Well, yes , it was he&&.....I mean HE&&. My onc started me a tapering program from home. At that time i was eating 12 oxy per day for my back pain. MY BACK IS IN BEAUTIFUL SHAPE, by the way....and knock on wood!!!! BUTTT...the big prob was getting off those oxy's...I made it myself at home and got down to taking 2 per day.…
Checking in after a long while/just need to vent
Hi everybody, It has been several months since I have posted.I have been lurking but silent. Any how, after finishing Chemo I had been complaining to Docs about lower abdominal pain. We did a CT and PET scan to check things out. Turns out I had a fluid buildup and possible recurrance of CA. My Oncologist said get to ER…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL JUNE BABIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!! tootsie 1 - 3 June ron50 - 4 June annabelle1415 - 14 June liefjasmine - 15 June P_I_T_A - 23 June nudgie - 30 June
YEAH, NED Still..........
My ONC does not want to see me for another 6 months. I am so happy that I can enjoy my Nana's 100th birthday party this Saturday!! All the family is in town, what am I talking about we are the town! Yes, visitors are starting to get here.... Take care of yourselves and Smile!!!!
Family together again.
I thought I might share some good news from the house of "greybeard"; Several years ago my middle daughter moved to Utah to go to school. Well as things turned out, she ended up meeting a wonderful young man who is now my Son-in-law, and they have added two more grandchildren to our family, bringing the total to four, and…
Information on Block Center for Cancer treatments...in Evansville
I have not posted in a long time but have been keeping up by reading everyone's post. My husband has been give two to four months and is entering his third phase one clinical trial. While at work on Sunday, I met a lady whose husband also have stage 4 colorectal cancer and was receiving treatment at BLOCK CENTER OF…
Phantom Farting.......
OK, I have had my backside sewn shut and I lean over to the left this evening to fart like I use to and my wife looks at me and asks "what do you think your doing ?"..I informed her that I was having a phantom fart pain and was going to phantom fart. I actually haven't done this since surgery 2 years ago. Why now I wonder…
Pre-chemo dental visit
Just wanted to remind those who haven't started chemo yet to try to get to the dentist first. My oncologist wouldn't let me go, I had emergency surgery, and it has been a year since last dental visit. Chemo is very, very hard on the mouth and teeth. I finished my chemo recently, was told by my onc.just yesterday that I…
You Might Be A Cancer Survivor If ........
You might be a cancer survivor if - You commonly use the abbreviations - dx, hx, rx, sx, tx - and you have never been to medical school. You can rattle off the brand names and generic names of medications and their uses faster than the nurse can. You can convert MLs to Ounces. Boost and Ensure are entrees. Your expelled…
hemorrhoids help? (not cancer related per se)
not cancer related per se, but mom has hemorrhoids (exterior). we've tried preparation H, desitin (heard zinc oxide is good for them), tucks suppositories and wipes, and dibocaine...still in lots of pain. shes been taking percocet for pain but im sure thats not making it any better (causes constipation), and eating high…
My Dad
Received a call yesterday afternoon from my Mom and my Dad has been admitted to Pitt Memorial Hospital (NC) for blood in stool. Some of the tests include, bloodwork (normal), colonscopy and endascope. Any and all prayers are welcome.
Newly diagnosed - check out my personal page
Hi there! My name is Julie and I use to be a member of this network. I've met so many great people that gave me support and strength. I became a member of this board in 2004 when my mother was diagnosed with colorectal cancer (stage 3B). Six years later she is alive and well! She has been back to work for a long time and…
No J-Pouch
My son had no room for a j-pouch so he feels like stool sits in the opening of his anus all the time. His surgeon says that he will always have this straight pipe and there is no holding room for the stool as the j-Pouch holds the stool until it tells him it is time for a bowel movement. He stays so raw most of time he…
My latest scan results
I had my 3 month CT scan results reviewed with me by my oncologist on Tuesday. The bottom line is of my 4 liver tumours, only 1 is visible now; it was the largest one + is decreased by about 1/2 since I began this treatment. The affected nodes are either calcified, or smaller/stable. So good news overall, + I am continuing…
Liver resection scheduled for tomorrow
We check into hospital for liver resection tomorrow. Any advice? Not sure what to expect?? Thank you all for your help!
stage IV roll call
everyone, own members are not fairing to well or are we? I need to know, we all need to know Here I go, the rest of you need to follow, Age 44, Dx may 2009 stage iv, large primary tumor of the rectum, spread to liver, and most recently several varing size mets of predeim. abdomen wall, currently on chemo, for control Docs…
1 more question
I just need to know can stress make CEA level go from 25 to 179 in 3 weeks
ER again!
