CT scan
Question for anyone, my husband's CEA is very low, good news, but my question is this: November 2009 -- CEA 1.8; April -- CEA .7; July -- CEA 1. He has had pain in lower left adomen for quite a while, back and forth to ER and family dr. this past monday had a ct scan done and everything looked good. no metasis. Great. Pain…
I think I lost my Loved one
Alright, I'm just looking for someone, (I think I might be the only one) that is going through this same thing. My husband has been there for every chemo, every Onc's appointment, rah rahed for my getting better. But.... He's taken to drinking, for the past 5 months, I have a very drunk man every evening. I'm talking…
Shayenne....Gotta see the smile again.....
OK young lady, we need to see your beautiful smile again in here....Whenever ya feel like it pop in here and give us a NYC howdy doo...We miss ya and love ya very much....Buzz
Mrs. Holly....We are anxiously waiting to hear from you whenever you feel like it. no hurry as long as its the next day or so.... I know you will be fine and we miss your ever loving smile and wit.........Your family is waiting for some news.......Love to you, Buzz
will be gone on vacation
Hi All, Just wanted to let you know that I am leaving on vacation Saturday and we'll not be home again until the evening of the 18th. Today (Thursday) is the start of feeling overwhelmed with all the things I still need to do to get ready to leave. But, I know how people worry on this board when people don't post for a…
Going to Vandy the 11th
Haven't heard anything about the CAT scan yet but Im gonna bypass the Paducah consult and just gonna head to Vandy to consult with Dr. Eric Lambright. He is one of 4 Drs that work as a team...Anna (amcp) and Franks Dr came with great credentials and I am very comfortable with Vanderbilts care and past histories of care…
Stage III Colon Cancer -- need info on Irinotecan Vs Oxaliplatin
Hi all! My father, 65 was diagnosed with Colon Cancer Stage III in April. The primary tumor was removed but it had spread to the peritonium and the omentum (which was removed during surgery). He was treated with three cycles of Oxaliplatin + 5FU + Leucovarin and then he had a bad reaction to the third dose .. he developed…
I just can't seem to find anything to be happy about.
I think I must be crazy. Some of you guys know and have read my whining about my kids, my guy, etc. Well, the kids situation hasn't changed much. my oldest, Carl, moved back to Maine last month. I'm glad he left yet sad to see him go. He sat in his room for basically 6 months and did nothing, he ate us out of house and…
So, let me get this straight...
I've been doing a lot of reading here, and correct me if I'm wrong, but there seem to be quite a few stage IV's around. One's who have been around for a while. While I never asked for a prognosis, and never want one, both oncs were very grim with the out come of my diagnosis. And from what I've read, stage IV's, at best,…
My mom after 4 years diagnosis of stage IV
After the last 8 cycle of chemo with folfiri+Avastin my mother is not in a good condition again!!she has lost so much weight and now looks like just skletone and skin...the oncologist has stoped the chemo,no appetite and very weak. We don't know really what will help her to gain a little weight,we have tried so many things…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: Part One: Cal Ripken, Jr, holds the record for the most straight games played spanned over seventeen seasons, from May 30, 1982 to September 20, 1998. How many games? Part Two: How many hits during his career? ANSWER: 2,632 Games; 3,184 hits
Need Info About Colostomy
If you've had a colostomy can you give me any help on information I should know before we head down this path? My husband has recurrent anal cancer and we meet with the doctor tomorrow about his options. Everything I read points to APR with permanent colostomy. Just trying to gather facts. Thanks, Barbara (for Richard)
When you're down to nothing, God is up to something.
