finally took neupogen & a question

lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I posted right at Christmas time about needing to take neupogen shots for my low white blood cell count, then how the insurance screwed up, didn't approve it, didn't send it, etc., until a week later and my count then came up on its own.

Well, I finally really did need to take the neupogen shots this week. My white count was 1.3, which is the lowest it's been & they said I needed to take it. My oncology office kept the shots that they sent before that I never used & sent them home with me after my chemo on Tuesday. I injected myself Wed., Thurs. & today (Friday). It wasn't too bad injecting it. I was on the lookout for side effects from what so many of you told me before about your neupogen experiences. Many of you had no side effects at all, and some of you said you had some bone pain, someone got a headache, and someone had pain in their sternum.
I'm so glad you're all so responsive! I would have really been worried if I didn't already know what to possibly expect. Tonight, I got an almost crushing feeling in my sternum- I thought maybe I was having a heart attack at first. Then, it spread to my ribs, spine, and even hips. Nothing too horrible and it didn't last all that long, but it would come and go. I took a couple of Advils for it and am about to go to bed- hopefully it won't bother me during the night. That, combined with feeling sick to my stomach today from the chemo kind of did me in today. Usually, if I feel sick from the chemo, it hits me 2-3 days after for a couple of days, which was yesterday and today. Hopefully I'll be fine tomorrow.

**A question about neupogen... have any of you heard of neupogen being harmful to take due to its possibility of making the cancer cells multiply more quickly? I heard this from another friend who has rectal cancer. Her doctor won't give her neupogen or Neulasta because of some supposed recent studies on it. I mentioned this to my doctor and nurse and they said that isn't true. I don't know what to believe!

Well, take care everybody-


  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Good Question
    I haven't thought of that but it looks likely....some Oncs must outweigh the risk for the rise in WBC......dunno, might ask that myself Monday.....God Bless ya hun..........
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    myeloid tumors
    Hi Buzzard,

    I just did some more searching on the internet for neupogen affecting cancer cell growth and I only found it mentioned for myeloid tumors. Not really understanding what a myeloid tumor is, I know that's not what I've had at least. I guess the concern is that while neupogen/neulasta stimulate the white blood cell growth, it can also stimulate the growth of certain other kinds of already cancerous cells. Obviously, that would be a concern- we don't want to be counterproductive! Even though it probably doesn't relate to my own situation, I think I may tell the doctor I'm going to forego any neupogen next time. I've never had any infections so far(only maybe two minor colds this whole year and a half I've been on chemo- pretty amazing, actually!) I'm probably overreacting, but feel kind of like the neupogen just isn't really that neccessary for me. Doctors seem to be so different from what I've read- some automatically give it as soon as the neutrophils numbers drop a bit and others are much more cautious about giving it. The fact that others are so cautious makes me wonder if some doctors (mine included) aren't looking into it enough to determine who really needs it, rather than just using it as a blanket one fits all treatment.

    Well, bless you Buzzard- and everyone else! I'm signing off to go take my daughters to see the Coraline 3-D movie- my 9 yr old just finished reading the book and is anxious to see it!
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    lisa42 said:

    myeloid tumors
    Hi Buzzard,

    I just did some more searching on the internet for neupogen affecting cancer cell growth and I only found it mentioned for myeloid tumors. Not really understanding what a myeloid tumor is, I know that's not what I've had at least. I guess the concern is that while neupogen/neulasta stimulate the white blood cell growth, it can also stimulate the growth of certain other kinds of already cancerous cells. Obviously, that would be a concern- we don't want to be counterproductive! Even though it probably doesn't relate to my own situation, I think I may tell the doctor I'm going to forego any neupogen next time. I've never had any infections so far(only maybe two minor colds this whole year and a half I've been on chemo- pretty amazing, actually!) I'm probably overreacting, but feel kind of like the neupogen just isn't really that neccessary for me. Doctors seem to be so different from what I've read- some automatically give it as soon as the neutrophils numbers drop a bit and others are much more cautious about giving it. The fact that others are so cautious makes me wonder if some doctors (mine included) aren't looking into it enough to determine who really needs it, rather than just using it as a blanket one fits all treatment.

    Well, bless you Buzzard- and everyone else! I'm signing off to go take my daughters to see the Coraline 3-D movie- my 9 yr old just finished reading the book and is anxious to see it!

    Have fun......we all know ya will.....and Im asking my Onc about that tomorrow.....I'll get back to ya on it....Bless ya hun.....
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Sorry you had that frightening sternum+ pain. I am one of those who never had side effects with the Neupogen but I appreciate that others have.

    As for possible harmful effects: I never heard anything about Neupogen increasing chances of cancer. But I know my oncologist wanted to give me as little neupogen as possible. That's why he wouldn't give me neulasta (is that the name? the one-shot drug which lasts two weeks) and I had repeated blood tests to determine the fewest # of days I could take neupogen and get my blood counts up. I seem to recall his concern was something to do with possible long-term effects on bone marrow but I'm afraid I really can't remember now.

