Kim, Just wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you all day long..Hope your surgery went well.REST REST REST....Let us know how you made out when you are up to it.....Hopefully you are not in to much pain...JULIE
Neupogen shots
For those of you that have had Neupogen, how long did it take before you felt more energy? I had a shot yesterday and one today, and I am already feeling stronger tonight. Is that just coincidence, or does it work that fast? Also, as far as the bone pain, when was it the worst? I have no pain in my lower body, but I feel…
KRAS - Wild!
OK! I'm a 5-year veteran with this Stage 4 Colon Cancer POS and moving on to new territory. I have just learned that my KRAS is "wild" as opposed to "mutant" which makes me eligible for Erbitux. I guess that is next. I must say I am delighted to hear this. It has brought tears to my eyes to have another option at hand!!…
Just Checking In With You – A Sundance Update
Hello Everybody! It’s good to see you all again. I’m sorry I have not been able to get on this board but just once and just to read some PM’s that I received. It’s been very hard to sit up and type at a keyboard. I can sum it up in one word, Ladies and Gentlemen – PAIN! My home email keeps notifying me of PMs on the site,…
side effects of Oxaliplatin, Leucovorin and 5-FU
I have had two treatments of the above chemo drugs and I am having a real tough time with the side effects. Although I take anti-nausea medication I still experience dry and sometimes wet heaves. I have no appetite and have fatigue along with weight loss. I will be talking with a nutritist. I still have 10 more treatments.…
oxaliplatin is one nasty, vile, disguisting drug
if I am allowed to HATE it, well, then I HATE it
Hey there, Just wondering how your hubby made out with his surgery???Hope all went well..Check in when you can and let us know....JULIE
Mucinous Adenocarcinoma
In my obsessive reading about all the details of my husband's cc, I am finding that the characteristic of being "mucinous" is not fantastic. Are there other stage IVs out there who have this characteristic of their tumors- I would feel much better hearing from you! Thanks!
Crazy Iliostomy bag!!!
I just though you guys who have a Iliostomy or Colostomy might get a laugh out of this. If I don’t laugh I’d cry. Well it all started last night around 7:30pm when my wife’s mother (Mom) made a plate full of fresh Asparagus. Now I don’t know about you, fresh steamed Asparagus is as close to heaven a guy can get and they…
ok - pictures
I did it - but it was taking too long to put them all here, so there are a few pics on my expresiions page.....but gosh it was just so perfect up there. of course, there wasn't any snow yet...
I have posted before about pain in my back and liver. Has anyone experienced liver pain,it even hurts to laugh. I was told that my tumors are shrinking so why do I still have pain? I also had this deep burning itchy feeling in my upper right shoulder before I went to the ER with the liver pain, I can't help but think it is…
One Week in the Life of Semi-Colons
As I remember my many friends here in this community I am overwhelmed by what we collectively face in any given week. It is now Monday with a new week ahead of us. This week we will undergo surgery to reverse an ileostomy. We will stand by the hospital bedside of a mother in Italy, and a brother with bone mets. We will…
Tears of Joy
Well, I don't know what is making me happier, my scan results or knowing that I have such a great support group! First I want to say thank you to Brooks and everyone else for your prayers and well wishes. I liteally cried when I saw the postings. Okay...here they come again...you guys are the best! Well, my results turned…
there seems to be a few old timers around today so I'll just ask this question. Does anyone have burny burny itching. If I get too hot my arms and trunk burn and itch....I want to scratch but it doesn't help. Also my nose still drips, drips drips anybody out there leftover over with either of those.?? Thanks, mags
Hi everyone, its been a while since i have posted. Life seems to go by so fast! I have a new question... I am a 6 year survivor..Stage II B only had surgery. My CEA before surgery was .4 Since surgery it has fluctuated from .9 to as high as 1.9 6 months ago. However my last test revealed 2.1. We are doing a re-test and…
Just wondering
Ok, today I went in for round 6 of my treatments. 2 weeks ago I was admitted into the emergency room for blood clots. I was told today that I would have to be on blood thinners for at least 6 months or maybe longer. Does this sound like the norm for blood clots. Anyone who knows about this please let me know. Pat
What helps you sleep at night?
