Stage IV met. jejunal adeno.-21 yrs old
i'm 21 years old and was diagnosed with metastatic jejunal adenocarcinoma (small bowel cancer) in Feb of 2004. I have been told that this is extremely rare especially in people my age. I was completely shocked to learn this, since I thought the problem was my appendix. A CT scan revealed otherwise. I had surgery in Feb. to…
2 years!!!!
Today marks two years of being cancer free for me!!!! NED is GREAT!!! Love all of y'all, and I'm so grateful for your support the last 2 years. I also have to give a shout out to the excellent doctors and nurses I have. *hugs* Gail
Off Topic - New Improved with SunDog images! Sunset photos I took on Nov 16th
Please take a peek at these. I created an animation so the images change every 5 seconds. There are 8 images in all. The sunset was incredible that day. To start my ride home, I saw a very cool sundog then the sunset about an hour later Sunset Photos I added the sundogs into the slideshow
CT or PET Scan
I'm kind of confused. On the internet I read the PET Scan shows cancer cells all over your body (blood, lymph nodes, etc.) But my doctor says the CT Scans show the tumors better. I've only had one PET scan in the 11 months they first found my tumor and that was with a CT Scan. I'm confused as always, Debbie
She had surgery in August and was in for a very long recovery. I have emailed a few times through the months but haven't heard anything back. That is the only contact I have for her. I can't remember who had her phone number but if you read this can you tell me how she is doing? Thank you, Christine
The 30 minute turkey bash.............
Here's the deal, you get to your favorite haunt to enjoy a delicious turkey dinner. All the trim mings are there, corn pudding, giblet gravy, dressing, corn, cranberry sauce, Tom turkey and all the rest of the desserts. We sit down after cooking all day, say a blessing, and then all heck breaks loose...its pass that and…
going for scan today
going to have a followup on scan today due to cea levels. please pray. Patti
KRAS question
Hi all, A quick question - apologies for my ignorance. I've been reading about some patients having KRAS mutations which makes types certain types of chemo ineffective. I'm trying to do some research but can't find anything that explains this to me in laymens terms. My husband is Stage 2A. We've not met with his oncologist…
Hey Sundance
Dear Craig As I recall you had a met to your lung and had a thoracotomy or RFA or something recently I've lost track of your recent story and wonder how you are doing. What treatment if any will you be on now? I am in the same position as you are and would like to compare notes Prayers for complete NED........ Serrana
What to expect now????
Just got the results of my PET scan...I have 4 spots on my liver....I would like to know what to expect now...I have been researching it but I want first hand info....I go on the 4th to find out what stage I am in and what the treatment plan will be..Very upsetting since I have been NED for 7 months..JULIE
good news
I just received some promising news from the cancer center I receive treatment at.I was considering stopping treatment because when my long term disability at my job runs out I will be terminated If I can't return to work I lose my insurance. But the cancer center will pick up my cobra payments untill medicare kicks in.…
Scanning industrial equipment
I have a question, one of our great guys was talking about a business they have that somehow scans or x-rays or something...to analyze equipment. I can't find the post and wanted to show it to my son. Does anyone remember who it was and how I could find the post. I was trying to explain it but couldn't remember enought.…
surgery went well
typing one handed rather sucks :) makes for short and sweet posts ta-ta
? about recovery from colorectal surgery
my dad recently had surgery (2 weeks ago). He had part of his colon removed and also part of the rectum. This was his 2nd colon surgery to remove tumors. the 1st was in 2005. my question is this...everytime he urinates- he also poops some. the dr said this was normal but i've just never heard of this happening before and…
Mom's port out today- 1 year and 2 days since original surgery
What a year it has been! 1 year and 5 days since diagnosis and 1 year and 2 days since colon resection. It was a good 'closure' with the port being removed today. I don't know that anyone ever feels total closure- but it is one more step away from the big C. We have so much to be thankful for this year- that her battle for…
I sure am missing my buddy.....I hope your healing well and the new item is starting to work well for you...Take all the time you need to heal and I will keep you in my prayers...Love ya sweetie.....Tell Hubby I also said Hi.......Buzzard
