Miralax - prep for colonoscopy
3rd annual post op colonoscopy coming up in a few weeks. Dr. prescribed 238 gram bottle of Miralx to be mixed with 64 oz. bottle of Gatorade -- then to drink 32 oz at 1pm and then 32 oz at 4pm on day before procedure. Also 4 Dlcolax between the 2 drinks. Anyone have anything good or bad to say about this prep?
Lip sores
I wanted to share a fairly successful way to deal with these that I have experienced for myself. After using such products as Abreva and Zilactin, etc. for a cold sore, I had one really bad one awhile back when I had an appt. with my prior onc. in Texas. He said to never use those products and told me to use just plain ol'…
Johns Hopkins-men are different...
In a recent study, where 100 men and 100 women increased their physical activity to test for CRC 'markers' (don't know what they mean...will find out...CEA?) reduction, the following results were published: All men who exercised 250 minutes a week had a reduction in potentially cancerous cell growth, and men who exercised…
Funny Article
Hi, I read this article on another board and thought I'd post it here. It is great! Very funny and perfect for CRC Awareness Month. http://www.miamiherald.com/dave_barry/story/427603.html
OH, geez....
Hi all. Still lurking after all this time but I need my semis now! My last test was a CEA in January which was still less than 0, so that's good. But even with full blown cancer my CEA ws only 1.5. My only real symptom was diarrhea and that has returned. I did not have it after my surgery in July 2006. But now it's back…
He's feeling better ( ... and so am I :)
We finaly got that diarrhea under control on the weekend and the stomach troubles got better Sunday. The homecare nurse came by today and was actually surprised he recovered so fast. He doesn't remember much of the last week ... and we figure a lot of that has to do with the medication he was taking to counter balance the…
NED again!!!
I had a ct scan last Monday, and the results "NO EVIDENCE OF DIDEASE"for the ones that don't know me Dx July 06 stage 3,I can breath again! I am so grateful to GOD.I'm celebrating life and my NEDNESS.I will continue to pray for all of you,even if you don't see my posts so often I come to this board every single day and my…
Okay, have you made the appointment? If not, I am going to have everyone here nag you every day :)
Friday Riddle / Teaser - ANSWER
This week's winner is 4law. CONGRATS :) RIDDLE: A man lives in a house with four walls. Each wall has a window. Each window has a southern exposure. A bear walks by. What color is the bear? ANSWER: Yes, it is a white polar bear
San Francisco was BEAUTIFUL!!
Just returned from a meeting/extended weekend in the 'city by the bay'. MAN! Was it beautiful!!!! This time, we didn't have a car, and used public transportation (BART and MUNI). It was perfect. The only tense moment was when 2 guys attempted to lift my beau's wallet!!! Shame on us, we needed a reminder that this is a big,…
Have any of you ever developed a rash during treatment? My father had a rash all over his face and body with the first treatment (I think it was 5flu along with an experimantal drug) He's developing a couple of small redish purple pin-hole-sized spots on his arms and legs with the pill chemo now. The family doctor told us:…
Friday Riddle / Teaser
Riddle: A man lives in a house with four walls. Each wall has a window. Each window has a southern exposure. A bear walks by. What color is the bear?
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer
I just wanted to let you all know that I will be attending this program in Tampa at the Moffitt Center on Saturday. It is sponsored by the Colon Cancer Alliance and looks like it will be very imformative. I will be taking notes and passing on any info that seems new. Anyone else going?
diet and cancer research
hello Semi-colons! I came across this website with this little blurb and thought I would share it. http://www.cancerproject.org/diet_cancer/type/colon/cancer_fighting.php peace, emily
colon room 2
I would like to thank everyone that made the new colorectal semi colon room group a sucess last night THANKS next meeting room 2 on March 19 at 7 pm Bev04 and chewbacca
im getting neulesta after my chemo treatments i know it is suppose to make your bones hurt but is it an almost everyday thing?