    I can understand you wanting to not have the neupogen. But, you do want to be able to complete the chemo, and also not have your white blood cell count so low that you are at risk of infections, etc. (right??). Good luck as you face these decisions....

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    taraHK said:

    Sorry you had that frightening sternum+ pain. I am one of those who never had side effects with the Neupogen but I appreciate that others have.

    As for possible harmful effects: I never heard anything about Neupogen increasing chances of cancer. But I know my oncologist wanted to give me as little neupogen as possible. That's why he wouldn't give me neulasta (is that the name? the one-shot drug which lasts two weeks) and I had repeated blood tests to determine the fewest # of days I could take neupogen and get my blood counts up. I seem to recall his concern was something to do with possible long-term effects on bone marrow but I'm afraid I really can't remember now.

    I can understand you wanting to not have the neupogen. But, you do want to be able to complete the chemo, and also not have your white blood cell count so low that you are at risk of infections, etc. (right??). Good luck as you face these decisions....


    One More Thing
    I was to take Neupagen for 2 days to start my chemo on Monday but I took a shot on Friday of Neupagen not Neulasta and was suppose to go to the hospital on Saturday to take a second shot and I didn't go but come Monday my WBC was fine so maybe it is a standard for Oncs but each body reacts differently so maybe 1 was good enough for me. I have quit taking my Flourextine (prozac) and I am getting slowly but surely back to my old self. No meds at all except maybe an occasional Tylenol. Im not gonna be old and taking 20 different meds a day. Im getting my complete life back again
  • Mike49
    Mike49 Member Posts: 261
    Buzzard said:

    One More Thing
    I was to take Neupagen for 2 days to start my chemo on Monday but I took a shot on Friday of Neupagen not Neulasta and was suppose to go to the hospital on Saturday to take a second shot and I didn't go but come Monday my WBC was fine so maybe it is a standard for Oncs but each body reacts differently so maybe 1 was good enough for me. I have quit taking my Flourextine (prozac) and I am getting slowly but surely back to my old self. No meds at all except maybe an occasional Tylenol. Im not gonna be old and taking 20 different meds a day. Im getting my complete life back again

    Complete life is a great goal
    Buzzard, I always admire your ability to put into your posts the very things I strive for. Like you I want to get back to the things I love to do, get back to a normal routine feeling normal. Good luck to all of us, I think that really is the goal, beating this disease is just door we must go through to get there. It is amazing how much this chemo takes away from us in the way of energy and stamina. I can feel good at times but if I do much of anything, it takes a while to recover.
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Mike49 said:

    Complete life is a great goal
    Buzzard, I always admire your ability to put into your posts the very things I strive for. Like you I want to get back to the things I love to do, get back to a normal routine feeling normal. Good luck to all of us, I think that really is the goal, beating this disease is just door we must go through to get there. It is amazing how much this chemo takes away from us in the way of energy and stamina. I can feel good at times but if I do much of anything, it takes a while to recover.

    I have because of the ice storm we had have been out cutting and burning limbs for exercise (plenty of it) and the very first day 4 hours and I was shot. The next day although sore I worked almost all day without the soreness and really felt good. The 3rd day I was feeling like I was back 100% but then I got up the next morning and couldn't hardly move I was so sore. My point is that I should have been doing this all along and not got so out of shape but the dwelling of this little problem took a lot of my time up when it really shouldn't have but we all can look back and see that we could have done a lot of things different and been better off.I start my #11 in the morning and I am not gonna wait til #12 is done beforer I get myself back to normal. I have already started and I have a lot to catch up on so the sooner I start the better off I will be. When you get into a chemo routine the second week is when you really shine and get caught up on the things that went south the first week. But, as you go you see a purpose instead of sitting there dwelling on something only God has control of. Do yourself a favor and stay busy so that you stay healthy as you go along . It will benefit your mental state as well as your physical being also. I have the luxury of having a hot tub to get into after a days cutting , stacking and burning limbs and logs. So, all in all my life is almost back to normal and in 3 weeks will be completely back to normal.

    and I want to make this statement to doesn't matter what life holds for me or the longevity of it. The only thing that matters is what type of legacy you leave and how you treat others will determine that. All of us here have a story to tell but isn't it funny that if the whole world had cancer then everyone would be as we are, helping nuturing, aiding, caring, blessing , and sharing to help each other along the way. Why do we have to suffer a great downfall to do this for each other ? As we go on in life, please, when you pass someone smile at them, you might make their whole day. If you have a chance to help someone , do it. You then make a new friend. Above all, thank God everyday that He keeps his arms around you to protect you and comfort you, and never fear the end, for in essense its actually the beginning........God Bless all of you here...........your friend ....Clift