Mouth Sores
I hope there is someone who can help me out there. I have only had one treatment so far with eleven more to go. I have experienced several different side effects but I thought I had escaped the mouth soreness. Well I was wrong. Seems like no matter what I put in my mouth it hurts. I have been sticking to soft foods the…
ERBITUX - HELP anyone ? new on this board
Hello everyone, im new here MY wife had hyperpharingial squamus cc and was operated twice + others(see profile)(which is ). She has a condition called Fanconi Anemia, which predisposes her to malignanat tumors (head and Neck- usually where all this starts) F.A. patients have hypersensitivity to Chemo Therapy , which can be…
I keep having this dream that the cancer is back, like every little pain I feel is the cancer, I just had my scans done 6 weeks ago and it was all clear, surely its not back now. I guess I am just spooked by the dream. The thought of it coming back scares the hell out of me, maybe its that I spent alot of time on the board…
Intentions of Turning all of the Latest Bad News Around.....
OK, This board has suffered enough bad news this week...Its time to get some good news from somewhere about somebody...I have my appointment in the morning at 0930 and in hopes that they will indicate that there may be some mistakes or maybe the CEA was wrong or redraw blood and find an error. Or simply set up scans and…
If you need a boost in attitude, watch this!!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNqosHRbWog It is Opera in the food market in Tel Aviv...it is truly a testament that good people, willing to operate outside of their comfort zone, still do exist!!!!!! (Israel right now is not necessarily a place for singing in the open...bless them!...it's a professional choir and…
weird recurrence
I went and saw the Dr today. My CEAs are still down around 100. Oddly, I think I've had a recurrence at my original sight. It's come on very quick. I go see the surgeon next week. I don't really think this effects my overall approach to treatment. It's just odd that this happened so suddenly, while all my other cancer is…
Radiation to the rib bone
My husband has colon cancer with mets to his rib bone. The colon cancer was removed in 2008. He has been on & off chem for the last couple of years. The Dr now may do radiation on the cancer in his rib bone. He said it would be 15 to 20 minutes a day for 2 to 3 weeks. How bad are the side effects from radiation? Any info…
Kimberly Jo Hinkle, age 46, of Wauseon
Kimberly Jo Hinkle (Died July 23, 2010) Sign Guest Book | Send Private Condolences Wauseon: Kimberly Jo Hinkle, age 46, of Wauseon, passed away Friday afternoon in her home. She had been a recruiter for online college for an affiliation of 14 colleges and universities. Kim was born in Wauseon on January 23, 1964, the…
On Thursday: 55 years old, born in '55, and 5 years cancer survivor....
and, you might ask, what's next??? "I'm going to Germany!!!" I'm very excited...it's the wine country...and I get a free wine tasting as part of the deal!!! Hugs, Kathi
Shingles Pain
It seems like its always something, now hubby has a nasty case of the shingles, they are finally after 3 weeks healing but the pain is unbelievable and its wearing him down. He is on Gabapentin, Vitamin C and Oxycodone. Any thoughts any non-drug relief. He hates being drugged up on pain meds. Any thoughts would be…
"GE Launches Study to Improve Dx of Early Stage Colon Cancer", with MSK
www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/195579.php won't help most of us already here but in time, it may prove fruitful to future semis......steve
Dreading the colonscopy prep
Does it ever get any easier to do this prep.? I have been dreading it for a year, since the last one. I hope one day they invent something that will be easier to take. I have to start the prep tomorrow with 2 tablets and 1/2 gallon of golytely. Does anyone have any suggestions to make it easier.
Two years after Colorectal Cancer
I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer (stage 111) 2 years ago. After surgery I started chemo but I made the decision to to stop after suffering heart problems. A big decision and maybe a huge risk, but 2 years on I am clear of the cancer and feeling healthier than I have felt for a long time. Being diagnosed with cancer…
Disability denial while trying to 're-educate' the colon after th rectum has been removed.
Has anyone had experience in being denied short term disability while trying to re-educate the colon after having had the rectum removed?