Going to therapy
Went to a therapist that my Onc. recommended yesterday for the first time. It went well, 80% of her patients have cancer of some kind, so it was nice to know that she helps a lot of my people. I had never tried any kind of therapy before but I felt very comfortable talking to her, she told me most of the people she sees…
Serious Side Effects
Hi -- My mom is a stage iv colon cancer patient and is on irinotecan/5fu/avastin and just had to go to the ER for some serious side effects. She's having some serious stomach pain and says that tylenol 3 is not even helping with the pain. she can't keep even keep water down and is constantly vomiting and having diarrhea.…
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Just wanted to wish everybody a great Thanksgiving!! I love you all (even Phill...LOL) Live is funny sometimes Brooks
Bad News
Not feeling up to posting all the specifics, but you can read about what happened during surgery yesterday at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/brantwalton Any thoughts/ideas as to what we should do next is appreciated. Melissa
Nasty flu
Over the weekend I came down with some sort of flu, complete with muscle aches, chills, fever of 104 (40 C), and a dry cough that comes and goes (as does the fever). I've been unable to function and bedridden the last 3 days, which I hate. Strangely, I had a H1-N1 shot in the oncologists office last monday (8 days ago)…
My Husband's Medical Oncologist Just Called...WTH
I don't post very often, but this was too important not to share the latest. So, some of you may know that my husband was diagnosed in March of this year with stage IV rectal cancer with numerous mets to his liver. He started out on Folfiri w/Avastin. There was progression. He was switched to Folfox w/Avastin, which he…
The problem patient again - more port issues
Of course I had to be the difficult patient again. My port would not work for blood draws, and they didn't think it was even going to do very well for infusions. After trying to flush it several times she had me put my feet up, no go. Then she tipped me back with my head low, no go. Then lay on right side - nothing. Then…
HIPEC and insurance
Hi everyone, Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I'm currently speaking with Dr. Martin Goodman at Tufts Medcial Center regarding possibly having the HIPEC procedure. He seems to think I'm a good candidate. I was wondering if those of you that have had this procedure had issues with your insurance providers? Thanks! Love, Elizabeth
If I remember correctly, semi's were inquiring about Kimby a few weeks ago. I was just on the Colon Club site and there is a new discussion "talked to kimby". I would post a link but honestly, I don't know how to do that. Anyway, she has had a bit of rough time lately but you can read about it yourselves. Tina
Avastin no longer allowed in UK as tx for colon cancer patients
Story Link HERE Another cancer drug too dear for Britain: Bowel cancer victims denied life-prolonging drug that's free in Europe By Jenny Hope Last updated at 12:02 AM on 24th November 2009 Bowel cancer sufferers are to be denied a life-prolonging drug on the NHS which is available to patients across Europe and beyond.…
Happy Thanksgiving to all
I am wishing all semi-colons and their families a very WONDERFUL and HAPPY Thanksgiving Holiday and hoping everyone gets to be surrounded by love, warmth and happiness. I will be traveling to Chicago, IL to spend the Holiday with my son and will not have access to computer, so I won't be able to read posts until Monday, 30…
Happy Thanksgiving
I am on my lunch time right now, but wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I know quite a few of you are very sad and I totally understand, boy do I ever understand. But...I would like to wish you a hearfelt time with family and friends. I personally look forward to my house smelling like Thanksgiving, spending…
changed diet away from gluten
Hi, I just changed my diet to exclude all gluten products and I'm amazed that I don't have any more bloating, or very little. I've also given up most dairy products. I did this because after the folfiri regemine my intestines are just not the same anymore. I also have ascities in the abdomen as well and that may be some of…
what I am grateful for this thanksgiving
This thanksgiving I am grateful for every sunrise. I am grateful for my BFF Bonnie who has never missed a chemo session, She has been with me for every scan,and only missed one doctor appt' but when she called me to tell me she couldn't make it because of a problem her daughter was having, she had already arranged for…