Hello again. My name is Karen. I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 02/10. I had a sigmoid colon resection on March 24th, 2010. I am now undergoing chemotherapy, for of the 8 lymph nodes removed, one was positive. My daughter and my grandsons live with me. Their ages are 6 years and 7 months. I explained to my oldest…
Update on my Dad
Hi everybody, Thanks for all your amazing messages of support to my introduction on this forum. It's wonderful to know there are so many brave and courageous people out there. My Dad is now on his second dose of irinotecan. I think he bounced back slightly quicker from it this time around that the last. He is still…
New to the forum
Hi everyone, I just joined the forum today after coming across it searching for information in Irinotecan. I do not live in the USA like most of you but there doesn't seem to be a site out there like this for New Zealand. My father has colorectal cancer with liver mets and we have just reached the two year mark in the…
Have your eyes gotten worse since dx or chemo started. My glasses are only six months old, same doctor I've been going to for years. Last Sunday I was ready for about twenty minutes when my husband asked me to look at the TV and tell him if we had seen the show coming on. The information about the show was in four…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!! RIDDLE: Four couples spend an evening together. Their first names are Elizabeth, Jeanne, Mary, Anne, Henry, Peter, Louis, and Roger. At a given time... Henry's wife is not dancing with her husband, but with Elizabeth's husband. Roger and Anne are…
shoulder nerve pain after liver resection
I am having bad shoulder/neck pian since surgery 6 weeks ago. I think it was from the positioning but I just don't knoe what to do about it. any ideas christy
Though of the Day
“The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.” ~ Herbert Agar
Lap Tops
Hi, just wondering how many of you have lap tops? My husband and girls got me one for mothers day. I don't know how I survived w/o it. It is the best!!!!!
Gluten sensitivity and intestinal cancer connection
Hi Semis! (and krista since you asked) As many of you know, the nutrition/cancer connection is something that I continuously study and research as I dig to find out the WHY of contracting cancer in my own life. If I can find out the WHY (root cause), then I have a better chance of keeping from getting it again. That's how…
Knockout by Suzanne Sommers
Have you read it? What do you think? I read that cancer patients usually have a lower than normal body temperature. I thought that was interesting since my husband's last reading was 96 or 97 degrees. There were other interesting, and inspiring stories as well. Erin
Seeking your wisdom...
Hello to all. I have not been posting much lately and what little I have done has been primarily on the anal cancer board. The following is a copied version of my post there earlier today. I decided to post it here as well because I am seeking the wisdom of any of you that care to comment. Truthfully, maybe I am feeling…
anyone taking vectibix
Hey everybody, just wanted to know if anyone is on vectibix? I tried xeloda and couldn't handle the hand and foot thing, started erbitux but quit it due to severe rash and overall fatigue. Now the onc wants to start me on vectibix plus irinotecan. I hear vectibix is closely related to erbitux except it is not made with…
Future of colonoscopes?
Kimball Electronics and Avantis Medical Systems have developed a device they call "the Avantis third Eye Retroscope" which is "a revolutionary new catheter-based camera device that works in conjunction with existing colonoscopy equipment." This will allow the doctor "an additional retrograde (backward) view of the colon…
Post-chemo Anemia?
I finished my chemo (Folfox) in April, and went in for an exam, port flush and labs yesterday. Today the oncologist's office called and said I was anemic. They want me to come back in for more lab work needed to get an injection approved, and they want me to have the injection before I go for the PET/CT scan that is being…
Any advice?
Mom is still having problems with an ileus/obstruction in her small intestine after her retal resection surgery 5 weeks ago. She still cant eat or drink (other than a few sips of water) without throwing up. She is on IV nutrition (TPN) and just feels so weak. Her dr. said they usually always work out on their own and are…
My youngest at his prom look on my expressions page
Just thought I would share this milestone with everyone. This is my 17 year old. My youngest boy. 12 years ago they told me to get my things in order. I only had a couple times where I thought this beast had me, it was when I let fear take over. Now 12 years later and mostly fearless, I still have check ups every three…
Got a pet? PUGS are the best!!!!
