any brain mets survivor out there???

Melissa123 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi I love this board and all the people here, here is my first post. My boyfriend of 5 years was diagnosed with Colon Cancer 7 years ago, he had 3 recurrences in the past 4 years, 3 months ago on a routine checkup they found 2 mets in his lung, and 2 weeks ago they found 5 further mets in his brain, they have surgically removed the largest brain mets (5cm) and the other 4 mets are still there.and he has finished the whole brain rediation, he feels very depressed and tired, has anyone out there survived brain mets?


  • mikejones_53
    mikejones_53 Member Posts: 33
    I think I have. I was
    I think I have. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer with small mets in the brain, bone, liver & one lung in June and I got 15 radiation treatments immediately upon diagnosis, and was pretty wasted for a couple of weeks afterwards, but it all got better(especially when they said I could drive again haha). I had 2 mets of about half the size of your boyfriend's and several other ones about the size of a pin head. I go back to see the radiation doctor next week for what I hope is my last check up session. Is he going back to chemo? My fatigue from the radiation was quickly replaced by the fatigue from the chemo. Best of luck to him for a quick recovery, it looks like he's been thru a lot.