Pain in coccyx after takedown
My Husband had colorectal cancer in Jan, had some pain in the coccyx area. We did radiation, tumor removal, takedown was three weeks ago. The past week the pain has gotten really bad. He describes it as having fallen and hit his tailbone but hurts 1000 times worse. Only time he has relief is with sitz baths or heating pad.…
I AM SCARED...anyone willing to talk to be about symptoms and possible diagnosis
Hello to anyone that will listen. I am petrified with my current situation. I was told that I had ibs for about 20 years. SO...when i would get flare-ups of stomach pain and constipation I always just dealt with it. My last colonoscopy was 4 years agoand clear. My last bout of ibs (or so i think) started last august and…
scan results and question
Scan came back clear. The did however see that my bile duct is a little swollen. Liver function is elevated but that never really has gone all the way down since liver resection. It gradually goes down each time. The enlarged bile duct has me concerned more than the radiologist, oncologist and nurses. The specific liver…
help mom passed out after chemo
My mom was on her second day of chemo. She had her chemo at he docots office yesterday and was on the first day of 2 with the pack at home. She passed out. Have any of you had this to occur? Does anyone know anything about this? thanks
How do you guide your oncologist to prescribing the tests you know you need?
I had colon cancer 15 months ago - was successfully operated on to remove the tumor and a bit of the colon. My oncologist at the time was very optimistic and did not think it was necessary for any chemotherapy. Since then my CEA level has been rising slightly and my last PET and CT scans were in early January (and did not…
It's my wedding anniversary!
Today my husband + I celebrate 24 years of marriage. We are planning to go out to a local restaurant for dinner.
How did you feel a month after chemo?
Did you still feel the effects of chemo 2 weeks to a month after chemo? What did you feell physicaly?
Pity Party Temper Tantrum Over
Gosh the last time I had a temper tantrum I think I was four. Oh well. I'm back. Okay so I went to my Oncologist appointment, he made me feel like I will survive this. So my mood has changed once again. My CEA count went from 38 last month to 17 this month. He forgot to take my case for surgery to the Tumor board, but told…
Kimby - Kimberly Jo Hinkle
Kimberly Jo Hinkle age 46 It is with great sadness that I share our beloved Kimby passed away late this morning. She was surrounded by the love of her husband Kevin and her mother, sons and best friends when she passed. Kim was such an encouragement to me and I am sure to many of you with her thoughtful responses to posts…
leave of absence from the board
I have been advised by my wife (she is a scary old woman) and my insurance company medical advisor to take a leave of absence from the board. For the last week I have been popping percocet just so I could get some sleep. It’s just pure nerves. The percocet is nothing but “dry booze” for me. The medical advisor said they…
Carl and update with natural methods
Been awhile but thought I should come back and say thanks to everyone that posted support and helpful information. My husband in case you are new or to refresh your memory was diagnosed with colorectal cancer 9 weeks ago. Went in for his coloscopy and sent immediately for surgery. Had a couple bouts of back in the hospital…
Hello All, My name is Shane and I am 35 years old and was diagnosed with stage IV rectal cancer on 5/28/10. I just finished 5 weeks of preop chemoradiation and am now just waiting for surgery. My surgeon recommened this site for support and I have been lurking around, reading as much as I can for about a month now. With…
So i am curious to know - how long did it take you to go to the doctor before you were actually diagnosed? I ask because my husband waited almost a year, thinking it was hemroids that was causing the blood and pain. It wasn't until we were in Aruba and the toilet was filled with blood, that he came to realization that…
CEA up to 10.2
Figured as much...no problem...Dr is setting up PET scan for next week to see whats up. He told me to relax and not worry about nothing...OOOOOOOOOKk...LOL...He said its for him to take care of not for me to worry about...it is what it is...I will keep ya informed when I hear something new.....Buzz
Hi Friends
I'm really sorry I have neglected checking in with all of you for so long. Jim has been making progress and I guess I've been just going along as though everything is normal again trying not to think about anything. Kind of hiding from it for awhile. Jim has recovered from his surgery and infection and has put on about 10…
More good news
Today, which would have been my father's 99th birthday, his great-grandson was born to my brother's daughter and her husband. We're celebrating Dad's birthday in style! Mazel Tov and welcome to Nathan!
