Another update to my husband's colonoscopy
To refresh - my husband had his first colonoscopy in March. They found 3 flat polyps that were removed and the biopsies showed no cancer, but that they were the type that could turn to cancer. They also found two "wierd" things that the doctor wasn't sure about. These were larger. He is pretty famous around here as a great…
Anyone attending the Twin Cities Get Your Rear in Gear 5K this Sunday?
I'm excited to be attending the Get Your Rear in Gear 5K on Sunday. I'll get a chance to meet a survivor from another board, and his wife. My husband and I are walking (neither of us has ever been a runner). I also get to meet David - another survivor who is friends of an old highschool classmate of mine. He started a…
Question of the Day: Genetic Testing Kits. Would you take the test?
Would you take one of these Genetic Testing Kits to see if you were "at risk" for developing cancer or passing on some genetic disorder to your kids? I'm interested to hear what you all think of these. I'll have input later. Thanks -p News Story. There are plenty of related stories on the web, just Google "Genetic Testing…
Scan Results - Not what I was hoping for
I had my Pet Scan yesterday and got the results from the Pa today. It showed an increase in the size and number of the spots on my lungs. I am still trying to digest this. The spots in my liver were stable and everything else was stable. I started on Folfox in March of 09 and had a great response to that. I have been on…
Am I going to DIE?
As I prepare for the liver surgery and HAI pump install, I find myself with new thoughts of death from cancer. I have been at this battle for 18 months and up until now thought I was working toward a cure. As a stage IV cc with 3ea mets to the liver, it is just now sinking in that percentages are against me. Physically I…
Jim is having a hard time
His surgery was on the third and we're still in the hospital. (lots more detailed info on www.caringbridge.org/visit/jameskruse) We went home for one night and have been back ever since. He has some infection somewhere, not sure where. Thought it was a UTI then an abcess on his wrist, possibly staph in his port, now today…
Post chemo update
I've been away form the boards for a while, other than one quick check one day while we were gone. I really needed a break from all things "cancer." My husband and I went to our second home in Mexico, and it was just what I needed. My days weren't focused on medical appointments and cancer. They were focused on enjoying…
This time yesterday a year ago that dreaded phone call came with results of biopsy
After small talk, doctor uttered those three infamous words "you have cancer" and a whole bunch of words followed as my head spun continually like that girl in the Exorcist movie. The only other of the many words he spoke that day that I vividly recall was "colostomy". Well here I am, sitting on my sewn up ****, trusty bag…
results is in.Last PET(february,2010) show multiple mets to the liver,pelvic,retroperitoneum and lung(where she had 13 "old").That all come after laser resection of the left lung.After that PET she start with artemisinin and AHCC as supplements.Results of PET/CT(may,2010) are:liver-nothing light-up,lungs-1/3 in size…
Off to Relay
Hey, guys. Tomorrow evening I'll walk in my third survivor lap at Relay for Life. At this point, our little team has gone past our goal of $3500 and almost reached $5000!! I'm so excited!!! I'll give y'all a report after I recuperate a little. I'll be up all night tomorrow night. *hugs* Gail
Hey Craig............CEA rise?
you said...................as the cancer cells die off, they emit a protein in the blood which can be picked up on the CEA test. can you give me some info
rectal mucus
anyone out there have a colostomy and having a problem everyday with rectal mucus.I have to where a pad it is so bad?
Puzzling news on CEA rise
I got my monthly results and it went from 4.1 to 18......my last scan was excellent, so much so that 90% or more of the bone mets are gone and no activity, it's odd....what to think ?
Thinking of you, Kathleen and ****!
