What happens after they say remission?
What exactly is that?.... remission? same as NED? NEAD?? and even though there is no evidence of cancer on your PET anymore does that mean its gone??? It was always my understanding that this stage IV is not "curable".... only "treatable" So once it's all gone thru chemo treatments..... do I just sit and wait cause it's…
VickiCO and dilation
Hi Vicki! The site wouldn't let me post to your thread about the dilation. I don't know why that happens sometimes! I'm so glad the dilation was a success!! It sucks about the radiation damage. I have it too, but no one has mentioned colitis. What exactly is it? Is it another term for IBS? I don't know if you've tried…
Chemo and Flu Shots.
I’m getting chemotherapy treatment with 5-FU and Leucovorin (not Oxaliplatin) and I’m wondering about a flu shot? I know chemo is supposed to suppress the immune system and I’m wondering if that might make it more likely that I’ll get the flu from the shot. Also, I’ve read that this year’s flu shot has caused Autoimmune…
Kimby - Mouth sore remedy ?
Kimby, Donna posted she thought you might have a recipe for mouth sore rememdy? Husband just completed first round of chemo, trying to prevent a problem... Thanks ;)
bland embolization
The interventional radiologist performed a bland embolization on three tumors in my liver. I go back in two weeks for RFA on some tumors in my lungs. I will also be checked and possibly re-embolized. I have two very tiny tumors that are in the porta caval cavity which are very small and most likely in the lymph nodes. I am…
Just need to vent
Sorry if this sounds whiney. I had to leave work early due to severe gas and cramping after lunch. This really sucks, I thought I was a little tougher than that. Good thing I went home though. After being home a couple of hours it was coming out of both ends. I have been constipated since starting Chemo last Friday, is…
mFOLOX 6 / Avastin chemo (we welcome any advice)
Port today (went well) mFOLOX6, Avastin starts Tuesday at 8:30 am (3 hours) think there is a pump for 48 hours what can we expect? any advice will be appreciated.... treatments every two weeks, in eight weeks (4 chemo treatments - CT Scan to check progress) My husband dx with rectal cancer stage 4 (with mets to liver)…
Linda a/k/a lmliess
Linda: Are you doing ok? I haven't seen you post in quite some time. I hope that all is going well and you check in and let us know. Just wanted you to know you were being thought of. Kim
How are your emotions since dx
Hi Everbody, I guess this is just kind of an informal poll of sorts. I have found since my dx and surgery that I seem overly emotional. Is this normal? Has anybody else gone through this? I have always been the emotional type, but this seems to be more intense than what I am used to. Don
Friday Riddle
RIDDLE: A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
Worry Wart
Have any of you ever had a burning sensation in you body only to find out that it was another start of a Tumour? I have this burning sensation that comes and goes under my ribs, meaning on my liver. Feeling this, makes me think that the little light that was liting up between my ribs and liver is growing. Noooooooo! I have…
Are you ok? Just thinking about you and hoping that you are doing well. Just haven't heard from you. Please let us know. You are being thought of. Hugs! Kim
Stage II colon cancer
My mom was diagnosed with stage II colon cancer, with "suspious" (2) spots on her liver. The doctor said they are too small to determine if they're cysts or cancer by CTscan alone, so yesterday she went for a Pet Scan. The oncologist didn't mention anything about her kidney, but the surgeon told us they also found one spot…
Some Humor - Dave Barry’s guide to preparing for a COLONOSCOPY
This is from newshound Dave Barry’s colonoscopy journal: I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to make an appointment for a colonoscopy. A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color diagram of the colon, a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the place, at one point passing briefly thru…
Gums and dental problems after chemo
I finished chemo just over 3 weeks ago and saw my dentist last week. She said my gums are inflamed, etc. On a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being good, my gums were a 3. There was a LOT of blood from the cleaning! She assured me this is from chemo. She had me begin flossing again plus gave me special toothpaste, etc. She also…
ostomy bag
I'm new and would like to talk to some one via post about ostomy appliances. I have to wear a bag as the result of an accident. I have a few questions if you would like comply please answer me. Thanks
