Tweaking treatments
I want to post this in case anyone else starts out with a couple very rough cycles and is losing hope. I didn't think I could do it again after cycle #1. I would rather die than do that 12 times. I'd rather have colon resection surgery every two weeks, than chemo every two weeks. (Got bad thrush throughout entire GI tract…
The Past Year
My journey began in March 2008 when I discovered (quite surprisingly!!) that I was pregnant with our third child. Having been practicing "family planning" I was quite shocked to discover that we were having another child. It's not like my husband and I were young and inexperienced. LOL. I had an uneventful pregnancy and…
I have a question
Good morning everyone. My husband finished 30 rounds of radiation on September 2nd and his 12 rounds of chemo on November 12th. For the last week and a half the first bowel movement in the morning is real dark blood. The rest of the day is fine. Also when he blows his nose it has dark blood in it. We thought these after…
If it wasn't for feeling cold all the time. The extreme leg pain, The barfing, The wonderful metal taste you get in your mouth, and the overall just feel like crap for 5 or 6 days. Chemo isn't too bad!! Did I miss anything? LOL Life is funny sometimes Brooks
This just in: Newborn Babies Will Eventually Face Certain Death
I couldn't resist, I'm sure it's just my anti-depressants talking. We all, cancer or no cancer, certainly have a rocky road ahead of us no matter what our circumstances in life are. No one gets out of here alive, don't take life/death so seriously. Enjoy life and always do unto others...
Neuropathy like childbirth is a memory that is easily recalled
10 months since I ended chemo and it is clear the neuropathy in my hands and feet is permanent I am thankful that it is doable, with somewhat of a struggle what bothers me the most? washing my hands and standing in the shower water has to be luke warm, not any hotter or colder or else it feels like electric current going…
I was wondering if anyone has had either procedure and why they chose one over the other. My father has two small liver mets, which occurred after his colon resection, and is thinking about cyberknife or rfa. He is currently on chemo (avastin, xeloda, and campostar) but is tired of feeling so awful and wants to explore…
my 1st week phase 1 trail
Hello! I just wanted to post how my 1st week phase 1 trial of ARRY-438162 went. my history is I was originally diagnosed 2007 with colon cancer that had ruptured and gone into my abdomen. The 1st year I had surgery and 4fu and xeloda chemo. Two months after my chemo I felt something was wrong again. My wonderful Dr. had me…
....you ok lady??? Hoping you and your family have a wonderful thanksgiving! Hugsss! ~Donna
Cea results from re-test
Hello everyone, as some of you know I went in to be retested for cea's that rose from 10.5-22, that was on Wed. now it seems It has risen even more to 32 in just 5 days. Nurse called to tell me the results and says that chemo would not cause a rise in cea levels. I was at a steady downward trend on Folfox and now this. I…
chemo brain
Maybe it's the amount of chemo I gotten or just that I'm overly sensitivebut I have chemo brain, no question. What was I saying? Oh yeah, chemo brain... I've gotten some unexpected help. I downloaded the game Fling on my iphone. I downloaded it for my son but I've been playing it. I have noticed a marked improvement in my…
STUDY Results: Depression increases cancer patients' risk of dying
Article: Depression increases cancer patients' risk of dying Depression increases cancer patients' risk of dying Click to read more Depression can affect a cancer patient’s likelihood of survival. That is the finding of an analysis published in the November 15 issue of Cancer. The results highlight the need for systematic…
Thanksgiving Joy
2008 My last oxy treatment was 4 weeks prior to last Thanksgiving. I hadn't eaten much of anything in months. I had mouth sores and thrush so bad- couldn't even take liquids, got those IV by the bag full. I was having obcessions with FOOD- and I mean major ones. Watchingn the food channel 24/7, clipping recipes, hours and…
Starting Chemo - Questions
My sis is starting chemo next week and has not asked any questions regarding what to expect regarding side effects. She's having 3 chemo drugs and then something called 5fu in a pump for a couple of days. What's the chemo like - does it knock you for a loop, or is it pretty mild? Hers is going to be every other week. Does…
could this be from chemo
Hello everyone, I have had my knee pop out of place three times now, I had to turn my knee to get it back in place. This is the worst pain. This was not a problem before, I have never had a knee problem. Has this happened to anyone else? I don't even know if they can do anything for me since I am on chemo. Let me know if…
Question re:Tumors and heating pads
Hi everyone, My husband went to a naturopathic doctor to help support him through chemo. She suggested daily castor oil packs for his liver, along with some other therapies regarding nutrition. He is supposed to use a heating pad on low on top of the pack. I remember reading/hearing something about not using heating pads…
Wishing you a Blessed Holiday
Hello everyone, Just a quick note to wish you all the blessings of this holiday season. My husband is doing very well following his second liver resection in August. He will have his last adjuvant chemo infusion on 12/11. It's been a long and sometimes extremely rough last three years , but nevertheless I'm very thankful…
Opiate Painkillers May Encourage Spread of Cancer
as per medicalnewstoday.com dated 11/23/09 tho conclusionm still under study.
snomminj - how are you???
i just noticed that john (snomminj ) hasn't posted in a while? how are you doing john? and any news on the new testing your were having done?
after a year of folfox w/avastin, a remission,6 months of avastin only, a remission ,a year of xeloda pills,then 4 months of erbitux,I have another recurrence and they are putting me on Irinotecan with avastin and possibly xeloda pills again.Can anyone tell me what I should expect from the IRINOTECAN ?? I've read the…
Malfunctioning Machine
Ok, so maybe I have trust issues. Went to Philadelphia today (Sunday; they are closed Thursday and Friday, no treatment those days, since cancer takes a holiday too) for my 16th radiation treatment (rectal cancer) and all of us waiting were told that there was something wrong with the machine--bad motor--and it will be…
New picture
Thanks to all who commented or pm'd. Another coach took the picture when I went up to have lunch with Jim on Thursday. Diane
Need Input
I was dx in July with Stage IV colon cancer. I was told I had a spot about the size of a quarter on my liver, it was in my lungs and lymph nodes in my abdomen area. Since then, my last CT scan showed the spot on my liver is gone or either small enough they can't pick it up on the scan, since my lungs did not show…
upcoming surgery
on the 24th, going to deal with ulna nerve entrapment at the elbow and hopefully enough time to tether tendon through arthritic thumb joint. Something about a 2 hour window once they put the tourniquet on and may not have enough time to do both. The ulna nerve entrapment has been an issue for 16 months. I woke up with numb…
Something we ALL have in common.
Good segment on 60 Minutes tonight IMO. Sure to raise some various points of view. Things have been too calm here... ;-) -p
melissaincali hoping your husbands surgery
went well! Been thinking about you guys today!
the hare
I cant help but feel like I should be doing something during this six week perscribed break from treatment until my next scan. I feel like the hare sleeping on the side of the road and cancer is this tortous sneaking up on me. I'm finding this break to be a little difficult as I am not activly getting treatment and…
Diane's new picture....
I think your new picture is stunning, Diane. You are a very attractive lady. Just so you know..... Sandy
liver questions
I went to Moffitt on Tuesday and had a PET , CEA and CT. Good news CEA down from 78 to 2.5, yeah!! The ct and PET showed the tumor in liver that was tehre is dead or not lighting up now, but it also showed another small area that did light up in the PET. I am confused why chemo did not get that one. Theyare trying to…
Friday Riddle Answer
This weeks winner is dorookie. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: RIDDLE: What do you do with 365 used condoms? ANSWER: Melt them down and make a tire and call it a Good Year :)