PET Scan Results In!
We all know how scary and anxiety-ridden scans and tests are.. My first PET scan since DX 3/2009 shows NO new cancer anywhere and no new growth in liver mets. The liver mets shrunk to about 1/2 there size in the summer,- not much shrinkage after that, but NO growth. My WB Cells have been low the past 2-3 weeks so I have…
One Year Later
I just had my one year later colonoscopy. I am so happy to report that it looked good and the one small polyp they did remove, a type called hyperplastic, was benign and it does not have the tendency to be cancerous. I finally feel like I can breath a little easier. I still see my onc every three months and will probably…
Research Info from NexCura
I subscribe to their news/research service. In case it can help someone. The links didn't show up in the text, but the url: www.cancerfacts.com will take you to the service. Blessings, Amy --------------- Welcome to the first issue of Profiler eNews for Colorectal Cancer, a service of NexCura, producers of the Profiler…
6 month check up after NED/update
Hello everyone, as most of you know, I just found out the I am NED and that I don't have to go back for a scan for another 6 months. My family thinks that is a long time to go without a check up, so thought I would ask my freinds here on the board what the norm is for a followup scan after your first NED results. I know I…
Autumn Colors at the Aboretum in Boston
I went out this morning...not on an errand, or to the doctor, or hospital, or pharmacy...but to a local Aboretum in Boston. It was suggested to me while I was doing laundry last week to go there. I love it there and hadn't been since my diagnosis. The colors were amazing, even though it is really late Fall here, the…
Just wondering
Ok, today I went in for round 6 of my treatments. 2 weeks ago I was admitted into the emergency room for blood clots. I was told today that I would have to be on blood thinners for at least 6 months or maybe longer. Does this sound like the norm for blood clots. Anyone who knows about this please let me know. Pat
I just want something to go "normal" just once
I am tired of being the oddball. Once again, not a "normal" day in the life of chemo for me. I thought I'd been doing better this time than first round, and I swear I've been eating more and drinking more, and should be fine. But that isn't the case. I'd lost 8 pounds this morning since infusion day - again. I've been…
YEAH>>>YEAHH..We once again to do that NED Happy Dance..Stage IV and NED, Yes there is hope for all. Patti & Dennis
My Grandson at 3 weeks old
I am a proud Grandma of 3 week old Gavin. There is a picture of him on my expressions page. He is wonderful!!!! Jan (aka Granny Jannie)
Stage 2B (iiB) and Optional Chemo - Very interesting.
Hello all, K my Husband Denny was diagnosed with Stage iiB (2B) cancer and he was offered adjacent therapy (Chemo) at that time the Oncologist said that in this stage they cannot tell if Adjacent Therapy give the patient a better chance of survival or not as it is in a grey area and they simply do not know for sure in…
Hey I just read you are having surgery on Monday..What is the surgery?? (If I am not being to nosey) I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers....JULIE
Idelhunters (Jennie) and Kimby, where are you?
Jennie called and then updated us on Kimby and then SHE disappeared. I'm worried about both of them. Anyone know anything? People are asking about Kimby on all the boards she frequents. Diane
"Living Well With Cancer" Spiritual Reflections
I have posted to a thread on the Prayer, Meditation and Spiritualty board with a link to my cancer journal and spiritual reflections on "Living Well With Cancer". Any who are interested can follow up there. The themes are... 1. Commit to Your Highest Possibility 2. Awaken Attentiveness and Appreciation 3. Cultivate a…
Chemo round #2
Well yesterday was the scheduled start of round #2. But after seeing my labs, the oncologist said my blood work was not good. My hemoglobin dropped to 11, borderline. My WBC dropped to 3, borderline. My platelets are at 200 (ok for chemo). But my neutrophils were at 1 (too low for chemo, they don't like you to be under…
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winnder is PGLGreg. CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: COUNTING TO 50 Henry and Gretchen are going to play a game. Henry explains, "You and I will take turns saying numbers. The first person will say a number between 1 and 10. Then the other person will say a number that is at least 1 higher than that number, and at…
Hate is not a strong enough word
to describe how I feel about chemo. Nor is abhor, detest, despise, loathe, fear, dread....But I feel even more animosity agsainst this cancer so to fight it to win I guess I have to put up with it again and hope no more chemo after this. Four months to go as of this Wed. Wishing all going thru this nightmare successful…
stupid question probably but where does all the mucus come from
Last surgery for my husband was in April to reverse bag but he discharges lots of mucus-is this normal. Doctor does not seem concerned. Where does it come from???