Been thinking about you all day. It will be great to say goodbye to that nasty node! Love, Kim
surgery Thursday
Hi Everyone, ****'s surgery to remove the 1 lymph node is on Thursday, May 13 @ 10:00 California time. He met with Dr. Lenz and the surgeon and everyone said it is a good idea to take the lymph node out. Right now, that is the only place cancer is showing up on the PET. I pray that once it is out, **** can do some mop up…
menright (mike) 02 May Sonia32 (sonia) 22 May If you would like to join the B-Day List, please provide me the following: a) Date of DX (including month, day and year) b) If NED, date (including month, day and year) c) Birthday date (including month, day & year)
Ashley has lost her fight
Please read her story, may she rest in peace. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ashleytunstall
The Journey Ends
Today, my beautiful sister, Christina, lost her battle. She was only 40, 39 when dx, and leaves behind her husband and three beautiful children 8, 6, and 4. She fought til the very end. And I mean she fought damn hard. There was not a treatment or cancer hospital she did not seek advice. In the end, her tiny body just…
Platelet Count
Thanks to all you all with your valuable posts. Craig and on and on. Thank you. I changed Onc after 4 Folfox Treatments because of summer relocation. The origonal Onc got cautious after they (Platelets ) dropped below 100,000. The New guy, who I like alot, changed me to Folfox 6. He continues treatment even tho I am now in…
Expressions page
Guys, for those that are interested, I put pictures of the farm on my expressins page. I think you will see why this old farm has a healing effect on me. Were talking big time placebo. Kerry
Crow71 update
Hi folks- Thanks for asking about ROger. It has been tough lately, but he is okay. We had an appt. with the surgeon yesterday and even though he has had tube feedings for 12 hours a day for a week he has still lost more weight. The surgeon wasn't too concerned, but did up the tube feedings to 16 hours a day. The wound is…
Saw the surgeon today, and he is going to be doing surgery Wednesday afternoon, minor surgery, great news is that the DOC says this is a fixer, and its his specialty surgery. Please keep me in your prayers, I know I hate to even bring it up, in comparison to what everyone else is going through this is the least of your…
What They Say -vs- What They Really Mean
They say - You are so strong ! (or) You will need to stay strong ! They mean - You will have to do this by yourself. --------------------------------------------------------- They say - Call if you need anything. They mean - I will come if it is a dire emergency and only if you can reach me in person and not my voice mail.…
Multi-colored hoofs
Xeloda feet…this time I didn’t have the stinging and burning…just went straight to peeling and cracking. My question is this: Has anyone else had their feet turn nasty looking and multi-colored? I know this sounds strange but my feet are purple/black, grey, red, and green. Please don’t laugh ;) I thought at first that they…
Doctor appointment visits
Just curious as to how many times you go to the doctor every year. Seems like I have to go every three months with a blood test, and then go for results. I have to go for CT scan every six months. My oncologist said I have to see her for the first three years every 3 months and the next two years every six months. I have…
Ct Scans
Well, just got back from seeing the doctor and getting results from CT scan and labs done on Monday. Well the liver is great, but there is an enlarged necrotic hilar lymph node (chest lymph node) so now I will do a pet scan. I'm not so worried but I got all dressed up and everything just so I could start to celebrate. Darn…
6 Month reprieve- scan results
Scan results were great today!!! I am still NED. 2.5 years from original diagnosis and 1.5 years from second surgery for ovarian metastasis. I know I am not out of the woods yet or may never be... we will rescan again in 6 months. But.... for now I am very happy and could not wait to share the news with my daughters. They…
My Onc nurse called today with results of my CT/Pet Scan. They found no reoccurrence of cancer both were negative. They had no explaination why my CEA went from 2.2 for four years suddenly to 5.8 and then 5.6. So they will be keeping a closer eye on me. My wife and I are going to join our daughter, son-in-law and my…
Request for Information: Cyberknife
I'm trying to understand when Cyberknife is used to treat colon cancer. Is it used for larger masses in the abdominal wall or only for small cancers? Is it usually covered by insurance? Hatshepsut
Pet Scan on Wed
I am getting a Pet Scan on Wed. I had one in March of 2009 right after my initial DX. I have had CT scans in between. I am getting this Pet Scan at a different facility . They told me to eat a no carb diet the day before starting at noon, not to exercise the day before and fast for 6 hours before. The other facility did…