What's up with low energy
Man, I could hardly stay awake in church today. I did not take my meds before bed for pain because they seem to keep me awake, but I was awake all night on & off anyway. I just wake up and start thinking about surgery last week. I am starting to remember new things and bits of conversations and I can't fall back asleep, I…
Question about blood in stool during chemo
Can you have blood in your stool during chemo? At round 5 of 8. Taking Oxy/Xeloda/Avastin. Really scared about this.
Elevated CEA test
Just found out my CEA blood test came back elevated to 6.5...I am setting up a PET test. I am just devastated!!! This is the first time it came back elevated!!! I am blown away..I know other people here have it much worse than I do but it is still frightening all the same..I have been NED since the end of April of this…
how is the new chemo routine going
May I just say......
how totally awesome you semicolons are. You respond to folks asking questions who have been just diagnosed and really take the time to explain and give hope to those who are scared. We have just learned that a very dear friend has been diagnosed with bone cancer. I posted on the bone cancer forum here as I know how…
PM went away
I logged in and noticed I had a PM, when I clicked on it all went away. There is nothing listed in my "inbox" so I am not sure what happend. Anyone else having trouble this way? Thanks Jan
Lengthening Oxaliplatin infusion time
After getting my nurse navigator to pull up the studies on the syndrome I was getting from oxy (happens in 1-2% of patients - acute neurotoxicity - affecting chest, throat, jaw, tongue, eyes), and the results that lengthening infusion time from 2 hours out to 6 hours can make a difference, we adjusted. Due to time…
Follow up to staff issues between clinics
The doctor asked me to tell him how round #2 went. I used this opportunity to fill him in on how hard Monday was, and have him look at how low my blood pressure dropped. Then I told him about how the nurse chewed me out because my chart wasn't there, and wasn't going to allow anything other than the Nuepogen shot that had…
Prayers needed
I've got my 1 years ct scan colonosotope and blood work next Monday. I get the results on Wednesday and i feeling alittle scared. I would really thank you if you could put me on your prayer list. it would nice to have something special to be thankful on thanksgiving. Thank you all for your support. Jeff Just happy to be…
Feeling very sad after news today!
Hey everyone, I went to scheduled chemo today,I go to the hospital to get my infusions (not Onc. office) I had my CEA tested today and it is up to 22 from 10.5 4 weeks ago. I even had a scan in Oct. and it showed everything shrinking and dieing off. I also have had chemo since then. I am so confused!! It really knocked the…
early best wishes for a great holiday
Hello all of my American friends....just sending you early wishes for a great Thanksgiving and holiday time. As you know we Canadians have Thanksgiving much earlier so I have moved on to Christmas....hence new avatar. We do not have any snow yet and that is a blessing. I would like to send a special wish and thanks to all…
News for those who have been seeing higher cea numbers out of the blue
here is a link to a discussion on another forum. I noticed several of you have posted about your suddenly elevated cea numbers. It seems there is a new reagent being used that is causing significantly elevated numbers that do not correspond to clinical observations. So hopefully for you all it is just a glitch.…
1st Oxyplatin Treatment & started Zeloda - anyboday take L-Acetyl Carnitine
Had my first Oxplatin treatment and started Zeloda pills. I have neuropathy and wondered if anyone takes L-Acetyl Carnitine? If so - where to get it? Need something for sure. Also have jitters from the steroids I take. So far no nausea - just had my 3rd day of Imend and also take prylosec. Hope it continues to keep it…
New Diagnosis
Hi-I have been diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor with one lymph node involved, or possibly involved. I had a ct on the 9th, followed by, visits to surgeon, oncologist and GI specialist; then PET scan one day and Endo/colonoscopy the next; waiting today to find out about surgery scheduling. I was kind of worried about the…
Harp Music
Dear folks, The Sunday after my resection on friday was the worst. My colon started waking up and they took me off the button release pain medication. I had horrible cramps and things were going badly for me. I couldn't think of anything to take my mind off of it and the painrelievers they gave me orally weren't working as…
cea test
Hi folks, I am new in this journey call colorectal cancer!!!! What is a cea test?? I have surgery a week from today. I have stage 3 and am starting to realize that this is more serious than I thought!!!! Just read about the lymph nodes and how the cancer spreads. So far I have had 6 weeks of chemo and radiation. After…
confusion now------HELP
I just got a email from the doctor who told me two days ago that I had a new tumor in liver, that now says that he had a special radiologist look at it and maybe it nis not a tumor and he will let me know later. He says maybe I can have surgery now? What else would light up on a PET if not a tumor?? Any ideas would be…
I'm wired for sound!!!
As I write, I have been hooked up to my holter monitor...and, for the next 24 hours, my cardiologist will know all of my activities...lol...he always teases Hans and I about "You know, a minimum of once a week means good heart health!!!" Hummmmmm, how would THAT entry look in my little 'diary'???? Do you think he would…
CEA Numbers
Hi! Last tx I was told my Cancer numbers dropped from 27 to 5 and again this tx from 5 to 2.2 with a white blood count of 6.8. I have no idea what this all means does it mean that if my count stays below 5 I will be considered in remission. I still have 6 more tx to go so things could change along the course but for now it…
Treatment decisions & PET scan
Hi All, I read & research on this site but don't often post. This time, I thought I would post to see if you've experienced this..... Thoughts??? Blake had an appt with the Palliative doc yesterday. He broke down & told her he was DONE. He does not want any more chemo. He's sick & tired of being SICK & TIRED! This doc is…
Friday Riddle
I hope no one gets offended by this week's riddle No googling or searching the internet for the answer. RIDDLE: What do you do with 365 used condoms?
prolonged chemo
Hi my name is Deb and I am wondering if there is anyone out there receiving chemo for 26 cycles like I am
Anyone on Folriri with Avastin?
Hi, I don't know if you remember me or not.. but I had colon cancer 6 yrs ago, Stage IV.. you can read my story under Everyday is a Gift. I wrote about my hubby who now has colon cancer .. he was dx last July he took Folfox for 6 mo.. had a PET/CT it showed small spot on liver. He had his liver rescetion in April of 09.…
New Oldie
I am not sure if I'm doing this right. Hope so, would like some support. I am new to this, at least in my body. I had surgery last Tuesday / 10th to remove cancer from my colon. I came home Saturday. I'm doing well but starting to feel like a brat because I have never had surgery and I thought when I came home, well it…
Juicing Question
Hi Juicers! Happily my mom's husband just gave us her juicer (a Juiceman) and we're getting ready to start juicing in addition to whatever treatment we decide to go with after meeting with the oncologists in the coming weeks. My husband just had a right hemi-colectomy on Nov. 9th. He's doing great so far! Has been walking…
Shayenne, I sent you a PM. This is the first time I have done this, so please let me know if it didn't work.
Scan Resuls
Today we had a visit with the oncologist to get the results of the first scan after completing the 12 rounds of Folfox, Avastin, etc. The news, at this point, ,could not be better, onc's words. The lung mets - some have disappeared and the rest have shrunk down considerably. Doc said this was really good news. The liver…
Hi Everyone, I finally went to see my onc today and I need some advice from this experienced board. He said I had a 30% chance of recurrence if I didn't have any treatment, 18% with pills and 12% with chemo drip. With only a 6% difference between the pills and drip, do you think it's worth it to do the drip? I'm not sure…
Update and Good News
I wanted to give you all an update and add another story of hope and inspiration to everyone battling this disease. As some may know, my sister was dx in 03/09 at 39 years with Stage IV cc mets to liver, ovaries and peritoneum. She had NO symptoms, was a marathon runner and is a mother of three small children. Severe…