driving home from chemo

zigswife Member Posts: 61
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Does anyone get to the point where they drive themselves to and from chemo or is it a standing rule that people have to be driven home on chemo days? My husband has only completed two rounds of chemo so I am thinking forward to all the fun chemo days ahead...


  • dmdwins
    dmdwins Member Posts: 454 Member
    I did
    I did have days when I drove myself to and from chemo. Mostly my husband was able to arrange his work schedule to come with me. My friends were not happy when they found out I had gone alone. I was lucky that I had many offers for rides and companionship but it was possible to go it alone on the days I felt well enough.

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    It depends on the chemo. I always drove myself to chemo and to my radiation treatments, but my chemo was just an injection of 5fu and had minimal side effects.

  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    I think I drove myself to
    I think I drove myself to and from chemo for 11 times, my Mom was here for one time and drove. I actually went alone, preferred it that way. I could sleep, read, watch TV, do whatever- didn't feel like I had a bored person with me. I go to a clinic that is under a huge remodeling effort- there really wasn't space for anyone else to be there. Truly, I didn't miss it.

    Strange come to think of it- I was hospitalized 3 different times from 5-7 days for chemo related issues. Nobody came and saw me any of the times. The 1st and 3rd time I was in isolation, so they really couldn't come. But really, I was totally fine without anyone there. I was pretty sick.

    My Mom came up like the day after the pump was dc'd and stayed throough the bad times. But really, truly, I was alone through the chemo and hospital stays- I had incredible nurses and fellow chemo patients to chat the time away.
  • grammadebbie
    grammadebbie Member Posts: 464
    Not Allowed
    I was not allowed to drive myself (couldn't have done it anyway). They wouldn't even start my chemo unless someone was with me. I'm sure it depends on the treatment. My husband went with me and we made the most of it.

    Blessing to You,

    Debbie (gramma) there is another Debbie so I add gramma
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    PGLGreg said:

    It depends on the chemo. I always drove myself to chemo and to my radiation treatments, but my chemo was just an injection of 5fu and had minimal side effects.


    Yes,I agree with Greg.When
    Yes,I agree with Greg.When my husband had 5-fu and radiation,he drove everyday to the hospital because I couldn't drive and I still can't.5-fu is not a very strong chemo,so I think it is ok to drive.But if you are on a cocktail chemo,maybe it is another story.
  • zigswife
    zigswife Member Posts: 61
    He's on FOLFOX and Avastin
    Thanks everyone! My husband is on FOLFOX and Avastin and so far is handling it really well. Did anyone drive themselves home from chemo on this cocktail? Did you have to get "approval"?
  • shrevebud
    shrevebud Member Posts: 105
    zigswife said:

    He's on FOLFOX and Avastin
    Thanks everyone! My husband is on FOLFOX and Avastin and so far is handling it really well. Did anyone drive themselves home from chemo on this cocktail? Did you have to get "approval"?


    I was on FOLFOX and Avastin and I drove myself the entire time. The only time I didn't drive was my first treatment two and a half years ago - mainly had someone take me as a precautionary measure. Other than that I did it alone. Hope this helps. Roy
  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    I actually prefer to be
    I actually prefer to be alone but my mother always feels the need to go, which is quite irritating. But since it just makes her feel better, I let her go sometimes. But driving myself to and fro is preferable for me.

  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    luv3jay said:

    I actually prefer to be
    I actually prefer to be alone but my mother always feels the need to go, which is quite irritating. But since it just makes her feel better, I let her go sometimes. But driving myself to and fro is preferable for me.


    Ya know, the one time my
    Ya know, the one time my mother went- she ended up sitting, standing, flipping through the TV stations, wanting to know how much longer, etc. I ended up feeling like I had to entertain her and felt bad because she was so bored. I really just preferred to go it alone as well!
  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797
    I drive 2 hours one way to radiation everyday (2 days short of completing 10 wks - 2 rounds) and to chemo every other week. I've done the chemo thing for 2 years - the first year locally and I'm just finishing my first year 2 hours away. My only issue would be with premeds. Since I don't really get any of the good stuff, I can drive myself home.

    This is long term for me and with such a long drive, I'd really be burning favors up by now. I have a wonderful support system and I'd like to keep it that way! My husband is wonderful but with the 5 surgeries I've had he's used FMLA quite often. Although his employer has been wonderful we don't want to push our luck in this economy.

