Here we go again
In the process of getting screened for my new clinical trial they discovered that I have new liver lesions and in addition, metastasis to the lungs. I have 3 new liver lesions for a total of seven and I have 4 small lung lesions that are on both sides. I always try to have an upbeat attitude and my mood has been pretty…
mom diagnosed with IIIC need help
My mom is 70 and was recently diagnosed with stage IIIC. She has had her first chemo treatment, but she is very weak. WE don't know how to help her psychologically or physically. Her spirit seems good, but the rest of us are depressed. Although she is the one that is sick, the rest of us are depressed. My siseter and i…
Just wanted to update on my post the other day. My CEA was wonderful! I'm so grateful, and I just pray that all of my friends here will be as blessed with recovery as I have been. *hugs* Gail
THought i would post this alone from another response - just fyi
Please don't take this as advice! This is what I do!!!! NOT RECOMMENDING IT, JUST FYI FOR THOSE THAT ARE LOOKING TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY LIFE STYLE OF EATING. I would not take the supplements while on chemo, without asking your ONC. To be healed has some great advice. Basically, anything that helps boost the immune system I…
Highway Patrol
I was stopped by the man last month coming back from chemo. He said I had been swerving a little and he wanted to check if I had been drinking. I told him where I had been and we had a long discussion. As it turns out we're nearly neighbors and I invited him to fish my pond. During our discussion, he asked how I had known…
when do you undergo radiation
My mom is 3c and is undergoing chemo but no radiation treatments have been mentioned. When do they usually bring in radiation?
Why is Holland so green?
Because, first thing in the morning, the sun is up and shining...birds singing, etc... Then, about noon, it gets rather humid. Still blue skies, but for the Dutch, they know what's coming... About 5 or 6pm, the sky is completely cloudy. An hour later, it rains. Not JUST rain, tho...POURING rain, SHEETS of it, with wind,…
Potty Talk Part Deux - a wierd question
If there's one place we can talk about poop, it's on the semi-colon board. Well here goes - is it unusual or cause for concern that I've been poopin' alot during the past week or so when I consumed alot of cucumbers? I've been eating cucumber salads like mad- cukes, oill,vinegar,herbs.....it's making me nervous, like Uh…
Folfori + Avastin Rash??
Hi Everyone, **** had his 2nd round (actually his 14th but 2nd for this time) of Folfori + Avastin last Wednesday - Friday. After unhooking he went for a swim with our dogs in the ocean. Later he noticed a red rash on both inner thighs. We think it is a jelly fish (Portuguese Man o War) sting but just want to check that it…
As I enter July.....
I am one year and a month since my liver resection and being cancer free, And almost 2 years since I was first diagnosed!! Here's to another year, and hopefully more! I can honestly say that I have never been as happy as I am now, in my relationship with my husband, daughters and my beliefs. I am eating healthy, keeping…
Surgery next week
My Dad is having 12 inches of his colon removed next Tuesday. As his caregiver, can anyone tell me what to expect?
More good news
After the worst 15 months of my life, I got the results from my PET/CT and MRI and was given the "all clear"! Had a little scare when the PET/CT showed some 'metabolic activity' in the liver, but the MRI came back completely normal (what a great word!). Still have 2 more surgeries to go ----- one in September to redo my…
Nice column in this morning's SF Chronicle
I'm going to be starting Vectibix in two weeks. Does anyone have experience with this as opposed to Erbitux?.I am and will be continuing Irinotecan. Any info would be helpful. My doctor has not used it before. Thanks Valerie
Recently diagnosed and trying to stay strong
I came across this board while researching colon cancer. I am a 43 year old female that lives in Orange County, California. I was diagnosed in March 2010 with stage 4 c.c. I had a colon resection, mass removed near ovaries, hysterectomy, and 2 small spots on liver removed. My PET scan after surgery showed NED of cancer. I…
Hot off the presses
Varian Medical Systems to Exhibit TrueBeam™ System and RapidArc Radiotherapy Enhancements at 2010 American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Meeting PHILADELPHIA, July 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Varian Medical Systems' new TrueBeam™ system for image-guided radiotherapy and radiosurgery will be publicly…
CEA rise then dip on CPT-11
I've had 2 rounds of Xeliri +Avastic. My CEA rose :( Only 2 cycles so far so we're gonna try another 2 before checking again. My onc said he's aware that, with Oxaliplatin, CEA can rise at first then fall dramatically -- due to cancer cell death (necro-something). I remember have heard that theory on the board before. But,…
I thought I had posted this so please forgive me if there is a duplicate floating around.. I am the one who wrote last week about my dad being down just sitting and staring.. Well we got some good news from his latest CT (his CEA had been rising up to 4).. It showed the tumors had shrunk so more (last scan they were…
Potty talk.....
I can't live another day without describing my toilet experiences with my special semi-colons.... On the ship, it all flushed with a vengence...spraying everything in sight...not good for a 'frequent flyer' like myself... Now, in Europe, many restrooms are unisex...In Rome, we stopped for lunch at a small restaurant with…
How should I handle flipant radation tech
I try and treat everyone really nice and have a sense of humor as I go through this process and not think I'm the only one in the world. That being said a new radition tech as been added to my team and I just can't stand her whole atitude. My usual one is wonderful and all the people who have helped him have been…
Scared Daughter
My first post every. I could use some encouragement for me to share with my mother. Five years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer (had surgery, chemo, raditation). Two years ago she had colon cancer, a different cancer than the breast (had surgery, chemo,raditation). Her counts went up about a month ago and she…
i have never had one. last time i saw my onc he said i needed one. then upon examination he saw the colostomy and said oh i forgot about that. so he did not schedule one. can you get a colonoscopy with a ostomy? i've been having abdominal cramps and it is worrying me.
I am so scared............
This is my first time posting. My husband was diagnosed 6/2008. Stage 1, T2, N0, Mx. He had colon resection, but no chemo. He was doing great until a few months ago when his cea started going up. The highest is has been is 4.9, high enough for his onc to have a pet/ct done on 7/7/10. IMPRESSION: 2.8 x 2.0 soft tissue mass…
relay for life
I went to the Campbell Ca. relay for life this weekend. What an inspiration! It really made me feel great to be around fighters, survivors and supporters. Especially to see all the young people there raising money for the cure and raising awareness for prevention and early detection. Happy 10th birthday Campbell Relay for…
Sorry Ive been off the board so long!!
I had my last rd. of Oxi- 5fu-lucevorin 18 days ago... That was #8 of 12... still have numbness in fingers and toes, cant eat or drink anything colder than room temp. going in for rd.#9 tomorrow, I am dropping the oxailplatinum.... I cant live in the cold northern Michigan where it is cold All the time!! My question is...…
Papajedi, Update
Hey guys, I'm still here just have been in and out of the ER a lot. As soon as we make positive steps we suffer a setback. I began peeing large amounts of blood yesterday and my plattlets and red cell count crashed. They gave me transfusions ect. and stabilized it. My gallbladders surgery is healing slowly and still very…
Weight Gain after stopping chemo/liver resection
any one else experience weight gain after liver resection. I am going from skeletal anorexic last year to porking out..... peggy
One More Year!! YAY!!
I MADE IT!! Today I turned 41! Whoo-hoooo!!!
Old dog
As of july 8th, I am now technically Eric40. We are not celebrating until tonight though. I made it to 40. next goal - 41. Things kind of change in our situation. Aging actually becomes an accomplishment and at this point seems pretty appealing.
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: How many lengths did Secretariat win the Belmont Stakes in 1973 and what was the winning time? ANSWER: 31 lengths and the time was 2:24