A Little Late; Happy B-Day
to all the January 2011 babies, including: grandma2selena Debbie January 3 kfalvey Kandy January 3 moesimo Maureen January 6 ittapp Patti January 10 lawlak January 12 lilmiss82 January 18 Lesvanb Leslie January 23 muzzy Jeff January 31 mosole09 January 31 If would like to become part of the Semi-Colon B-Day List, please…
need some help on deciding to rego more chemo, please read
hi there, here for my brother, who is 57, had colon surgery and the bag put on 8 yrs ago, no chemo at that time, came back in sacrum and stomach oct 2009, did lotsa chemo and radiation, he got a major hit of chemo in june 2010 almost killed him. its a miricle he survived it, anyway he bounced back and decided no more…
What do we expect from Colorectal cancer spread to liver?
My father who is 62 was diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer which has spread to his liver. He is to start Chemo on friday afternoon. He had a bonescan last thursday and will find out the result of it tomorrow. As a family we are devastated but pulling together to fight with everything we have. My question is what…
miserable folfox treatment # 6
On Wednesday I had treatment #6 Folfox scheduled for 10am. My platelets had returned to levels high enough for me to do chemo. Normally, I get chemo on Monday and unplugged on Wednesday. They delayed my chemo on Wednesday because they were not sure if the Neupagon shots they gave me increased my WBC way high to 12.5 or if…
Friday Riddle Answer
PLGreg has the correct answer. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: LWS Inc recently came out with a series of three digit combination locks. The only problem is they were slightly defective. No combinations that started or ended in a zero would work, and combinations worked whether they were entered backwards or forwards.…
chemo xeloda
Hi, my husband is in his 5th cycle after surgery to remove stage 3b tumor from colon,so far so good, but chemo is getting him down constantly going for to toilet for loose stools, sometime 10 times a day! anyone having same proplems he is 53.
Mammagram Retake
Well, I have to retake my mammogram next week, they have areas on both breast, that they want to get closer on. Great! Why do we always jump to CANCER! DUMB QUESTION!
3 down and 9 to go! :)
I had my third folfox yesterday and I slept through a lot of the 6 hour day. Makes me a little more tired and some nausea, but I use my meds and I'm still eating ok I think. The main thing is the cold sensitivity is worse this time tingly fingers were hurting and I wore my Target gloves all day today. And my hands began…
I am in hospital with iv/meds/ice only. Had colonscopy 10/10 which show no evidence of further cancer but plenty of divituculi. Had bad left side pain, story short, got worse,hosptialized. Know from before it can become inflamed and need to be removed, so we are trying avoid that, since half my colon is gone from cancer.…
surgery this wednesday
Well folks the day is approching quickly now. After 5 weeks of chemo and rad, and 5 weeks of "cool down" I am set to go into surgery to remove my shrunken uninvited guest. So far the plan is laparoscopic surgery, but as with all else," that depends". no pun intended, I can't wait to put this situation behind me. I'd be…
PET/CT scheduled the 11th...it's a biggy!!!! Nervous.....
Hey guys! Well, I just finished a PM to Lisa42 and boy did I unload on her. She must think I'm a real pistol! Lisa.... thank you for being my friend. Really girlfriend. I sure needed that. I think sometimes we all just let stuff build up and "pretend" its ok when really we are feeling its not... thats the place I was in.…
darn rising CEA
Hi, My CEA, which has always been very reliable for me, has been playing the up and down game lately. I know some up and down is normal, but when it's already so elevated, it definitely makes me worried when it goes up. Mine gets checked every 3 weeks, with the start of each 3 wk cycle. Three times ago (after stopping…
Howdy - Not Been Myself Lately - Sundance Update
Well, I can see that there is concern and folks have been asking about me. Thought I would take a minute out to put out a status to ease everyone's mind... Bottom line: Treatment has been a rough go this time 'round. From the open surgery, the 30 rad Tx's the 6-week chemo, 46-hour pumps, and the Big Folfori Margaritas,…
Need suggestions for " too much gas"
And I do not mean for the auto. Can someone suggest something to take for passing gas? I am scheduled to go to convention in Alabama in a few weeks. Husband uncomfortable about going with me because he never knows when it might come out. Thanks for any help offered. Farmgal
Opening of enrollment in US of Phase I CRC study announced today at
www.prnewswire.com title: Oncolytics Biotech Inc Announces Opening of Enrollment in US Phase I Colorectal Cancer Study This involves using REOLYSIN (this firm's drug) in combo with FOLFIRI for those with oxaliplatin refractory/intolerant Kras mutant CRC Meanwhile,a company called Pro-Pharma seems to be getting positive…
From Stage IV Terminal to We believe we got all your cancer
So I think I must be dreaming. Just got home from Stanford, seeing my surgeons. Colon cancer removed, had a couple of polyps that popped up in the removed area since the colonoscopy from a couple of months ago, so the Dr. is thinking predisposed, so colonoscopy year from now. Ureter Cancer removed. Liver tumors two removed…
Chemo #3 down and I can Pee WOOHOO!
