Some good news
I have 3 brothers all of which are older than I am and since my Dx in July with stage IIa cancer I have been riding them to get their colonoscopies. One had his colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago and one has it scheduled at the end of this month. The other has his GI appointment this week so all are on the way to getting…
Life before cancer
We were watching home movies this weekend and I had no idea how painful it would be to watch ourselves during the time before we found out about my husband's cancer. I didn't realize how traumatized I've been until I saw him on the video and could only think about how the cancer was in there, taking over, and we had no…
Hey everyone! Just had first treatment of irinotecan. I've been home a couple hours and am starting to feel a little quesey. My doctor only gave me half dose of irinotecan.She wants to see how I do on 1/2 first, because I had all of my large intestine removed and part of my small. So a big concern is diarhea and…
almost 7 yrs - sharing some good news
Hi. I'm an "oldie". I was diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer almost 7 years ago, and joined this board almost immediately after that. I've had my share of ups and downs over those 7 years (3 recurrences) but I'm alive and kicking and currently cancer free (at least until my next scan - next week!). When I was…
Free House Cleaning for Cancer Patients...See Link attached
I'm getting my house cleaned for the holidays!!! FREE!!!! Check this out http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/charity/cleaning.asp Jennie
Nurse just called
John's nurse just called. He had his bloodwork done on Friday and his Avastin infusion. I was hoping that his CEA had dropped from the last visit. It was the same 11.1. He had been down to 7.1 at one time. She said that sable is good but she knew what I meant when I told her I wanted it to be lower. Even one point would…
Here comes Santa Claus Here comes Santa Claus.......
OK...enough of cancer for the moment..Tell us what you wish for secretly besides NED which we all wish for that, but what you really really want for Christmas, Simply return as a child and spill it brothers and sisters....Ya never know, Santa may be listening or watching...I will start it..... I want a Heavy Duty sleeping…
folfox and cramps
Hi everyone, I just went back on Folfox for the first time since Jan of 07. However, I have had a horrible time with it. I was sick to my stomach for most the week and then after 5 days blew out. Since yesterday I have had really bad cramps in the gut area even though the immodium has stopped the severe diarrhea. Has…
I need to just blow
That didn't come out right!lol I have more tests for the lovely mammogram tomorrow second trip for the little lovelys. They brought me in twice while I was there on Thursday. Now this afternoon they called me back in for more photos of the girls tomorrow afternoon. My spinal surgery is scheduled for Dec. 22. I cancelled…
News media this date reporting that a new study shows
decline in certain types of cancer deaths, including colorectal.Full report at: www.interscience.wiley.com/cancer/report2009 Steve
help computer nerds
Ok I know I have done this before but I can't find the thread and I don't remember how to do it how do I post a photo??is it the direct link or the HTML link and then there is a sentence with brackets????? thanks ...old chemo brain here mags
Lynch Sydrome
Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there has Lynch Syndrome (and you're a woman) did you opt for a hysterectomy? I'd like to hear anyone's thoughts on it. Thank you, Christine
Community Production of White Christmas
Tonight my husband and I went to a Production of White Christmas put on by a local church. They had a catered dinner and they hired a professional orchestra but the rest of the production was done by local people. We had the best time so nice to forget about what is coming this week(treatment week), and just enjoy good…
stage 3c colon cancer
My husband is 39 and was diagnosed with stage 3c colon cancer. He had surgery to remove his tumor july 27 and had to have a colostomy bag. A week later his bowel ruptured and was back in emergency surgery where he almost died. During this surgery he had to have an illiostomy. He spent 20 days in the hospital only to return…
Does anybody have a Pet that helps them through the day
I want to take some time to give my dog "Curly" some credit. Since I first got home form my surgery she has not left my side. Then over the weeks and months she has been a big help in getting me through some tough times. She's by my side everyday and she's never complained not even once. Hey, I'm not a easy guy to live…
Its 3:20 AM, Where's the rest of the insomniacs?
What happened to all you nocturnalists?//////Steve
I'm starting the "3;00am Club" for the people who cant sleep at night.