High Blood Pressure
Mom is on Folfox & Avastin and ever since they started the Avastin about 4 weeks ago has had a bad headache off and on, especially right after treatment. This morning she had a bad headache again and checked her blood pressure and it was like 230/100! They got her on BP meds right away. Has anyone else here had high blood…
Great NEWS
I have not posted in a while but some of you may remember me. My husband was dx 8/24/06 with stage IV colorectal cancer with mets to liver, had surgery on 9/15/06 to remove the cancer and he got his colostomy. Then followed by two plus years of chemo..every kind. In 12/08 oncologist told us there was nothing more they…
Problem from multi-vitamin
I have been feeling kind of lousy lately - not real bad, just kind of lethargic, uncomfortable, not sleeping well. I also had discomfort in the middle of my stomach when I took a deep breath. Although I have a number of small lung mets and some elevated liver enzymes, the discomfort was not really in the area of my liver…
Caregiver Acceptance
I've written a couple of replies, but I thought I should say a little more about our particular place in this colon cancer fight. My husband has been a cancer survivor of stage IV colon cancer for six years. He has been through a lot - 4 surgeries, various chemo, radiation, and the three targeted drugs. His last scan…
More hemangiomas or something else?
Hi Everyone! Long time no post! I've been terribly busy being unemployed:-) OK, here's the scoop. Last year my CT scan showed what I was told is a hemangioma on my liver. A hemangioma is like a port wine birthmark, except somewhere internally--just a mass of blood vessels clumping together. I just got back from my onc who…
Update and things
Hello - how is everyone getting along? Hope everyone was able to enjoy the holiday yesterday. I've been reading the postings today - I try to read them everyday now. It's like a connection that I don't have anywhere else. It's been a long day - work was really busy after the 3-day holiday break. I'm glad it's just a 4-day…
Couric Passes Colonoscopy Torch
http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5300238n&tag=cbsnewsSectionContent.8 Great video of a gastro MD getting a colonoscopy. I am so grateful that traditional news media is taking on the screening for colon cancer. The early awareness is so critical- and as much as we hate the colonoscopy, it is the only exam that finds…
Why do I dread chemo day
I know its small of me but I have been dreading chemo day all week in anticipation. Now on the CapeOX regimen I only go in every third Monday(tuesday this week) for infusion of Oxiliplatin and then take the Xeloda for two weeks. I have just been dreading the infusion and I know I can handle it, sure I can't drink cold and…
calling (dr.) phil(lieg)
Sorry for the repeat question( chemo brain here) but now that I am done w/ my crc met to the lung thoracotomy the oncs are going to give me the menu of what is next.They are making noises about erbitux or some kind of focused radiation. Being compulsive I want to know everything ahead of the game and want to revisit the…
medical marijuana dispenseries raided in San Diego Co.
Hi, I just thought this might be of interest to some folks. I've never personally used medical marijuana, but I know some people on this board do. I had asked some about it lately. I know many claim it's about the only thing that really seems to work without side effects in nausea control and also in pain. It was on the…
Update:dear all,we are home
Hi dear all,finally we made home this afternoon.I am sorry that I couldn't update you guys earlier because I was too busy with walking back and forth between home and hospital everyday,I thought it would be a short walk,but it turned out to be a 50 mins walk for a single trip. The surgery took much longer than what I…
Herb Ganoderma,
Hi,haven't been writing for a while, but have kept up with the board discussions. Was stage 3 colon cancer with 1 positive node. Surgery and then chemo. Completed treatment in Dec. 08. Have been NED since, thank God. I've been hearing somethings about an herb called garnoderma that is suppose to be very effective with…
One of those bad days
So, in order to cope with my 34 yo husband's stage IV dx (with a 2 1/2 year old and baby twins), I often enter into denial mode with the assumption that the only option is for this to all work out and for him to see our girls grow up. Several times over the last week, my defense has faltered and I find myself hit with the…