Trembling/shaking with chemo?
Today my mom called me after she had a weird episode. She was in her kitchen and all of a sudden her arms started almost convulsing. Her legs got weak and she had to sit on the kitchen floor until it stopped. It only lasted a minute or so but was very scary to her. She had just gotten home from grocery shopping at Wal-Mart…
Hi Everyone. I'm still around lurking but I need your opinion on my soon to be decision. I've finished 11 tx of Folfox with some major neuropathy in my feet and hands. Also had some sores on my lip but nothing that can't be tolerated. However, I feel that my body is telling me ENOUGH ALREADY so am thinking of stopping my…
Thought of the Day
“It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Rectal Cancer Stage IIa, Chemotherapy or Not
Hi, My dad is 61 years old and was diagnosed with rectal cancer about a month and a half ago. He already had a colectomy to remove his tumour and from the biopsy results we know the following: - stage IIa (T3N0M0) - 21 lymph nodes were sampled, all negative - cancer cell type is poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma -…
Brain retriveal issues
I finished chemo October 2008. Lately I have noticed that I find it difficult to retrieve thoughts! I can picture people's faces but cannot remember their names, my husband says he tells me things and I don't remember. Now at my job I remember just about everything with no problems! Does anyone else have the stupids?
Have to leave for awhile
When I came here, I felt my death sentence. I was told I had 6 months. That's in August. I'll certainly live past that. My expiration date won't be. However, so many deaths and near deaths have taken their toll with my soul. I can't even respond to the deaths and to the ones in hospice. My eyes tear up, I sob for their…
Acid Reflux
Ok, anybody having Acid Reflux when on Chemo. My husband has now started throwing up when on chemo and having acid reflux. Anti nauseau meds are not helping with that. then 1 day after getting off chemo he's fine, like he was never on it. I keep telling him that I think that it is acid reflux making him throw up, cause he…
good news
I went for my first scan post liver resection, and the surgeon at Moffitt was very pleased. My liver has grown back to its original size (they removed 55% about 3 months ago) and all looks great. My CEA is 1.1 and he was very excited saying he considers me "cured", knowing that it can always show again. I have 2 more chemo…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!!! RIDDLE: What does GEICO stand for?
My Husband
On October 19, 2009, we received the most devastating news of our lives, my husband, Hank, had Stage IV Rectal cancer. He was 61 years old and had spent the last 8 1/2 years in a wheelchair as the result of a stroke. While I fell apart inside, he took it in stride, just as he did everything else. He endured 25 rads without…
Nothing so far but he did another blood draw......
My CEA was 9.6 last time so he drew blood again to retest...He said that $26 (Blood test) was cheaper than $2600 (Scan) and if it was less than 9.6 say 7 he would see me in 3 months and if it was at 11 he was going to order scans just to see whats happening...Waiting on a call from him as to where the level is this…
Trial did not work
Just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't have success with the TMZ/ABT 888 trial. Although the liver mets remained stable, there was a little growth in some of the lung mets. However, he does have several patients on this trial that have had good success. And I think that overall, this combo was not a total failure…
skin discoloration during chemo
My mother received her first chemo treatment this weak and has noticed her skin turning black in some areas. She is af american. Is this normal?
I need some advice please
Well first I want to say Thank You to everyone on this board. I took some time away as heartache was overwhelming at times, but it is because of everyone’s support and concern for each other that I was able to complete the 6 months of Folfox. You all have imprinted yourselves on my heart and mind and I wish you all the…
In another two or so hours....
I'll be drinking the two containers of the banana-flavored stuff and then have second CT since 6/10/10....This one will be looked at to locate exactly where fluid was noted on first CT inside surgical site. Whats ever there's never bothered me but just like standing pool of water breeds mosquitoes, surgeon felt infection…
Gosh, I check this board several times a day
hoping to hear something about Craig's surgery. Has anyone heard anything about how he is doing? Tho, I guess if someone had heard they would have shared the info with all of us who care so much for him. Guess I'll just keep him in my prayers and continue checking this board. :( Sandy