Struggling after my reversal operation
Sorry I haven't been more active on the board lately, and I'm hoping that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. I have not had a real great experience with this reversal. I am going to the bathroom 20-25 times in about 2 hours, something that I knew could happen but was hoping it didn't. I am so…
Hello I'm Mark DX'd June 18th w/ Stage 4 to Liver
Hi Everyone, I've been getting strength from the positive posts here. I want to thank everyone for sharing their stories. I intend to share mine until NED. See I already know some acronyms. Probably like some of you I went to the emergency room on 6/13 obstructed and emergency surgery found the 5cm tumor and a spot removed…
Scan results tomorrow!!
I go in tomorrow for my scan results from Fiday's scan. This will tell me whats going on with my cea levels rising. I am so scared and have much anxiety. I got the cea results before Thanksgiving, scan on black Friday and went for a mammogram today. Tomorrow is scheduled chemo so, after reslults I have to go get chemo and…
Donna aka Shayenne
Where are you Woman? Havent see you post in a while and thought I would check up on you. Sure hope everything is okay, please if you get the chance let us know your okay.. Beth
It's here, it's here!!!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!
I just checked my file....I was officially diagnosed with cancer on November 26, 2004....and given 6 MONTHS to live!!!!!!! THAT means that tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, I will be 5 YEARS since diagnosis!!!!!!! Yes, it's true, now that was my first (rectal cancer) and, my second (breast cancer) is coming in July, 2010. I am…
Friday Riddle Answer
Everyone got it right! Way to go team.... Nudgie, this is a tough job. I don't mind filling in when needed. -p
Good News
Hi everyone. Just sharing good news, oncologist appt. today went well. CEA staying stable, 3.6 which is normal for me. Going to go to a CT scan every 6 months and Colonoscopy every other year, both of which are due next month. The liver lesion seems to have resolved. Mammogram, lump in breast, does not look to be anything…
Flipping Mad
I can't even begin to tell you all how flipping mad I am.....After 7 months of being NED I am told I have 4 nods on my liver..I go to the doc on the 4th..to discuss my options and determine what stage it is in...I am so mad that this has happened to me again..Why did I have to get it back when so many other people…
Tiny magnetic discs could kill cancer cells: study
I saw this and found it to be interesting. Goes to show that new things come up everyday, and soon there will be a CURE for us ALL.... Just food for thought... PARIS (AFP) – Tiny magnetic discs just a millionth of a metre in diameter could be used to used to kill cancer cells, according to a study published on Sunday.…
Please remember
Please remember our Soldiers especially at this time of the year. Cancer is very hard, but our Soldiers have a rough time fighting everyday for what we take for granted. My youngest is in Iraq.
THe shades are all closed
The shades are all closed so that i can do the happy naked dance!!! I just got back form the Doc and got the word, NED for 1 year. Thank all your prayers and well wishes. It gives me something to be reallly thankful on thanksgiving!! Jeff Just happy to be here!!!
I got a juicer!!
My brother surprised me with a juicer at Thanksgiving, it is a magic bullet. I was looking at the champion but they did not even know that. I am just so appreciative that they were thinking of me and wanted to get me one on their own, I never even mentioned it to them. Anyway I am just excited but do not know where to…
Got my card!
Hey, Diane. I got my Christmas card today. Yours was the first we've received this season! Thank you so much, dear. Mine will be in the mail as soon as I finish them! *hugs* Gail
How long does it take for a colon to heal?
I was told it takes from three to six months for the colon to heal after a colon resection and I’m now at six months, but the area where part of the colon was removed still has discomfort when I bend or get out of bed too quickly. Is this normal, or is the colon still healing? Also, what are the chances of leakage where…
The Reading Room ala Hatshepsut-The Month of Giving
Greetings all Here's an NY times article on Giving that you all might enjoy http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/health/01well.html As I was reflecting on that article, I remembered yesterday when my husband's horse's stifle joint locked up. He's had this issue before and I've massaged him out of it though the last time was…
Been MIA
Hi Everyone, Yes, I have been MIA! I have not forgotten any of you here, you have all remained in my thoughts and prayers. I guess I have been enjoying being NED and getting on with life as to say. We are in full blown homeschooling now on this end and having a blast with it. I am learning daily to deal with the side…
Help! Is there hope out there?
