Tubular Anatomy
They wasted no time in checking me out. At exactly 9:30 a.m. I was rectally invaded by a probe looking for foreign particles. It found nothing. I`m sure the probe was very disappointed but I wasn`t. Eric
Talked to Dr. about elevated CEA
I got to talk with the Onc. today he wants me to go on Monday to repeat the lab, he thinks it may be lab error.... Please pray for this to be the case, I thank you all for making me feel better.Hopefully it is what he is thinking. If it's still high he will order a pet scan. God Bless, Patti
Eric - I am alive and well. Better than before my diagnosis.
Thank you for all the support and concern. The last few chemo treatments were kicking my butt but I am back and better than before. I just finished my last full round of chemo and am awaiting the scan results. I find out later today what the results are and then the doc and I are going to have "THE BIG TALK" about what…
I didn't feel a thing, nor remmember a thing....but it feels great to have it out, I feel free! Thank you, thank you........ PS this is my better half, Steve.
Sundance - You're Back :-))))))
Hi Craig, I checked in tonight to see how everyone was and noticed your replies to a couple of posts. So nice to see you back on the board. I hope you are feeling better and better with each passing day. You have been in my thoughts and prayers every step of the way Craig, since your first kind response to me when I first…
My Scan Results
So I saw the doctor today before getting my chemo, and went further in discussing how bad my liver is, and what she said was I have multiple mets, which looks like shards of glass all over the liver, near arteries and vessels, and that's why I'm inoperable, it would be a very high risk surgery, but to not ever lose hope…
It`s not great news but it`s not completely bad either. All the areas that I had before are clear but 2 new areas have popped up. At my last scan I still had some activity in the abdomen. The original activity was on the right and it is gone but there is new activity on the left but the doc said they didn`t know if it was…
am hoping you pop in and see this message and know we are thinking about you. I hope the last week was a good one and pray they are able to find out more info on your husbands cancer so he can get going with getting better!
Worse foot and leg pain
I have posted several times before about the pain in my feet going into my legs.I still have neuropathy and went to oncologist..He said chemo induced neuropathy.(No sh**) So he gave me vit.B and Gabapentin 300. Which is a seizure med..It has only been a week but nothing seems to help..The pain is worse it is shooting into…
Waiting Game
My husband appears to have cleared all the hurdles for his Monday surgery. Blood tests are in. EKG is in. His cardiologist is signing a clearance. (I was a little surprised by the requirement that my husband have a note from his cardiologist to permit his surgery. I don't remember this happening in prior surgeries. On the…
Recommendation from my Cancer Team In - Next Steps In Treatment- Theraspheres
The Loyola Cancer Team went over my case yesterday and recommend the following: No more chemo- it has gone as far as it can go at this point - will gain no more from it TheraSpheres- injection directly to the liver tumors to help further shrink tumors Surgery - Not an option at this point until more tumors are…
Stoma Talk
Does anyone have any helpful tips on the keeping the noise down with a stoma. I have a dental appointment next month and I feel helpless because I will be in the chair and no place to go if it feels like talking(noise). I can deal with this at home, My little son just laughs when it happens but at the dentist I dread the…
Current news item of interest
1010WINS.com just posted an item stating:"Poor women seeking free cancer screenings are being turned away in some parts of New York state because this year"s budget crunch has forced a $3.5 million cut to a program providing them"......What is the cost going to be to treat these woman when/if they come down with cancer,…
Messy question/problem
For the first time since my colostomy and use of bag I have diarrhea(just started FOLFOX witrh pump past Wed, going to cancer center later for Picc flushing/bandage replacement, will ask there too).Use two-piece ConvaTec system, usually I open clip at end to release solid pieces and keep bag relatively empty/clean. Now…
Home from Hospital
Hi Everyone: First off, thank you all so much for the lovely comments, prayers and thoughts you all expressed on the other post. The surgery went really well, it's just that my insides were not cooperating. I'm still in a lot of pain but not as much as the original resection. I couldn't have any solid foods until Saturday,…
just been thinking
i do that alot.i was wondering if any body is having these feelings like i am.i was dx in sept.2009.so it was last year at this time i was just about finished with my xeloda and radiation..with it being fall the coolness in the air and the holidays approaching my emotions are just running wild.i guess what i am trying to…
Thrush again...
Yesterday (day #8) I was finally starting to feel better. But I got worse again with tummy issues, diarrhea, and just overall feeling yucky. Sure enough I woke up this morning with thrush again. My throat is getting sorer by the minute. Fuzzy tongue and bumps all over in my mouth. Awful taste in my mouth, no appetite. I…
Just got results from CT scan that showed "all clear". I can now come off chemo for at least six weeks. Liver resection all looks good. Stage4 to 6 weeks of vacation from chemo with negative disease. It can be done
new recommendation on breast cancer screening- wait until age 50
Hi, Even though it's not related to colorectal cancer, I am curious to what most of your reactions to yesterday's news of the "new recommended guidelines for breast cancer screening". The new recommendations are to stop screening women with mammagrams at age 40 and wait until age 50. I just can't believe it!! The American…
Kathleen808 motivated me to post some pics also.
If anyone wants to take a look they seem to be there.
What can we expect next???
I am a little nervous, my husband's last chemo cycle is tomorrow and he will have his first CEA blood work, hopefully. I thought he was to have one midway, but his onc said he likes to wait till last treatment. Can anyone tell me when he might have his first CT scan? I'm sure I will find out tomorrow, but feel maybe I…
my surgery
I had my surgery on Friday (Nov 13th). It went real well the surgeon said anyway. Except the tumor was not in the sigmoid but higher...I talked to the surgeon last night, she was gone over the weekend. But it did go real well and I am awaiting the related biopsy. I did not have to have a oestomy, I think because of the…
What can you drink?
After treatment with Oxaliplatin my wife can't drink anything cold for several days. Not even room temp. What can be done to help get in the liquids?
Mental Health
I see so many strong, courageous people here, who have been through so much, that I almost hesitate to post. But I know there is strength here, and I may be doing well physically, but sometimes emotionally/mentally, I am not. I had a transanal excision for stage I, T2 rectal cancer, followed by a re-excision because the…
My Daughter (Tawanna) died of Colon Cancer October 16, 2009 at age 26 one week before her 27th birthday. Tawanna battled with cancer for five long years now she is gone. I never left her side from day of her illness. In addition, when ever she had to go Into the Hospitl I was there sleeping in her room with her. My…
Well my taste buds ever come back?
I have a question for people who have been on Oxy and 5FU and are over treatment. Do your taste buds ever come back? Life is funny sometimes Brooks
Avastin questions
My mom did 5 treatments of modified Folfox 6 (oxaliplatin), then with round 6 doctor added Avastin. She started chemo #8 yesterday which is the 3rd treatment with Avastin. Since the Avastin was added she says she has a feeling like metal rubbing in 2 specific areas in her lower abdomen where we know 2 tumors are. Sometimes…
I have my yearly colonoscopy this Thursday (19 Nov) and need your prayers. Thanks :)
Just call me NED
I had a CT scan on Friday and the doc called last night and everything is clear. He wants me to see him every 3 months and get a colonoscopy in April of 2010. The only bad part to this is I have to have back surgery next week, on going back trouble before I was dx'ed in April of this year. BUT, I AM NED!!!!! Dave
Adrian... Because of you and my mother in-law
Hey my friend. I wanted to let you know that over the last few weeks I have started painting and I love it. I have NEVER done any kind of art thing in my life so this painting thing is something new to me. I seen your heart and the love that you put into it. So a few weeks ago my mother in-law come down from Oregon with a…