ellagic acid
I met a lady today that claimed to be a stage 4 ovarian cancer patient. She had some excellent scars so I'm gonna take her at her word. She claimed to have had mets to stomach, kidney, abdominal cavity. She says she has turned down all forms of chemo and radiation, she's had surgery only to primary site and stomach. She…
Day Dreamer
Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Beth, I went to google and typed in chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy..Then looked through most of them..It is very interesting I mean I knew about the tingeling,the effects of the cold but I didn't know it could be this painful..I am in pain all the time.I also didn't realize that the neuropathy can effect my…
surgery recovery
I have been recovering from surgery for the past month - had a tumor removed and 8" of my colon - which was resected. Also during this same surgery, I had my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed (had hysterectomy years ago). I am frutrated that my incisions are still soar and I cannot seem to do much before having to rest.…
Recommend Reading
Did any of you have any books that seemed to really help you while going through your cancer journey? I read Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips while in the infusion chair. I found it to really help to read of others struggles with cancer. I also really like watching the Crazy Sexy Cancer dvd, even though her kind of cancer was not…
has anyone gone back on folfiri after a year off?
HI, I was on folfiri with Avastin for 12 cycles in 2008. Went off for about a year and now showing signs of more growth. so onc wanted me to go into a clinical trial only insurance has denied it. It's in appeal now. If I can't go into the trial I'm thinking of asking to go back on folfiri with Avastin. Has anyone gone back…
Hoping someone out there can answer questions
When I received my written PET and CT results there are a couple of things the doctor didn't mention, but are troubling me. This is the PET report that I have a question about: I have a subcutaneous collection right paramidline location at the level of the pelvis with a measurement of 4.3 x 1.8 cm up from 3.0 x 1.2 cm in…
CryoStim Cancer Treatment/Vaccine
I happened on this article and had not heard anything about it. It sounds very promising and was wondering if anybody had heard anything about this. I had a liver resection last year and just found out I have had a recurrence in the liver. So back on treatment I go to prepare for another liver resection in January…
Suggestions for doctors or treatment centers in the Chapel Hill\Raleigh, NC area
I am currently going to the Cancer Centers of NC in Raleigh but I feel like I need a second opinion. Does anyone have any experience with a good doctor or center near or around the Chapel Hill\Raleigh\Durham NC area? I have thought about the new cancer center at UNC. I have visited their website and read through it but I…
Donna, Went to the neuropathy web site you metioned..I have 5 out of the 12 symptons. I will call oncologist to get in sooner than my appointment in Dec..Thanks alot for the help..It didn't dawn on me that all of it was related to the neuropathy..I new the tingeling and coldness but not the sever pain and balance loss and…
Surgery on Monday
Hi All, Please keep my husband in your prayers. He is going into surgery at 7:30am EST on Monday for a right hemi-colectomy. He feels good and has a great attitude - ready to get the surgery over with and move onto whatever treatment will happen next. I want to thank all of you for welcoming me to this board several weeks…
where are you darlin????????????
Just want to say thanks
Hi everyone, It is just over a year now that my husband was DX stage4 crc. It has been so full of ups and downs. He just finished his first cycle of Xeloda and is off for a week and will have the avastin next Friday. He has a CT on Tuesday. I am always scared! He is doing pretty good on the treatment. I hope it is…