I have always struggled with sleeping and staying asleep, I will wake up at 2 AM and my mind won't stop spinning, usually it is stuff that I need to put behind me (like exes) and the stress of the cancer has made it so much worse. I have been taking Ambien, which helps a lot. They also gave me Lorazepam for my anxiety,…
Which hospital for second opinion
My father was DX Dec o7 with stage IV colon cancer with two small liver mets. He had surgery to remove part of the colon in 2007 and is now dealing with the liver mets which seem to come and go over a one and half year period of being on chemo. The two liver mets are back but very small. In fact, one does not show up on…
Almost 1 year to date- more good news for Mom!!!
Well- follow up CT today showed NOTHING!!! The colonoscopy last week was ok as well. Now we just wait on the CEA- but they are optimistic. Last check it was .06 or something very low. It is hard to believe that almost 1 year ago this was all starting. What a relief for Mom to get such good results- and how appropriate…
Need Advice... Please
I know this is a yuckie subject but it happened and I don't know what to do. It may be nothing. I had not had a bowel movement in 2 days.... probably because I had not ate in 2 days... but I did finally eat today and had a huge BM. Then I felt like I had to go again and strained a few times but nothing.... however, when I…
Ok Phil, check in when ya can...
I know that you have things going on so whenever you are able to give us a shout please do so....absense makes the heart grow fonder (did I say that ?)...LOL Just kiddin bud..hang tough, Buzzard
one year ago today.........
One year ago today, I woke up with the most excruciating pain I had ever felt in my life. Three ago (last year) I went to the doc because I thought I was constipated. They sent me home and told me to try an enema. Two days (last year) ago there was more pain, and since I couldn't get to see the doc since they were too…
Stuck in New York and not doing well
Well, we are in New York (going on 2 1/2 weeks now). I don't post often, so in case you missed my last post....we are here so that my husband can have a hepatic pump installed. Or so we thought. After numerous pre-surgical scans, they found something in or near the pancreas and did not want to go through with surgery until…
Lung mets and dry cough
I have been off Folfiri and Avastin for two and a half weeks. (My scans showed progression of lung mets so chemo was stopped). A couple of days ago I started having a dry cough that is aggravated when I speak. Of course, I am immediately thinking the worst possible scenario. Has anyone else with lung mets experienced a dry…
VickiCo Wednesday is the first day of the Rest of your Life....
Getting ready for the big day tomorrow...Today is not a day to worry, its a day to remember. It will be the last day of trouble for you. You will have freedom back, your control back, your life back. Just another short round of healing and soreness but will be worth it all. Good Luck to you in the morning and Bless you and…
The compassion of the people on this site
in addition to providing useful info and advice has been a lifesaver for me as I have only my girlfriend,doctors/nurses/staff to talk to.I can;t properly express how vital this board has become to me. Thank you all from every healthy cell in my body...Hopefully, I will be able to help others as well..Steve
H1N1 Question
My son is getting the H1N1 mist vaccine today. I have read that there is a slight chance that the virus can be spread after getting the mist because it is live. My onc said that I can not get H1N1 vaccine because it is live. Does anyone know if I can get H1N1 from someone who has been vaccinated, or if my 3 week old…
Wait to hear it from the horses mouth...
So, never take the word of a pain managment doctor over that of your oncologist. I won't do a "he said, she said" thing but I thought things were stable. He did say there was some growth on the one but his idea of what's a problem and her (onc) idea is different. She's the boss lady. So I am starting TODAY with the double…
Started my cards
Just wanted to tell you that I started working on my Christmas cards today! I'm making almost 100 this year, so time is of the essence. *grins* I just can't wait to get the cards from everyone on the list. *hugs* Gail
Foot and leg Pain
Went to a new GP..(My normal GP was to booked up) I have been having terrible foot pain and leg pain..It hurts 24/7 and my legs get tingeling sensations plus pain...I still have naropathy in my feet...I stated a new job in Sept. and am on my feet 8 hour a day but thought the pain would get better and go away once I got…