From Louann's family
"Diane Louann's memorial service has been set for 10 am on Wednesday at Woodlake Assembly in Tulsa, Ok. Wanted to let you know in case someone wanted to send flowers . Dave is doing well as to be expected I stay in touch with him for louann she would wanted it no other way she would have done the same for me. Mack Powell…
Grandson pics posted
Just posted a few pics of my little guy on his visit to Texas on my expression page... Thanks Beth
new tumor
My husband who battled colon cancer last year has now been diagnosed with lung cancer. It is a new primary cancer and not metasticized from colon. In about 2 weeks he will have a complete right upper lobectomy. Has anyone had this surgery and can you tell us what to expect as far as the surgery, recovery time, and…
Hope this brings a smile:
Us colostamates are a select group; Whereas others talk of diamonds, We discuss poop. Looking for a restroom, paper in hand? We never worry, We can go as we stand. To get to this state, the pain we endured, The chemo, radiation, the surgery and more. Awakening in pain in a hospital bed, Your new friend, the stoma, Looking…
Friday Riddle Answer
CONGRATS TO abrub !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: What does GEICO stand for? ANSWER: Government Employee Insurance Company
Buzz had the right idea
We need to share the good things in our lives as well as our fears and negatives, even (maybe especially) non-cancer related things. When people share how they spent a wonderful day/dinner/hour/trip, whatever I find it very inspiring. Sometimes it even helps me to reach deeper into myself to enjoy my good times. We need…
Update From My Scans of Last Week....
...Well my doctors appointment was this morning, a week from my scans, and the result wasn't too great. The Folfox isn't working for me, in fact, the tumors grew. A couple grew some cm and the rest were all mm. I didn't have to do chemo today, or folfox anymore, since it didn't work.... BUT, the doctor has 3 options for me…
Going Down Hill
I have been gone awhile. Reminder my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in 8/06. Colostomy in 9/06 then two plus years of chemo nothing stopped the monster. Then in 12/31/09 sent to Vanderbilt for possibility of phase one clinical trial. Surgery for removal of one cancerous nodule in right lung ..removed…
new here questions re:pain relief
hello I am new here my husband dx'd 4 yrs ago with colon cancer(sacral tumor) has had chemo,radiation,cyberknife radiation with some success but now as things progress (sacral tumor growing)chemo not helping was referred to Roswell in Buffalo where a clinical trial might be an option but then was admitted three days later…
Sloan in Manhattan
Hi I am going to try to get an appointment for my dad with Dr. Kemeny if I can not get in to see her does anyone else have doctors they would recommend?
Louann near death: FINAL UPDATE
"Diane With heavy heart I write this. I went to visit my dear friend Lou Ann and she has no reflex to touch or sound. She is breathing through the mouth and her urine has blood in it. She told Dave last night she was ready to go home. She is either lethargic or in coma, I would venture to say the later coma. She is resting…
erbitux as maintenance??? Phil???others?
After three surgeries for lung mets my onc is talking about erbitux for "maintenance" since I am KRAS and BRAF wild type ( love that term?) What side effects have you had w/ erbitux only, what about erbitux/irinotecan? I don't think my poor intestines can handle much more stress. Xeloda and 5 FU and Oxy and Avastin ( not…
Went for a walk
Tonight I went for a neighbourhood walk with my husband + dog for the first time in a long time. It was one of the most humid, hot nights ever (whoever thinks Canada is always cold needs to come here RIGHT NOW - we are having a very hot summer). I know this is not monumental news, but I haven't done this in awhile + I am…
Real Good Stuff
A new drug treatment to close the window on colon cancer July 20, 2010 by admin Tel Aviv University researchers block stress responses in cancer surgery patients to save lives Cancer surgery wreaks havoc on a body’s immune system and stress hormones exacerbate the problem. As a result, about half of those who undergo…