Hi Guys, Just got home from mop up chemo treatment #3 feeling tingly and sluggish but theres good news. I have had urinary retention since my surgery 4 months now. When I got home I actually pee'd without a catheter for the 1rst time in 4 months. I have been so happy I had to share it. I was so afraid my bladder had too…
UPDATE*Off subject...if you can spare a prayer for my mom....*UPDATE
...she was hospitalized yesterday evening for pneumonia ('the old man's friend'), dehydration, a UTI, and a general confusion behavior(more than likely from the other stuff). Naturally, I am over 5500 miles away, so all of my conversations start with 'so, what time is it there?'. And yesterday was the day that I got the…
Pepe - How you feeling?
Dear Pepe, I know you have been battling the flu. Hope that by now you are feeling much better. Please let us know how you are doing. Hugs, Marie who loves kitties
good news and bad news
I'm asking you to join me in prayer for Pam Berg, a family friend in Madison, WIS. Her husband, Mike, died this morning from brain cancer. He had been in hospice since New year's day. He fought it for a long time. When Mike and I could fish together, people would liken us to the characters in the movie Grumpy Old Men. I…
CEA from 2.4 to 547 in 6 months
Saw my oncologist last Thursday and he had them do the blood work over as he thought there might be a mistake in the lab...I am hoping that is the case. I have been out of treatment for over a year and have check ups He also siad he would go ahead and schedule me for a 6 month check up. He didn't seemed too concerned but I…
Liver Mets.
We received the scan results last week and it turns out there is actually 15-20 mets in the liver. According to Dr. Bartlett, they have shrunk very little but they know the chemo has had a marginal effect due to a slight decline in CEA. Anyway, the plan is to have the Isolated Hepatatic Perfusion (IHP) followed by…
What supplements are suggested?
Also, any advice on a diet my husband should follow? i know red meat, sugar, is bad.. Any advice please? I think i have posted 3 questions tonight! Been just asking away........
Friday Riddle
Remember NO GOOGLING or searching the Internet allowed and GOOD LUCK!!!! LWS Inc recently came out with a series of three digit combination locks. The only problem is they were slightly defective. No combinations that started or ended in a zero would work, and combinations worked whether they were entered backwards or…
Has anyone had the pain last this long?
APR w/ perm colostomy surgery on Sept 22nd (4 months ago) Still in substantial amount of butt pain however the stiffness in my hips,lower back, thighs, groin and hamstrings is getting to be unbearable. Really tough to tie my boots. I get up in the morning feeling like im 90 yrs old. Drive to work in Boston (1-15 min…
stage 4 colon cancer
I'm new to this site so please bear with me. I guess I'm new at cancer too. My sister age 48 has stage 4 colon cancer that has moved to her liver spine ,ribs and hip. She thought it was her galbladder this fall. It is all happpening too fast. She has had part of her colon removed and went through that with flying colors.…
Thought of the Day
There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Going out the door
On my way now to get bloodwork done. ICK. CEA results on Monday. *hugs* Gail
3 Weeks after Colon Resection
My mom had her colon resection surg. 3 weeks ago. Today, she ended-up in the emergecy room with terrible pains in her lower right side. After a CT Scan, nothing showed (thank god). They said it could be her liver acting-up. She will call her Colon Dr. in the morning. Has anyone had any similar syptoms after there Colon…
Advice Please!! UPDATE!
Hi Guys, I was just wondering if any of you had any advice. my husband Jimmy has a tumor outside of the colon as it reseeded after his transverse colon resection 5 yrs ago and he has a lesion on his liver. He has been on Folfox since July with Avastin since October. His last treatment of both was 12/16/10 and he will go…