colorectal semi colon chat room 2
As a reminder we are having a Colonrectal semi colon chat room on March 5 at 7 PM EST in room 2 hope you can join us there we will be getting to know each other the 1 st meeting Bev04 and chewbacca
New Diagnosis
Hello All - I am new to this board. I've read a few of the messages, but it seems most are to and from people who are much further along in the treatment. My Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer 1 week ago. He is to undergo surgery this Tuesday. He seems so frail, isn't eating much, mostly fluids and I'm really worried. He…
It's been just over 3 months since my surgery, and right now my stomach is killing me. It makes me want to panic, because I wonder if this is a sign of something bad again. Or maybe I've done too much. I don't know. Just hate that I'm always worried about everything now. I'm constipated, but then I have IBS, so that's sort…
Quick Survey
My lovely husband won't get a colonoscopy cause he isn't 50 yet!!! @*#$*&@!!!! please post your age at diagnosis - cancer stage- and a yes or no to family history. Forgive me if this is like a previous post. Chemo has truly robbed me of my memory. Please, everyone, this is something we can all print out and bring to our…
Friday Riddle / Teaser - ANSWER
This weeks winner is StacyGleaso. CONGRATS!!!!! Riddle: Riddle: Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I? ANSWER: Fire
Upcoming biopsy
I'm fairly new here, so to refresh your memories on me: diagnosed with Stage I colon cancer on Nov.21, operated on Nov.23. Following that I had a mammogram and was called back for "another look." There's definitely a growth there. Radiologist thinks it's a fibroadenoma, but we're doing a core needle biopsy soon, probably…
Hand/Foot with Xeloda
We are on the 11th day of our 1st round of Xeloda after a re-occurance of colon cancer in my husband. So far diarrhea, fatigue and this morning hand/foot symdrome. He is taking B6 and we have been putting Alveeno cream on his hand and feet. They are swollen and tender. Any ideas?
macrobiotic diet
Help needed yet again. My husband had his 1st appt with a homeopathic MD to help us with nutrition and supplements. He is recommending a macrobiotic diet. I tried to research this on the internet and it appears to be way complicated. I understand very little of it. Does anyone out there have info on this type of diet. We…
new colorectal room
We are starting a new chat room at night for colorectal and semi colons and caregivers. Meeting is on March 5th at 7 PM EST.in ROOM 2. 1st meeting we will be getting to know eachother. The next meeting will be on March 19 at 7PM EST in room 2. We will have different subjects to talk about and we will be e mailing you. hope…
are there people who can not take aNY for of chemo?
It seems my father really isn't doing well with the pill chemo. He had tried two rounds of IV chemo in Oct/Nov and lost 40 lbs due to diarrhea. Now after 8 weeks off chemo and trying the chemo pill he has lost some more. Is it possible that some people just can not handle ANY chemo? ... or is it still possible to fight…
So far, so good!
Hello All We spent Wednesday and Thursday at the Mayo Clinic this week for a check up. (finished treatment 10 months ago for stage IIIB rectal cancer) My husbands CT Scan, Chest Xray, and blood work all looked clear!! Great news. The colonoscopy was done on Thursday and we did not get an official report on that before we…
Question about CEA
Okay my husband had his 6 month check up since his last surgery in July. His original surgery was Nov. of 06. His CEA was 1.1 pre and post surgery, his last CEA in Dec. 07 was .06, he finished his chemo in June of 07.. Will find out the lastest one next week. Do you think the CEA numbers are a good marker for him. I know…
Another 6 months down!!! YEA!!!
Well, I went to my 6-month onc visit today. She had a new PA, who said "You are the story we LOVE to tell!!!" ALL of my markers are clear, my white count is normal for the first time in 3 years...NED on the rectal ca for 3 years, NED on the breast ca 2.5 years....CT scan clear...WHEW! LOTS of naked happy dancing…
Thank you Tootsie1 for asking some of the same questions I've been wondering about. Until I found this site I was afraid of sounding silly. I was 46 yo when diagnosed w/stage III colon cancer and resected a month later (due to holidays). Only 2 out of 17 lymph nodes had shown infected cells and CT was negative.…