My husband is 44 years old. He went to the emergency room last week with a severe leg pain. They found a bone tumor and within this past week he was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer. I have 2 young children and I am scared to death. He had no other symptoms. He has always been athletic and eats well. He is beginning…
What to do.. I hate my Job and the Stress
First.. I am Mike I have been on this site for over two years. Have at times posted, but not much. I do appreciate that there is a site like this. It has helped tremendously reading how others are handling/dealing this type of cancer. Just a quick note about my cancer. I am stage 4 colon cancer. I had surgery in Jan 08…
long term survivors
For anyone that has been cancer free for over 6 years,how often do you see your oncologist and how often do you have a CT scan?
stuff going on this week
Well, this week will be a full one for me... Tomorrow morning (Monday), I'll be having a PET/CT scan. I usually walk out of the place w/ a CD of the scan and then I go the next day to the hospital records room and get my copy of the written report. My CEA has been rising over the past 8 weeks, which has always been a…
The Burn is here
I know many of you have experienced much worse than I have, so far. But I will complain anyway and take any helpful advice. I've just completed the fourth week of radiation and my radiation oncologist was surprised that I had no major complaints. Well now, the Burn is here, in my vagina and anus. The butt wipes I used to…
Hi everyone, Can I join your team?
Hello everyone, My name is Joanne and I was DX'd with stage IIIB Anal Cancer in June of '08. Radiation and Chemo was very successful and all was clear until my most recent PET on Oct 27. Now I am stage IV with a single liver metastases (biopsy confirmed) in the left lobe. I am currently in the process of lining up the…
Hi, I have been worried about Elizabethgd. Have you spoken with her or her family recently? I have emailed several times over the past few months but haven't heard anything back. Hope to hear good news from you. Christine
How can you tell if your port is going bad? I no some people have to have a few and thats normal. My husbands looks really sore and he says it hurts just to touch it. He also has a low grade fever... Mel
for kate58
Hi Kate I'd like to connect w/ folks who are in their third or more years of stage IV to talk about experiences and treatments.What have you had since your second met in terms of chemo etc? I am post surgery for my second lung met with clear scans ( age 69), three years from original diagnosis and my docs can't seem to…
going back on Folfox
I will be going back on folfox tomorrow for the second time. Back in 1006/7 I did about 4 months of the drug. Now that I have to go back into treatment my onc wants me to go on Folfox again. Has anyone gone back ona drug and if so was it worse the second time around? I really don't remember it being so bad but then I did…
Friday Riddle*
I hope everyone had a Very Happy Thanksgiving. We all do have a lot to be thankful for even if at times we may not feel that way. Nudgie is out of town and asked if I would post a riddle today. After much thought, I've decided to ask an age old question instead. It can also be seen as a riddle too I think. No Google or…
My insurance is terrible!
Hi, yes, my bluecross insurance is so bad! I was going to get into a clinical trial with Avastin butI was turned down because they said it was experimental with the combination that was in the trial. So my doc wanted me to get on Folfox with Avastin since I only had folfox 3 years ago when I was first DX and I only had it…
Need some info on Fentanyl patches
Hi everybody, I am posting this for some info for my partner Wendy. She is currently taking the Fentanyl patch for severe pain due to fibromyalgia. I remember reading that some of the people here have used the patch before. I am just wondering if someone could tell me how much they were on and if they had any side effects…
SO,here's my mug shot!!
I finally figured out how to post picture. starting new chemo on monday.If I go bald,I'll post a BALD ONE!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING :-) GOD BLESS KATE