Well, yesterday sucked. Bill and I have been keeping the grandchildren all week while mom and dad took a 4-day vacation (I keep them every day, anyway. Just added the nights!). Friday night was our last night, and we were looking forward to "freedom" on Saturday and planned on a nice lunch to launch our weekend. Ha! During…
Just had my port-cath removed a couple of hours ago. Shoulder/chest feels like I was punched by Mike Tyson, but another step towards so-called normalcy. -DJ
For those with liver mets....
Clinical Trial at NIH for Unresectable Liver Tumors Posted: 28 May 2010 05:42 AM PDT Written by Kate Murphy. Patients with liver tumors, including those that have spread from colorectal cancer, can enroll in a clinical trial at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda. The trial will test the…
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winner is abrub. CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: My age is half of a perfect square. My age is 2 times a perfect square. My age is one-eighth of a perfect square. Reverse the digits of my age to get a perfect square. ANSWER: 18 x 2 = 36, which is perfect square of 6 18 / 2 = 9, whichis perfect…
Colon Cancer
Hi, This is my first time here. I was diagnosed a few weeks ago after having the colonoscopy and advised that I must have surgery to remove the cancerous polyp & possibly some lymph nodes. Besides a CT scan and blood tests which I had are there any other tests that you would recommend prior to the surgery. I also have…
A Dream To Come True....
I just wanted to let everyone know my kids will be seeing the beach for their first time this weekend, and I can't wait! My brother has paid for us to go to Myrtle Beach to meet him and his family, so the cousins and all us can be together again. We'll be leaving for my brothers in Virginia on Thursday, and will arrive at…
total colectomy/j-pouch
Hello Everyone, It's been quite a while since I've posted last, but here is my story in a nut shell. . . June '03 I had surgery for what I thought was just a routine procedure for some female problems.I ended up having a total hysterectomy and a bowel resection. Thank God for a very thorough surgeon. Cancer was found on…
Off Xeloda for 2 wks..maybe forever - UPDATE
Just an update: I was dx'd in Oct. stage II.Surgery & resection. I have finished 9 tx chemo in all...5 Folfox and 4 Xeloda. I have had just about every side effect from both regimens EXCEPT the common diarrhea & nausea. My eyes are dim, my ears are deaf, I have chemobrain, red *spots* on various areas of my body, peripheal…
Clinard Bernard (CB) Hinson, Jr
CB passed away on Monday night at 9:28pm. I am now laying in bed with our granddaughter sleeping beside me. I didn't know it would happen tonight, but several friends commented earlier in the day that I sounded good. I advised them that I had shut down emotionally because I knew this day was coming and I couldn't continue…
Quilt Squares finally going out
I am finally mailing the quilt squares! Yippee. There seems to be some simple things that just take time. Well, I finally have a few minutes to get this done. If you would like to receive a square to decorate (or sign) just let me know. Those who have pm'd me with information will receive their squares this week. I would…
Folfori with Avastin vs Folfox with Avastin
I know everyone is different but I just wanted to get an idea what to prepare for. I start my round of chemo next Tuesday with Folfori and Avastin. I completed Folfox with Avastin - 8 rounds in September 2009. i did okay but that OXY is the devil's drug. I have read that if I made it through Folfox, Folfori will be a 'walk…
CA-19-9 level
My father had his follow up with onc dr. As I have said before he has IV colon cancer with mets to liver and lungs, no possibility of resections. The chemo has worked very well with few side effects, his bilirubin has gone from 8.8 to 1.1, his CA 19-9 marker has dropped from 2500 to 800. How bad is this CA-19-9 AT 8OO…
What does it for you?
I've been thinking about something lately. As a cancer patient, what makes you feel most vulnerable? For me, it's any test where I have to stretch my arms over my head. It makes me feel like I'm giving up control of what's going to happen to me. It's a feeling of submission that makes me feel very small and scared. I'd be…