Do you really think it can be beat?
Honestly there has been so much sadness here lately it makes me question what my expectations should really be. I do not want to just put on rose colored glasses and believe because I am NED that I have truly beaten cancer. I mean can you beat it for good or only win a few rounds to be taken down later by it? But then I…
In honor of, in memory of
I am team captain for our Relay for Life this Friday night. I have a list of family and friends who are survivors, or who have lost to the beast. I am walking a lap for each of them. The opening survivor lap I am walking for me! Then each lap after that is dedicated to a different person, in honor, or in memory. I have…
elevated liver levels
My husband went to see his onc today for the first appt since finishing chemo 3 months ago. Without going on about how the doctor was in such a hurry and how disturbed we were about his manner, which was unusual compared to other appts, the nurse did call tonight saying his cea was good (hurray!) but his liver numbers were…
Hello again everyone. I have finished 5 rounds of chemotherapy and I have 7 to go. I saw my doctor last week and I asked her how do we know that the chemotherapy is working. She said to me that I was basically cancer free and that the chemotherapy is for prevention. Has anyone else been told this? Although they had removed…
well, I missed my appt today with Oncologists after having blood drawn last week. My thoughts were the 16th and it was today at 10:30 this morning. I call to see when I can get in and its a week ( 22nd). I asked before I hung up what my CEA level was ...it was 2 before...Its 9 now..Im gonna vent after work when I get by…
Good news!!
O.K. I have good news, I am going to be a grandma to twins, I get to baby sit my 9 month old grandson for the fist time this Saturday (My son and daughter in law are having trouble letting go-but they need to because she is expecting the twins!) I have a new embroidery machine that I can actually use, I embroidered a…
A quick update about Scott and latest scan
Scott had a CT scan on the sixth and he got the results last week, the tumors in his liver have shrunk to about half the size they were. I realize this is good news but of course I was hoping to hear they were nearly gone, but that was probably expecting too much when they originally covered 80% of his liver. He has his…
CEA going down
Hi everyone. I just wanted to share my latest info because I know the people here understand my happiness about my latest CEA results. My CEA level on april 21st was over 9000,after 2 rounds of iriontecan and vectibix it dropped to 924 and after 4 more rounds it's down to 168 and scans show tumors are shrinking. I just…
Kimby in hospital
Kimby was back in the hospital as of this weekend. That's the only info I have. The family asks for continued prayers.
Just wanted you all to know that I saw Eric for a few minutes yesterday, he was very tired so I did not stay long. He started clinical trials on Monday, and should have gone home from the hospital today. He seems to be handling the medication as best as one can. He is a trooper. Jan
Fatty lumps on liver?
Hello my online family, Had my follow up appointment today with my cancer nurse, scan is clear but she did mention that I had fatty lumps on my liver, but they were not worried about it. Apprently the radiologist had a good look at the scan. But as some of you know me, it's now stuck in my mind. Since my separation in…
First time chemo today with horrible headache!
Hello. Today was my first day with chemo. I have a horrible headache. Is this normal? It hurts so bad I feel like my head is going to explode! I just feel like crying. Does anyone else had this symptom, if so what did you do to help get rid?
chemo 1st timer
hi all i went to chemo for the first time 2day. i was scared witless, but the only problem i had was when the nurse accessed my port. omg that hurt just had port put in a week tomorrow...still tender.. but other than that went good, also got a stylish purse to carry for 2 days...lol...what a bonus... well take care and…
Feelin a little insecure! :0
Good morning! Woke up bright an early eager to read some posts regarding my hubbies elevated liver levels (posted last night). Darn... maybe I posted wrong. No replies yet?! Or maybe it's bad news and no one wants to post? Hmmmmm ... too much going through my mind. Thank you all for any input.
Mom wants overnight guests-ARGGGGGGGGGGGGH!-I AM FRUSTRATED
this is frustration of a caretaker. My mom invited my irresponsible, inconsiderate relatives to the house for overnight visit, where they will be using "her" bathroom. They are loud and broke. I asked them to stay in a hotel and they effectively ignored me last time and came down. She is in the middle of chemo! I told them…
Article showing FDA thinking of pulling Avastin OFF the market
News FDA: Breast Cancer Drug Avastin Failed to Extend Lives small text medium text large text Print EmailMore By AP Jul 16th 2010 11:42AM Categories: News Federal health scientists say follow-up studies of a Roche breast cancer drug show it failed to slow tumor growth or extend patient lives, opening the door for a…
Update on Louann?
Does anyone have an update on Louann Carper? Just curious how she is doing.
Follow up on my Transanal Excision for T3
Since I've pestered for so much info over the past months on sugical options, I figured it was time to share my results. It has been almost 5 weeks since I had transanal excison for my T3 rectal cancer. For details, see my "about me page". Short form: Had transanal excison surgery for my T3,Nx,M0 dx, after a great response…
A brutal post:
Based on my life and readings, this is what I currently believe........ By the time most of us get diagnosed, more than half of us will be stage 3 or 4....... Of us stage threers, odds are about even that we'll be around at that major milestone of five years and theoretically happily ever thereafter......However, I have an…
Thinking of Craig
Just thinking of Craig and his surgery set for tomorrow, right? Will be sending out prayers and good vibes!!! Christy
Hi Everyone, **** had only Folfori today. The onc decided to hold the Avastin because of the rash he had after the last chemo. The thought was to hold one drug and see if he got the rash back. He did well with the Folfori today. No reaction. He had an appointment with the Gastro doc today (poor guy went with the pump on)…
I have been wondering how you + your husband are doing. I have really missed your posts.
Cruise pics posted....
Whew! It took some time! Enjoy! Hugs, Kathi
Chemo and the effect on the teeth
So I have not really had dental problems in years, have a mouth full of fillings but no biggie. However i have begunto have tooth pain and went to the dentist and I need to have 3 root canals, and crowns and 3 other teeth need to be fixed as well ( not as extensive as the root canals) It seems my teeth and fillings are…
Sundance Surgery Rescheduled - Now July 15th - What a Mess
This has been a real mess – Dr. D. called me and told me surgery was cancelled for tomorrow. There were no DaVinci representatives available due to a conference. So, we’re now rescheduled for next week on the 15th. I’ll be getting the CT guided wire inserted for the surgery and then surgery to follow. I have pre-op and a…
Third Eye Retroscope is a new type of colonoscope
which gives a rear view to see behind folds in the colon wall, thereby providing a more accurate picture of whats brewing than current colonoscopies.....steve
mets to lungs
my mom has 1 spot on each lung (both less than 1cm) on each lobe.she had RFA for a spot on her liver and did fine.we are going to talk to her oncologists this week...can anyone give me any good questions to ask about how the will treat this.Anyone experiencing this or have in the past.please let me know..
Coffee colonics???
Have any of you tried coffee colonics? I was just reading about the supposed benefits of de toxifying the liver. Just wondered what you all heard about these? THANKS!
Blood In Bowels
Hey All...Something weird happend to me and wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else before. I went to empty my colostomy bag and out came a bag full of blood! This has never happened to me before, and has gotten me scared, It's not leaking or anything, But, does have me quite concerned. I haven't even ate or…
travelling after chemo?
My family and I want to take my mom out of the country 2 months after chemo? Can I get thoughts on this? We don't want to bring it up if it is to crazy.