we're back
Just wanted to say, we are back from vacation. It went by way too fast, but doesn't something you can't wait for always fly by. I have read a few posts since we came back on Tuesday and just wanted to say Hi to everyone. I have posted a few pictures on my expressions, one of them is my husband at the pool in Margaritaville…
Had surgery again
Hi I have not been here much do to computer problems but I am so glad to be back. I was in the hospital 3 times in 2 months and I had a blockage.On the third time on April 26TH I had to have major surgery do to radiations treatments it had damaged my small intestine the DR took 20" out and a lot of adhesion's I went in the…
Xeloda Rash Treatment Questions and General Support Needed
My husband has developed, after 9 days of Xeloda treatment, a serious itchy rash on his extremities. He has completed four months of 5FU, Avastin, and made it through four Oxi treatments with calcium-magnesium infusions before neuropathy resulted in that treatment being removed. He was switched from the 5FU to Xeloda to…
hI all Been absent lateley, lots of back pain, but not what i want to know abou Does anyone else have teeth that are going bad its like I am a crack addit getting bad spots at the gum lines and it is happenin fast, I can't offord to go to the denist and are you allowed to have dental work while on chemo I really need to do…
Stats, 5-FU toxicity and new drug, as per Medicalnewstoday:
"The National Institues of Health estimate that 275,000 patients in the United States undergo 5-FU therapy annually and 1,300 die from accidental overdoses or poor drug clearance. While no antidote for 5-FU overexposure has been approved by regulatory authorities, uridine triacetate (formerly known as vistonuridine) has…
6 years ago today
good morning semi's. 6 years ago today i was dx with stage 2 colon cancer. it was a tough journey but one i made with the help of everyone here and the man up above. to celebrate my 6 years of survival i am going on a cruise with my family. i want to thank everyone here for being here to help me. yes i did have a…
Interesting Article
Here is link to an interesting article about getting our immune systems to fight off cancer cells that are roaming about. Find it here: http://www.cancercompass.com/cancer-news/article/33475.htm?c=NL20100519 Take care, Jan
Life has to go on even if it sucks
Life doesn't stop when you have cancer, things happen every day that you don't want or plan for. Even though you are in the fight of your life, things areound jsut keep on going, good or bad. I have ( and have most of you as well) one hell of a year and a half. I spent the time focusing in getting better and I think I have…
Hi All, My onc changed my treatment from ox to camptosar as I was having so many problems. I am still takeing it every two weeks for 10 more treatments and will still get the 5FU. I would love any feed back on this med. and any information about the side effects. The onc told me the most common are diarrhea, nausea and…
Hi from Crow71
Hey everyone. I haven't posted since my surgery, but I've been keeping up with everyone. I tend to turn inward when things get rough, and things have been fairly rough in the past several weeks. I don't like to be a complainer. I am healing well. Some things have gone badly, like the icision getting infected and turning…
To Each His Own
Thought I'd throw this out there regarding some recent posts.... To Each His Own I cannot change the way I am, I never really try. God made me different and unique, I never ask him why. If I appear peculiar, There's nothing I can do You must accept me as I am, As I've accepted you. God made a casting of each life, Then…
colon cancer surgery: kindly share your experiences and guide me
Hi group, Last week I was diagnosed with colon cancer (7 cm long). I am due for surgery coming wednesday (May 26th). This is a shock of my life. I am a 51 yr old man. Otherwise very healthy. Everything else in my body as shown by CT scan, x-ray showed normal. Doctors say, I do need to stay about 5 days in hospital. Luckily…
Help!! Stopping treatment
I have a question to all. What happens if you stop treatment after only a few treatments?Doesyou just go back to feeling normal or are there bad side effects from stopping? Does anyone know or has anyone quit? I am having a hard time with the side effects and I am currently cancer free. I also found out how expensive the…
Three is a charm? Going to start 3rd clinical trial
After a good 4 month run on my 2nd clinical trial, the recent CT scan shows a mixed result. Most of the lung mets and lymph nodes are stable. Some of the liver mets did grow a little, some shrink a little. But my CEA shoot up a lot. So my onc think it is about time that I quit this trial and try something else. She has a…
Reading Room - True Story - Washing for My Hero -(She decided not to have chemo.)
