on by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a group of medical doctors that have…
Happy Birthday Jana
Hi Everyone, Birthday greetings going out to Jana11 who will be celebrating her 36th Birthday on June 3rd. So let's all join in and wish this wonderful lady a very Happy Birthday and many, many more.. . . Also we would like to wish Jana & Peter all the best as they move to their new home. Have A Great Birthday, Lisa & Andy
Friday giggles
Here's some giggles to brighten your Friday! - - - Men are just simply happier people, and here is why... Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.…
CT results
Hi all. I had a long talk with my doc. today and the good news is that I am still NED!!!! My scans came out fine as did my bloods although he slapped me over the wrist for high cholesterol. Jen got a slap too. Her results for her colonoscopy as you know were also good although we are still waiting for 2 biopsies to come…
National Cancer Survivor Day
Is June 4th (Sunday) or so it says in our monthly newsletter. I plan on celebrating and hope you all do too!!!!!!!!! Congradulations to each and every one of you!!!!!! AND MANY MANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! Lisa P.
Trip to the ER
I had a big day yesterday. I was diagnosed with Stage II colon cancer at 39, as a lucky winner of the HNPCC lottery. Had surgery in Dec and have been on 5FU/Oxaliplatin/Leucovorin since Feb. Yesterday I went in for my oxaliplatin , as I have done 7 times before. Half way through the infusion I got a horrible abdominal…
after affects of colon surgery
my mom recently had colon surgery in which most of her colon was removed inorder to get the cancer. she is doing fine except that now when she eats, she has to get to the bathroom right away as most things dont stay with her. this is getting her very discouraged not wanting to eat or even leave the house. will this subside…
PET--results not what I wanted
Got the results from my first PET today. There is some "activity" in the rectal area. Could be scar tissue or polyps. I have familial polyposis so polyps can always a problem in the tiny amount of large bowel I have left. Oncologist called GI while I was there and I will see him Monday to schedule flex-sig. I have one…
make some $$$$$
Well it sucks to have had colon cancer, but you do get to qualify for certain surveys and make some extra cash. There is always a silver lining somewhere. Why not? I have participated with the company "Research to Practice" before and made $100 for answering a few questions. They called me last night, but I don't qualify…
hiccups again
ok- help is needed...my husand has just started second line therapy for crc with mets to liver and lungs and is currently on oxaliplatin and xeloda...starting the day after his infusion and while taking xeloda he has wicked hiccups...so much so that at times it takes his breath away like he is winded...in fact he hiccups…
Hi Has anybody here used avemar? If you google it, there is some information alright. It is unavailable iin Ireland, but my sister, who lives in Austria has sent me a months supply. Just wondered if anybody had used it. Thanks Margo
Body image and a colostomy
I would be interested to hear from people who have had a colostomy bag and how they dealt with any body image issues. I am worried about how I will be able to adjust to the way I am going to look after surgery. I dont mean to be superficial, the most important thing is to be alive but there is a part of me that really…
SO....Let's Talk Celebrations...
Before I jump into what this message is about, I realize that many have gone through some very rough times lately, and my intention is NOT to make light of it, but to swing the mood around here to a happier side... October, 2001, I was diagnosed at age 33 with stage 4 colon cancer. (No, that is NOT the happy, cheery part!…
To pink05 re: Dad's diet
Most doctors know next to nothing about nutrition and I just want to scream everytime I hear the word "Ensure." It is nothing but oil and sugar. Eating more fat is just going to feed the cancer. I have giant respect for so many doctors who do the incredible surgeries, the ridiculous hours they keep, etc. I'm just stating a…