I know this is about a child with cancer, but to me its like what I picture heaven will be. I also like to believe this because I know that all the pain and sorrow is gone, I hope I dont offend anyone: She jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said: "How is my little boy? Is he going…
Taking Nana's oxygen
My 100 year old grandmother wants me to come to her house and breath out of her oxygen tube for 30 minutes each day.......man, what if she dies cause she's not on it! Not sure that I want to do that!! My aunt says it will be fine but ah, don't know. I did hear that it's good for you in your fight with cancer, but do not…
Sad news to report about Donna ~UPDATE 8-1-10~
I’m personally taking a big jump in reporting this news. But Donna said it was up to me if I felt if it was the time to tell you guys on the board. I was kind of hopping she would get home soon to give you the update herself but I feel at this time she needs everybody sending good thought, prayers, or whatever you want to…
Stand up to Cancer
Raising awareness is scary but good. One in two men will get cancer in their life. One in three women. More people than ever are demanding a cure. Let's hope the next generation is more successfull than ours. Go check out the website and watch for the TV special September 10. http://changetheodds.standup2cancer.org/
Chemo Angels Program
Not sure if others have heard of this program. While I was on chemo I had a few Angels that would send me cards and letters of encouragement. It was nice to get them and they always brightened my day http://chemoangels.net/
ethnic issues-it's a hair/skin thing
Ok. I have been trying to figure out a way to ask this questions without seeming shallow and insensitve and I can figure out no way to address this nagging question, because we are all the same inside our outer shells are different. Is there anyone that knows how to take care of black hair and skin during chemo ? You have…
Bowel training slowing me down
I have been reading everyones notes and replies and they are very good. I was T3,N1,M0 in 2009. I took ChemoRadiation, Radicle surgery and Ileostomy reversal last month. The pain of the bowel movements are very intense. I cry alot. I have followed the instructions from the poopy nurse at MDA. Still I have 2 or 3 bad days…
What to expect for first Colonoscopy after a Coloscopy?
Hello again everyone, I'm so blessed to be here again. I just celebrated my first Birthday July 4 after my Colostomy surgery which was done two days before my birthday on the 2 of July 2009. I thought I really could not get to this point living with this type of surgery but I have and I am still me. But I've got concerns…
An article that spoke to me
Great article that spoke to me from author Christor Hitchens in his dx of cancer: http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2010/09/hitchens-201009 What is below is the intro to the article ----------------------------------------------------- I have more than once in my time woken up feeling like death. But nothing…
Old <grin> Stage IV Member Checking In
Hey Gang (and all the new members since I was last here)!! Thought you had gotten rid of me, huh?? Naaaaahhhh.... I'm still around and whenever a Stage IV person can say "I'm still around", this is a good thing! Anywho... I am going to try and come back a bit more often, but alas, this Stage IV gal is incredibly busy. Who…
My CT Scan Results from today
Hi everyone, I got the results from my July 16 CT scan today. This scan was done 1 month early (@ 2 months as opposed to 3) because my CEA was rising. I have progression (described as minimal)in my liver (there were already mets there). No progression anywhere else. The last time my CEA was done (last Tues) it was actually…
Reading Room - Helping Children
Great information about what to tell your children about cancer, your diagnosis, etc. http://www.cancercare.org/reading_room/booklets/ccc_helping_children.html
Stage IV with questions
DX with colon cancer in Jan of '10 with mets to the liver (7 spots) Surgery not an option at this time. First CT scan after 5 treatments showed cancer 30-40% gone! Three weeks ago I had my 8th treatment with Oxoly, Avastin (infusions) and two weeks of Xeloda, this has been my cycle every three weeks. Starting today…
I called today to make my appointment to have my CEA checked next week. It is crazy that it can cause anxiety just like scans. It is hard to believe it has been almost 3 months already. And I hit a big milestone! I went the ENTIRE month of July without one medical appointment! And if all goes well, the only one in August…
Rife Machine, Chi Machine, radiation machine
anyone every hear of these do they work?
So nice to see you posting! How are you feeling?
Update on Jim
Hi All, As many of you know, Jim has undergone colon surgery in March and Liver resection in May of this year. We just got the results from the CT scan and the cancer is apparently growing again. His oncologist wants him to have a sensitivity test before starting chemo again because he had such a hard time with the 5FU…
interesting news article on study on glucose vs. fructose- it's official: fructose helps cancer cell
Thought I'd copy and share this article I just read on msnbc online news on the outcome of a study looking at the difference between how cancer cells react to glucose vs. fructose (as in high fructose corn syrup, which is in everything today in lieu of "regular" sugar or other sweeteners) ========================== Here's…