Washing for My Hero by William Thompson Sylvia and I were at a very good point in our lives in November, 2004. Having just returned from my father’s funeral, we were proud of moving to El Paso, Texas and starting our own business so we could provide 24-hour care during his 2 years of illness. Sylvia wrote poetry, and I was…
hi phil, just wondering about your new photo. It is cute. Who is it? Amy
Brooks in hospital ** UPDATED
Brooks was admitted to the hospital with a blockage. His daughter posted a note on Facebook. If you remember, he had his colostomy (?) reversed a few weeks ago and has been having problems ever since. ♥ Wishing you well, Brooks! ♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex posted this tonight: hey everyone…
people with no clue
Yesterday I had one heck of a day. I work with my sister, whom thinks she has more on her plate than anyone and is more stressed than anyone. She truly is a great person, she has a dog rescue group and family and works full time and is actually my boss. I am the person she seems to complain to and I usually just listen…
Hello again. My name is Karen. I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 02/10. I had a sigmoid colon resection on March 24th, 2010. I am now undergoing chemotherapy, for of the 8 lymph nodes removed, one was positive. My daughter and my grandsons live with me. Their ages are 6 years and 7 months. I explained to my oldest…
Update on my Dad
Hi everybody, Thanks for all your amazing messages of support to my introduction on this forum. It's wonderful to know there are so many brave and courageous people out there. My Dad is now on his second dose of irinotecan. I think he bounced back slightly quicker from it this time around that the last. He is still…
New to the forum
Hi everyone, I just joined the forum today after coming across it searching for information in Irinotecan. I do not live in the USA like most of you but there doesn't seem to be a site out there like this for New Zealand. My father has colorectal cancer with liver mets and we have just reached the two year mark in the…
Have your eyes gotten worse since dx or chemo started. My glasses are only six months old, same doctor I've been going to for years. Last Sunday I was ready for about twenty minutes when my husband asked me to look at the TV and tell him if we had seen the show coming on. The information about the show was in four…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!! RIDDLE: Four couples spend an evening together. Their first names are Elizabeth, Jeanne, Mary, Anne, Henry, Peter, Louis, and Roger. At a given time... Henry's wife is not dancing with her husband, but with Elizabeth's husband. Roger and Anne are…
shoulder nerve pain after liver resection
I am having bad shoulder/neck pian since surgery 6 weeks ago. I think it was from the positioning but I just don't knoe what to do about it. any ideas christy
Though of the Day
“The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.” ~ Herbert Agar
Lap Tops
Hi, just wondering how many of you have lap tops? My husband and girls got me one for mothers day. I don't know how I survived w/o it. It is the best!!!!!
Gluten sensitivity and intestinal cancer connection
Hi Semis! (and krista since you asked) As many of you know, the nutrition/cancer connection is something that I continuously study and research as I dig to find out the WHY of contracting cancer in my own life. If I can find out the WHY (root cause), then I have a better chance of keeping from getting it again. That's how…
Knockout by Suzanne Sommers
Have you read it? What do you think? I read that cancer patients usually have a lower than normal body temperature. I thought that was interesting since my husband's last reading was 96 or 97 degrees. There were other interesting, and inspiring stories as well. Erin
Seeking your wisdom...
Hello to all. I have not been posting much lately and what little I have done has been primarily on the anal cancer board. The following is a copied version of my post there earlier today. I decided to post it here as well because I am seeking the wisdom of any of you that care to comment. Truthfully, maybe I am feeling…
anyone taking vectibix
Hey everybody, just wanted to know if anyone is on vectibix? I tried xeloda and couldn't handle the hand and foot thing, started erbitux but quit it due to severe rash and overall fatigue. Now the onc wants to start me on vectibix plus irinotecan. I hear vectibix is closely related to erbitux except it is not made with…