Update on CAT
Hi Everyone, I think our news is neutral to good. **** had his CAT scan today and I picked up the report this afternoon. I also picked up a copy of the scan for our radiologist friend. The report says stable, no change in size on the enlarged lymph node and everything else was clear. The CAT was chest, abdomen and pelvis.…
Last night I kind of felt run down. You guys know what I'm talking about. So I went to bed early and started watching TV. Then after a little while my 12 year old daughter come a lays down with me. We start talking. Then my 4 year old son comes in to see what is up and kind of starts a pillow fight. Soon I have my 15 year…
How safe are CT Scans -- I have had six this year alone.
In the past year I have had six CT scans with contrast and I'm having another one tomorrow. I feel like I'm going to start glowing in the dark. My doctor says the radiation from one CT scan is equal to one day at the beach, but I have to wonder if this is true and how much radiation I'm getting from all these scans. Does…
5 weeks after surgery; having constipation and painful gas - any suggestions
5 weeks after surgery, today having constipation and painful gas. I have been drinking a lot of water but no luck. I have been miserable. Don't think I can take anything like a stool softener or gas pill so have any suggestions? This has happened before - I assume its due to some meals I've had - last night swiss steak and…
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING THE INTERNET ALLOWED RIDDLE: Hilary Cliton was in heaven and she met an angel. The angel took her into a room with a lot of clocks. Hilary asked what all of the clocks were for. The angel replied " They represent everybodys lies. Each time you lie your clock moves one minute. George Washingtons…
Oxaliplatin - Acute neurotoxicity
Guess what? There is an actual name for one of the troubles I'm having; pharyngolaryngeal dysesthesias. And I've got all the other weird issues - hand cramping, trouble with my eyes, face, jaw, etc. My colon cancer nurse navigator did some research for me. Once again I fit those darn 1-2% statistics. I shouldn't be…
Recurrence at surgical site
Hello. My husband's Wednesday CT scan results are in and his oncologist told us this morning that he has a small mass located in his abdominal wall. (The CT scan indicates that the mass has NOT penetrated through the abdominal wall into the abdomen and has good margins to permit the surgeon to excise the mass. Our…
Lung met questions
Hey everyone, Haven't been posting because life has been packed. Working lots of hours and getting my younger son off to college. For a little background, dx'd in Oct 2007 w/Stage IV cc, mets to my ovaries. 2 surgeries, 6 mos of FOLFOX w/Avastin and NED since just after treatment began. My last PET in July showed a small…
New to this Site and Discussion Board
I am 39 years old and was dx with Stage IV colon cancer. I had surgery on August 10th to remove the tumor in my colon and started on Folfox 6 in late August and recently added Avastin in October. I have had 5 treatments and my last CT scan showed no shrinkage but also no additional growth. I have disease in my lymph nodes…
any brain mets survivor out there???
Hi I love this board and all the people here, here is my first post. My boyfriend of 5 years was diagnosed with Colon Cancer 7 years ago, he had 3 recurrences in the past 4 years, 3 months ago on a routine checkup they found 2 mets in his lung, and 2 weeks ago they found 5 further mets in his brain, they have surgically…
diagnosis queston
I am wondering if anyone has heard of or had a misdiagnosis for colon cancer. My grandmother was diagnosed about 2 months ago and now another doctor is saying it is ovarian cancer. Does anyone have feed back on that. Thank you very much.
There's this funny stuff falling from the sky!!! Is the sky falling??????
I woke up here in 'sunny' Southern California to this wierd, clear stuff falling from the sky....could anyone help me with what it might be????? LMAO...of course, out of a dim memory, it's something you call 'rain'.... Happy fall to all!!!! We need rain soooooooooooo badly!!! Hugs, Kathi
I Love You MOMMY
I need to do this for myself, to proclaim to the world how I love and miss my Mother who died this date last year. She survived breast cancee and open heart surgery, among other conditions.At least she did not learn of my cancer-as her oldest, that would have destroyed her. MA: me and Maryann will visit as soon as I am…
You and John doing ok? I miss you :( Hugsss! ~Donna
New treatment strategy
I wasn't able to get any copies of my study today. I'm going to get one on Wed when I get my avastin. Here is what I found out and my new strategy. I have two significant protein overexpressions. I have the maximum overexpression of SPARC: secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine. It is calcium binding macroprotein.…
Hi, Just joined this site and found it useful in about the first thirty seconds. Stage 1 rectal tumor removed with neg margins. Dr. said " your good to go". Stage 4 cancer mets to liver appeared in Jan. 5 months of chemo then liver resection and the fight goes on. All tumors from liver were removed with neg margins. All…