I had my chemo today and I cant sleep AGAIN!!! Most nights seen to be like this lately but most of the time I just stay in bed a toss and turn all night. Does this happen to anybody else? I take me sleeping pill, take my Zanex, my pain pill, and still I'm up
I posted the last 3 Rock Paintings I did
Okay... Now I want all of you remember that I NEVER painted anything in my life. No Art classes or anything. So no laughing!! LOL My Mother in-law came down a few weeks ago and thought that painting would help me cope with my cancer. I thank her so much because it HAS helped. I know that you can't tell the size of these…
Not results I wanted to hear
Well I went to oncologist and got the results back from my CAT scan..Not what I was hoping for...I have 6 lesions on my liver. Ranging from 4.2-10...What is SUV value of lesions??.They said the overall uptake of the liver is that of a diffused heterogeneity. Does anyone know what this means???? Also I have a paraaortic…
My mom's first chemo treatment - looking for words of advice
I'm looking for advice for my mother's difficult situation. Her port was apparently placed in an unusual spot and the nurse could not find the hole for her first treatment. The nurse, to my dismay and certainly to my mother's, continued to poke her repeatedly and still could not find the hole. My mother was possibly still…
KRAS Gene & Erbitux - questions
Hi everyone! So, we are here for treatment number 10 today. They stopped the oxi - he had a reaction last time (hives, nausea), and his fingertips stayed numb this time. Brian saw the onc and she said he does not have the kras gene, it was a good thing, and that down the road they may use erbitux. Couple questions again:…
What are the options besides Folfox & Folfiri (and Avastin) if KRAS-mutant?
My mom is Stage IV dx June 09 with mets to the liver, and did 4 treatments of Folfox (and Avastin some of the time) before finding that it was only keeping things stable & was not shrinking anything. She is currently on Folfiri and will have her first followup scan to look at its effects in a few weeks. She also just found…
I was wondering if any of you know if MD Anderson does cyberknife? And, if they don't do cyberknife why not? Do they not believe in the procedure or think another procedure is more effective (other than liver resection or chemo)?
A precious something
My 7 year old grandson asked me last night how long I would like to live. I was about to open my mouth and say something like, "Oh, maybe 100 years." Then he floored me with this precious statement, "I want to live to infinity, so I can always be with you. Don't you want to live to infinity, Nanny?" Yes, precious boy, I…
Question about Maintenance
I was dx in July of this year with Stage IV colon cancer. Originally they found a spot about the size of a quarter on my liver, some disease in my lymph nodes in my abdomen and they thought in my lungs. I have since had a lung biopsy and thank the Lord that it turned out to be something else which is easier to live with…
always being questioned!!
wanted to share an experinece i had today.. My husband is stage 3c colon cancer.. He started folfox on sept 29th and is almost half way done. He is the only boy out of 6 and so of course i am out numbered. Chris was disconnected on thurs from treatment 5 and so as you know the days following are rough and he is in bed…
Something to try ......Google Earth
I have downloaded Google Earth some time ago and I just thought of a great idea...I just typed in my home address and clicked on go to and it shows my house and 40 acres. The pic is about 4 years old because my sisters house isn't showing up there yet. If anyone has google earth downloaded it would be a great tool to use…
had ultrasound this morning
My legs are clear - no clots. So just one PE. They think my body should reabsorb it within a few weeks. Lovenox shots all week while they work on getting my Coumadin level right. Then just the rat poison and no shots for about 6 months, as long as I am NED at the end of chemo and don't need more. If I need more chemo I…
aaahhh!! Im scared :-(
First of all I would like to say that you guys and gals are such strong amazing individuals. Keep up the good work. God is with all of us. okkk.. I dont know where to start or what to do. I am 25 and I just found out I have stage 3 colon cancer and I am in freak mode right now. I have been crying all week and I am just…
oxiliplatin long term
I'm just curious about some of the folks who have talked about their oncs stopping oxi after 8 or 10 treatments. I'm scheduled to recieve oxi for 26 rounds of chemo and it kind of scares me. Especially when I read about folks whose drs stopped giving it to them. Makes me wonder if my onc thinks I'm a lost cause. Does my…