Anyone have elevated CA 125
Hi-Wondering if anyone on here also has their CA 125 checked? My sister dx 03/09 mets to liver, ovaries and peritoneum. Ovaries removed and colon resection during emergency surgery. Was on Erbitux and 5FU now on Avastin and 5FU. Numbers went up but the CEA really sky rocketed. One specialist thought to have the tissue…
Here I am again...
Sorry I've been off the board, but I have been traveling for two weeks, and for two weeks prior to that I had the H1N1 virus. Man, that sucked! I've now met with all 3 doctors (oncology, gastro and surgeon) and they are all in agreement that the radiation damage to my colon is too severe to correct. it just won't heal. 9…
liver resection
My mom just had liver resection yesterday.she is in ICU,till now no complication.65%of the liver has been removed! any recommndation for her after surgery?
17 months
NED!! My CEA this week was 2.3 Next up? Colonoscopy and blood tests in Feb 2010 Until then? Surgery on 11-24 on ulna nerve entrapment at my elbow and on arthritis in my thumb joint!
First of all, I want to thank this network and all of you for sharing all your stories. This is exactly what I've been looking for. I just joined today and already I'm learning about a lot of things. Here is my cancer story. My dad was diagnosed almost two years ago with Stage IV Colon Cancer at age 76. We were all shocked…
Sincere thanks and some of what I did
I actually started this last weekend just as that BUTTHEAD spammer was trying to take over our board and got irritated and stopped it. I will try again. First I would like to thank you all for the wonderful and kind words you gave me to help celebrate the 5 year NEDness/cancerfree/cured mark in my journey. This board was…
MRI Results - Met in L1 vertebrae
Hi everyone, I got my MRI results of my spine yesterday and the results were not what I was hoping for. It confirmed a met in my L1 vertebrae that had lit up on my PET scan. Has anyone else had mets to the spine? My oncologist is recommending radiation. I don't have an appointment yet with a radiation oncologist to discuss…
I am 3 weeks away from an operation to take a tumor out of my colon. I have had 6 weeks of chemo and radiation. Is there someone out there that has had a similar operation. I am interested in how much pain there is after operation, how long in the hospital etc. I am having Laprascopic (spelling????) so I am assuming it…
Found a lump
I found a lump in my lower abdomen area, left side about 2 inches from my navel. Noticed it while in the shower. I am stage III, had resection in Aug 07, six month chemo (Folfox). Had a CT scan in September and all was clear. I called in to my oncologist at MD Anderson and waiting for the nurse to call me back. The surgeon…
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING THE INTERNET ALLOWED :) RIDDLE: COUNTING TO 50 Henry and Gretchen are going to play a game. Henry explains, "You and I will take turns saying numbers. The first person will say a number between 1 and 10. Then the other person will say a number that is at least 1 higher than that number, and at most…
Its that time of the month again anxiety taking over need wise words of wisdom.
my semi colon family sorry for posting my anxieties again where do l start have two more chemo sessions left one being on monday the last one on the 30th as with all sessions of chemo my anxiety goes into over drive a week before hand and l get the what ifs for chemo ie what if bloods are bad etc. then l have my ct scan on…
Well after 12 treatments of 5FU and others, I am going in for a MRI scan tomorrow morning. I am hoping for good news. Wish me luck. Mike
A study recently published suggests doing colonoscopy early in the morning as it appears thats when more polyps are uncovered, WebMD, 11/6/09.....Steve
Reversal on Monday
Well the day is finally approaching and I am going to have my ileostomy reversal on Monday. Doctor said I should be there about 4 days. I am nervous and yet excited. Really who wants to go through another surgery. Not me, but this is the end of this part of it. The doctor said everything looked good when he did my scope 2…
Hair Color Question
Those that dye your hair did you wait 6 months after the chemo to dye it again? I have heard you should wait that long, but I want to dye it sooner. I finished chemo 6/23, do you think it is still too soon? I really did not lose much hair, but I am sick of the gray. LOL thanks in advance for you help.
I want to add as many semi-colons to my above spreadsheet, so anyone who hasn't joined, please do so. Looking for: Birthday month, day & year No Evidence of Disease month, day & year Date of DX month, day & year THANKS
Aloha! Where are you?
This is bad, I must have chemo brain.......
Craig....you out there?
OK, whats up with Sundance ?
Mark continues to give....
I received an email from Limey's family that there are 2 boxes of colostomy supplies that Mark left behind. They are looking for a good home. Please PM me if you are interested, and I will give you the contact info....they are in Colorado.... Hugs, Kathi
November Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mom_2_3 - 10 Nov
Scan Tomorrow - update
My six week scan is tomorrow, if it shows up clear then I don't have to have another for 3 months. Wish me luck, great vibes, prayers......you name it, and I can use it. You all know how much we think and think and think and worry about these scans!! Strange but at home, my husband treats scan days like any other day. He…
CT Results
I had my CT done on Friday and got the results yesterday. I want to call it good news. No new tumors found (good news), Lymph nodes around my aorta have less cancer, but still some cancer (OK news), liver tumor that was 11cm X 9cm at diagnosis have shrunk to half the size (good news), can't have liver resection due to the…
Something to Keep the Spirits up again.....
44 things that you should do and think about........ 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch. 5. Pay off your credit cards…
I am confused
To give a quick history, I am 39 yrs old and dx in July with Stage IV colon cancer. According to my onconlogist, it had spread to my abdomen area, lungs, lymph nodes in my neck and a quarter size spot on my liver. She told me I have too much "disease" to operate on so I started Folfox 6 with Avastin (Avastin started in…
Didn't want to steal the thread, but.... No, you're not the only one. I thought that last year, and until recently I thought I was! I'm not "from" here, but have been here - well, this is my 5th winter, so I'm sort of used to it now - if there is such a thing in this state! I looked up Bowen's disease, since I have never…
Dr. Cantrell called me yesterday-update at bottom
Hi Everyone, For those of you following my discussion about Dr. Stephen Cantrell and his Neoplas Innovations clinic and treatment, I wanted to let you know that I had emailed him asking if he had any more information to share before I go to my oncologist appt today to discuss all this and me going to Nashville 1st wk of…
Feeling sad and stressed
It is coming up on the 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis. It is hard to not relive it in my head. Did anyone else experience this? I made my first ever appointment with a therapist. My Onc. had given my her card, I guess she deals with a lot of cancer patients. When I talked to her on the phone she did say that most…
Got thru tx #8
Got thru treatment #8....so far so good...and will get a 2 month break from chemo - and head to radiation for 25 treatments then will go back to chemo mid January for the last 4.... I really have had very few side effect from the Folifox - hand sensation with cold - does resolve after 7-10 days...fatigue does occur day…
Mediport 1st treatment timing
I'm having my mediport implanted next Tuesday. Onc says I can start chemo the next day. The sooner the better in my opinion. Does anyone have any experiences to share?
Senate Health Care Bill Testimony
Stephen Finan, policy expert with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, spoke out against the Senate Health Care Bill's waiting period and it's effect on Cancer Patients. You can write your Senator about your concerns that a Health Care Bill include provisions to insure cancer patients who either have had…