    It's certainly a very individual decision, as you can see from the responses. Every situation is so different. "Wait and see" sucks as an answer, but it may be possible for him to drive himself.

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    **** drove himself to 11 out of 12 treatments, his choice. I was working and he did not want anyone else driving him. #11 was a bit hard, we think they sped it up and he felt kinda sick. So on #12 I drove but he could have. We live very close to the hospital where he got treatment, only 15 minute drive.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    **** drove himself to 11 out of 12 treatments, his choice. I was working and he did not want anyone else driving him. #11 was a bit hard, we think they sped it up and he felt kinda sick. So on #12 I drove but he could have. We live very close to the hospital where he got treatment, only 15 minute drive.

    ...wouldn't mind driving, but my husband is nervous about me doing it. It's 2 hours away back and forth, and being on narcotics and also sometimes the chemo makes me jittery, he does all the driving. He doesn't like me doing it alone, so he keeps me company, and his job is seasonal, so he works from April-November, and then gets laid off, so he doesn't use all those FMLA days, it works out well. I like him coming with me. I sometimes just get so nervous going to the doctors and all, I kind of like having my "rock" with me :)

  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    Opted not to drive after chemo
    Had a 2.5 hrs drive home and felt too drugged. A number of different people came with me so that my hubbie didn't have to do the drive all the time (Wyoming in winter...) It was a great chance to catch up with friends, and helped me face it each time.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    I don't know how you guys do it?
    I never drove myself to treatments. We lived an hour away from my center, but even if we were closer, i wouldn't have done it. The treatments exhausted me (radiation), and the neuropathy after chemo was dreadfully horrible for a week after (folfox). I still don't like to drive because of the pain in my back and hips, and I get so easily distracted, i don't trust myself. I'm lucky, like Donna, that my boyfriend is protective, and doesn't let me go to any appointments without him (unless they're when he's working). Then my Mother takes me. My ex-boss who went through colon cancer treatments for a long time said she wished she hadn't driven. She nearly crashed sometimes because of feeling loopy. I guess it really is individualized.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    I always drove myself
    I did 8 months of folfox w/ avastin and went alone every time except one time when my Mom insisted on going and both of us were miserable. Luckily she never wanted to go again. I found it easier to be able to do what I wanted/needed to do (sleep, read, eat, talk, or just chill). It made me feel more normal for some reason.

    Lisa P.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Always Drove Myself

    I always drove myself to all of my treatments for Chemo and Radiation.

    I never needed any type of approval - just showed up do my treatments and then left the facility.

  • zigswife
    zigswife Member Posts: 61
    Thanks everyone!
    Thank you everyone for your input! I would love to go with him each time but am trying to save up as much leave as I can, since we're in this for the long haul. He's been feeling fine on the chemo days (so far) and I wasn't sure if it was even an option but sounds like it is! Now we keep our fingers crossed that the rest of them go as well as the first two!
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I have, with the exception of my first time, driven myself to and from my chemo. I also go for chemo alone. I usually sleep and I just would rather go and sleep than feel I have to entertain. My wife would like to go with me but she has to get the kids off to school and since I leave the house by about 5:30 to get to NYC for my 7:30 check in time, it's too early anyway. I think it's up to each of us as to if we are able to drive or not.
    Just be careful if he drives.
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    PhillieG said:

    I have, with the exception of my first time, driven myself to and from my chemo. I also go for chemo alone. I usually sleep and I just would rather go and sleep than feel I have to entertain. My wife would like to go with me but she has to get the kids off to school and since I leave the house by about 5:30 to get to NYC for my 7:30 check in time, it's too early anyway. I think it's up to each of us as to if we are able to drive or not.
    Just be careful if he drives.

    drove my self and telecommute to work two hours a day
    The last two treatments were the hardest for me....felt very sleepy and should not have been driving! My husband picked me one day.
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Nana b said:

    drove my self and telecommute to work two hours a day
    The last two treatments were the hardest for me....felt very sleepy and should not have been driving! My husband picked me one day.

    By Myself
    Drove 30 minutes to treatment...got in lounge chair and they put in the needle and I tried to sleep the 4 hours away...and did a good job at it also...I drove every trip...no sense in ruining everyone's day...LOL