High CEA and PET Scan
This is my second post on this web site. Some background: I am a male and my age is 71. On Dec. 10, 2007 I had a routine colonoscopy. The doctor found one large polyp in the lower colon and he removed it in sections. That evening I became nauseous, I vomited and I had a fever. This forced me to go to the emergency room at…
what do you think?
I just read this very disturbing article which made me start thinking again about the "cause" of cancer. Especially with all of the young follks here that were diagnosed well before the age of 50 (myself included). Until we start taking environmental health seriously as a nation and globally, how can we ever hope to stem…
ct-scan good news again
Monday Onc informed me CT-scan was clear so still NED. Dx stage 3 nov 2005 radiation/chemo/surgery/chemo. I asked onc if I was doing good... he said NO you're doing great! The basal cell spot on my face was removed-not even a scar. Until today I didn't realize just how much I missed something as simple as a smile.
hello all semi's well today is my 50th birthday. i had some doubts but i made it. for newbies, dx 5/04 stage 11, chemo 6 months,resection,2 hernia surgeries,alot of praying,my family here which i found while in the hospital. i have alot to be thankfull for even though alot has gone not as expected. some bumps along the…
Well we got our first snow yesterday(East Tennessee doesnt get much) but guess what I am doing the dance no matter the weather. Yep I am NED. Found out today, dx stage 3 rectal last year. Oh what a feeling!! Thanks to all of my CSN buddies for your support during this journey. It is kinda bitter sweet because my Mom got dx…
Friday Riddle / Teaser
Riddle: Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
Where is Goldfich?
Has anyone heard from Mary?
Side effects
My father is having terrible side effects after only the first round of his pill-chemo treatment. He's been in bed with diarrhea since Friday now. (He has about 4-6 bowl-movements a day) The home-care nurse was just out here a couple of hours ago to check his vitals and tells us he is well hydrated and the food we are…
wear blue 3/12
Hi guys, I took the liberty of copying this off the colon club website. I hope some of you can participate! "Hi, I know there are alot of wash colon clubbers out there. I need help getting the word out. march 12 the mayor of seattle has proclaimed it dress in blue day for colon cancer awareness. I need help spreading the…
Big Day
Hey, here is some great news. Tomorrow will be my 1 year anniversary Anniversary of what you ask (in hushed tones while leaning in)? Well one year ago I had just finished chemotherapy and radiation treatments a few weeks earlier, on this day undergone a lower anterior resection to remove my rectum, ushered in the use of a…
surgery next week
Well that time I've been dreading so much is almost here. My surgery is scheduled for march 4th. My sister and brotherinlaw will be arriving Sunday am. My eldest son is going to wait til i get out of hospital to come up from Al. I didnt try to get my other son, a Marine stationed in Iraq, home, figured it was a waste of…
What I am Up To Now.....
Just thought I would drop a note to my family here on what I have been up to lately. For the newbies, I was DX in July 06 with Stage II Colon Cancer (NO/MO). 1st surery in 7/06, finished chemo in 11/06 and 2nd surgery in 02/07. I got back to my weight lifting in May 07 and have been going steady since. I am back to bench…
I'm soooo thankful!
I just returned from my dr's visit. Everything is CLEAR! I had a chest, abdominal and pelvic CT and there is no sign of disease. I'm so very thankful. My dr said I was really boring! My history, dx'd last February w/stage III cc, 1 node involved. I had a resection in February,6 mos of chemo starting in March. Finished up…
I'm a newbie
Hi. I'm a newbie to this board and to cancer. I was diagnosed with colon cancer in Nov. and resected the day after Thanksgiving. It was Stage I. Yay! But I'm still having trouble sleeping and getting over the worry of it all. Just had a lump discovered in my breast. It is being checked again in 6 months. Supposedly okay,…
Avastin Update
The FDA has now approved Avastin for Breast Cancer. Article Link: http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20080222/47be56d0_3ca6_1552620080222767070609
4 years clear
Hi guys just dropping by to spread the good news. I just went for my CAT scan of my abdomen its been a year since last one. Its ALL GOOD.... Huge sigh of relief. Quick summary I was diagnosed Feb. 04 stage 4 mass in base of rectum and 4 spots on liver. Liver resection Jan. 05 all clear since.... CEA's have been normal and…
lung nodules and no treatment?
Hi everyone, ok im stage iv cancer removed from colon and liver all good until it popped up in lungs, i have scans every 3 months and they continue to grow slowly now the largest is 11mm. My oncs arent doing anything about it they have never been positive from the beginning. So i need help i know i need to find those great…
anxiety takes its toll...
Hello everyone, I know I don't often post about my own problems, but I could use some advice. For about the past 8 months I have been having some problems at work with a co-worker. I don't know if it is as a result of having been through cancer or what, but I seem to have developed an anxiety disorder that transends my…
Xeloda diarrhea on off days
My father finished taking his first cyle if Xeladon 5 days ago and has had a base case of diarrhea for the past two days. Is it normal to have the diarrhea on your off days?! When first picking up the pills at the pharmacy we were told not to give him Imodium if he develops diarrhea but to stop the chemo pill at once. No…
Successful move to Fl.
Hi all. I haven't written in awhile, but read the boards everyday. You are all always in my thoughts and prayers. Just an update here... I have been in the Tampa area now for almost three weeks. Talk about stress...I drove with 4 cats and a small dog and had my two big Newfoundland dogs moved via a wonderful pet transport…
6th month check-up
Hi everyone, I know I don't post too often but that doesn't mean I don't keep tabs on all of you! I check the board every night after I get home from work. My husbands 6 month check up is this week and I was wondering what to expect. His 3 month was just blood work and we never heard anything so we assumed all was well. He…
Friday Riddle / Teaser - ANSWER
Again, PGLGreg is the winner. CONGRATS!!!!!!!! Riddle: You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat? Answer: A ear of corn
That Time Again
It is that time again. My husband goes in for check up, CT Scans, Colonoscopy, blood work, etc. on Wednesday. We have tried to be so positive, but I think it is all getting the best of us these past few days. He is still concerned with bleeding and pain. We are anxious to have this week behind us and are ready for next…
my sister had surgery for stage 3 colorectal ca and has had 3 months of chemo but she is so sick...diarrhea up to 40 times a day that she is begging to quit...should her husband and I support her decision or try to talk her into continuing another 3 months of this hell?
Hi to all, Haven't posted in a little while but I've been reading posts daily. I had my CT scan yesterday, my first since treatment completion. Of course, I'm anxious, to say the least. Most of you know how I feel. I noticed on my orders from my onc that the CT was ordered for "restaging of colon cancer". Does anyone know…
What is CEA? ... and what is a good range??
what ifs??
Before cancer my family and I took a couple of vacations a year usually active vacations, either hiking, kyaking, canoeing, camping, stuff like that. Now I find myself wondering what if I get diarreah or cant find a bathroom, they are wanting to go on a 3 day canoeing, camping trip for spring break and I think I will have…
Friday Riddle / Teaser
Riddle: You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
This is all new to me.
At the age of 29 I was diagnosed with colon cancer. 6 months ago, I was given a clean bill of health but recently learned it may have spread to my uterus. My sister found this site for me and encouraged me to sign up and ask my questions here. The truth is, I know so little, I don't even know what to ask. I would love to…
Seroma developed after lung surgery
Hi everyone, I developed a seroma (5"x2.5"x1") on my back over the incision area from lung surgery on Oct. 16th. It started from my dog pulling on the leash unexpectedly; he's a big dog. It didn't hurt immediately after but a sharp pain, I think a muscle spasm, happened twice about an hour after the pull, and then my back…