This post started on a different post but it needs it's own post so here it is. PUGS are the best!!!!
Xeliri vs Folfori ?
Can anyone give me any information about Xeliri vs Folfori. My onc wants to start me on Folfori. I have an appointment with him tomorrow to discuss this due to my pet scan showing increase in lungs. I have been on Xeloda alone since 9/09 and Xeolda with Avastin since 10/09. I have had very minimal side effects with Xeloda.…
Are there any active members on here that are cured?? I don't mean NED for a year or two. I mean over five years with no reccurence OR treatment. I know Emily is but who else? How long (over five years) and what was your treatment course? What do you credit, your treatment, your will, luck, God, lifestyle, or unknown???…
Xeloda vs. Folfox
Hi Everybody, Haven't posted in a while but have been lurking. Just to update you, I've finished 8 tx with Folfox but had 2 postponements due to low platelet count. Dr. cut dosage of Oxali twice but the side effects were still the same. I'm now contemplating stopping my infusion all together and going on Xeloda for the…
Anyone who had a liver resection can you tell me about afterwards. I am 6 weeks after resection and went back to work already, but i am so tired, I mean TIRED. I have never allen asleep when typing on computer. Are yousuposed tp eat alot of proteins? I am not having pain to much from liver but my shoulder and nect on the…
Healing Journeys Conference - Charlottesville, VA and Knoxville, TN.
I attended the "Healing Journey's" Conference in Greenville after my colon resection and before chemo. I highly recommend it. Lizzy ---Director's Reflections - by Jan Adrian, MSW Dear Friends, I had another reminder this week of what a difference one person can make. I’ve written about Robin Davenport before. She was…
Not what I wanted to hear...
Well we are leaving Houston and I did not get the news I wanted to hear. Apparently I have some lung nodules now and will need to do chemotherapy for about 3 months. UGH! I am so down right now! I thought I had this thing beat but I guess tat was kind of foolish to think that so early. My DR said this is highy treatable so…
Hi, I am having mixed emotions tonight. I was called today by a clinical researcher from UCSF about joining in a clinical trial. I have basically been told by my onc and onc at UCSF that there isn't really much for me to do except trials. I am stage 4 with nodules to the lungs. I have already tried oxy, irronotecan with…
good news
Last night I only messed my Depends once and now, with diligent stool management I am making cheese doodles! Life is GOOD! (I need a hobby or a job)
I'm done with my chemo the end of June...
to those of you guys who are finished with chemo, did you guys give a gift to your onc nurses? If you did, what did you give? I'd really like to show them that they have been fabulous to work with and that they'll always be remembered. :)
American Lung Assn just posted its 2010 State of the Air report
where you can type in your zipcode or state and get status of air and other related info about where you breathe......... stateoftheair.org
The Reading Room: Link to CNN Article Describing a Condition Called "Anesthesia Awareness"
Here is a link to this CNN article on a topic called "Anesthesia Awareness." It describes one woman's experience with waking up during surgery but being paralyzed by the anesthesia to do anything about it. On my very 1st colonoscopy, I too, woke up during the procedure. I lifted my head up, and saw this big red looking…
Phase I study on patients with oxi refractory/intolerant KRAS mutant CRC
announced this date by Calgary, Canada-based Oncolytics Biotech, which will consist of FOLFIRI (Leucovorin,5FU and Irinotecan)with this new thing called Reolysin (REO). For more info see www.prnewsire.com or rttnews.com Hope this helps someone
PET/CT today
The time has come. My scan is today and I'll get the results Friday. Common sense tells me not to worry - my CEA is 2.1. And the results will be what they are whether I ignore it and wait till Friday when I find out, or if I drive myself insane with "what-ifs" until Friday. But I am nervous...can't help it.