2010 Colondar - A Must See!
Our friends at the Colon Club are at it again with the 2010 Colondar. This from their website... "The 2010 Colondar is another stunning take on fourteen colorectal cancer survivors all diagnosed under the stereotypical age of 50. As with every Colondar, the featured survivors proudly show off their surgical scars and share…
Advice needed from the board
The last day or two I have not felt very good. (I had my last chemo treatment last wed Nov 4th). Now I feel like I'm getting a cold or something. My question is. Do you think I should cantact my Ong and let him know? Or wait a day or two and see if this thing passes? My next chemo treatment is this Wed. Life is funny…
Pathology Reports
Good morning all! We just got the pathology reports from my husband's Monday surgery. The surgeon removed 35 lymph nodes and ALL were cancer free! The surgeon staged him at an early stage 2. As you can imagine, we're both breathing a big sigh of relief. Now we're thinking ahead to treatment and what comes next. We do plan…
Feeling so frustrated
Hi everyone, I am feeling very frustrated because I can't seem to talk my sister into getting a colonoscopy. Both my mom and her mom died from colon cancer, I was diagnosed last December shortly after turning 40, so there is a strong family history. She will be 45 in December, so really she should have gone 5 years ago. I…
Good Scan results
I just received my offical MRI scan results. The liver was clear! No indications whatsoever. I had originally had 2-3 suspect spots and 2 of them were biopsied and were indeed cancerous. These have now disappeared after chemo. My oncologist has now recommended 2 months more of chemo. (5FU Avastin, Lucevorin) I do not want…
For Holdtight - re stitch
Hi, My husband, Brian, has permanent stitches on the inside. He has had two infections in the incision because of a knot (same thing doc said to you) working its way to the surface. They opened and drained twice, and the second time the doc snipped the knot and said he should be good to go. The infection cleared, but he…
Couldn't breathe!
Hi everyone! I went to chemo last week, they did the zofran, oxyaplatin then when they put the avastin in, a few minutes later, I couldn't breathed! After they did the avastin I went to the bathroom and the air conditioner is right there, I did have it a little cool in the room, ( I am alone) My mom and dad were with me…
Where did you find that picture that you are using? The colon Cancer Surviror one, just love it and it would make a great tatto. Beth
Navajo honors and blesses cancer survivors and Veterans
My wife and I are involved in a movement called Adopt A Native Elder. It raises funds and provides for food drives several times a year to the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. It is a marvelous group. Check it out www.anelder.org. They hold a big weaving sale in Deer Valley Resort outside of Salt Lake City each year at…
Thanks to everyone!
Well, Everyone, I go in for pre-operative stuff today. Then Prep tomorrow and surgery on early Friday morning. To everyone here who somehow made things easier for me just by being here with your support, humor (especially the bag stories Brooks--we'll see if I have to have one, I love sailing and asparagus), hugs and…
CAT on Thursday
Dear Friends, As Rob so beautifully wrote we are all somewhere on this journey and this week brings something new. **** has had 3 rounds of Folfori + Avastin since they found that 1 nasty lymph node in September (3 weeks after finishing 12 rounds of Folfox 6). He will have a CAT scan on Thursday to see if the new chemo has…
I HATE Cancer "Rough day" :o(
I hate cancer!!! F%&K YOU CANCER!!!!! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!! I hate what you have done to my friends, my family, and to me!! I will fight you with all I have. I will win.. I will be okay. My friends will fight and they will win!! Your days are numbered!!…
anyone in boston ?
One year ago this week I began my "bad year"..I live on cape cod and was able to stay at the newly opened Astra Zeneca Hope Lodge in Jamaica Plain ,Boston... I lived there for 5 weeks (chemo/radiation) treatments.. This was and is the most wonderful place.. They will be celebrating their 1st birthday Sat.Nov.7th with an…
Need a favor
Hi everyone, Tomorrow is chemo #8, AND we get the results of my husband's scan. Lots of "scanxiety" tonight, in addition to the usual "night before chemo blues" (just when he starts to feel better, it's time to do it again). He's tough, and has been a trouper, but it's starting to get to him. Please say a prayer, send good…