Not sure what to do
I'm on my second recurrance for stage IV colon cancer. Original diagnosis in 2007 had a bit of colon removed and an ovary where it has metastized, then FOLFOX for 12 rounds. had first reccurance 18 months later (12/08) with mets to omentum, and had HIPEC surgery followed by 6 rounds of FOLFOX. Less than 12 months later…
Interstitial Lung Disease
Hi Everyone - I want to thank you all for your great advice on my prior posts. I would like to comment on something I haven't yet seen on the discussion board. We have an appt on Thurs with a Pulmonologist as it looks like Jimmy has some lung problem that showed up on his last CT. The Dr. at Sloan thinks it was caused by…
JohnSFO Memorial
I haven't posted in a while and many of you probably don't know me or remember JohnSFO, but for those of you who do and who are local, there will be a memorial on Saturday, 1/22/11 in the Mackenzie room (top floor) of the Huang Building on the Stanford campus, at 4 p.m. Refreshments will follow. If any of you can make it,…
scared and worried today
Jorge has to go and see the colon doctor today at 2 and I've been trying to keep my cool. But its getting hard and I also think its getting to jorge last night he told me off he told me that I wasn't taking good care of him and that he didn't want me to go the with him to the doctors today . I've cried all night long don't…
Need positive thoughts and prayers
On WED. I'll be recieving my 2nd treatment of chemo after my liver resection. And the follow up CT scan results. I'm trying to think positive, but my mind starts to ask "what if?" I was really looking foward to having my ileostomy removed sooner, but I guess I'll need to wait. Your support on this website is so helpful to…
If I could, I would erase this post....sorry for the feelings! Please, just let this go! Old posts
My suggestion is, that if you have something new to add, start a new post, please. I just got the wind knocked out of me by a year-old post where our beloved Shayenne was posting, still full of life and optimism. We just suddenly lost 2 beloveds on my other board, and all of us are reeling there...I am going to make the…
An inspirational video
http://www.ted.com/talks/charity_tilleman_****_singing_after_a_double_lung_transplant.html Charity Tilleman, opera singer who also has had double lung transplant, states that: "Medical conditions do not negate the human condition........I want to tell you that we need to stop letting disease divorce us from our dreams.…
Dr Lenz's clinical trial
I've been off the board for a few months. Did Dr. Lenz get his clinical trial going? Anyone participating? Very curious! Traci
Erbitux, 5fu, lv, & Irin
Changing from Xeloda to 5fu, I am starting folfiri with 5fu & Erbitux on Wednesday after a port is put in, it is suggested by a second opinion (Dr. Lenz USC) that I have a double dose of Erbitux (500mg) once every 14 days with the chemo. My Onc wants me to do the protocol, Erbitux every 7. I can't decide what I should do…
Back for 3 month checkup Monday.........UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labs at 11:00 and appt with Onc at 11:40...I guess I will find out everything Monday...Not sure if CEA can be deciphered that fast...doesn't matter....it is what it is... you'll never guess what this 56 year old is doing right now....listening to "NELLY" singing "COUNTRY GRAMMAR"...LOL....I love this kind of…
Your love and kindness help sustain us
Dear Friends, Thank you very, very much for your kind responses. I can't tell you how much it means to me to know you are out there, know what we are going through and you care about us. Thank you. **** does have a small hernia but he does have fluid too. Can someone please tell me what they do to get rid of the fluid? Do…
holistic healing
i have been coming to this board since 2007 and it has been wonderful it has helped me so much.. i have taking all the chemo that they wanted me to take i have been in 2 studies and now there is nothing that they can offer me untill they find a new study.. i have colon cancer with mets to the liver had the colon surgey and…
Just wondering if anything has happened with the calenders. wishing everyone has a great week. Petrina
Relay for Life, Kerman CA is starting up!
Does this happen every where at the same time?
Chemo #8
Every treatment is different but the last two have been really bad.. Monday - Wednesday were not to bad just tired. But when I get my shot on Thursday it all goes down hill. I feel like I have the flu. Tired, soreness, not able to eat, the whole works, even my hair hurts. I did talk to my doctor about my dizzyness but he…
Half way TODAY on the FOLFOX EXPRESS slept through the hole infusion and an hour after !!! and cann
I blame the long emotional rambling post on folfox and dex. god its good!!! Saw ONC my bloods are good enough for this round. No chronic diarrhea like before. Hope this challenge is licked so I can get onto the new one. I have gained 10kg in last 4 weeks over xmas and holidays and ONC not happy. She only likes slim male…
New member...Need stage IV remission encouragement
Greetings, After reading this board for months seeking encouragement, I have finally decided to post a message. I am 53 and up until now perfectly healthy. I have never smoked, always exercised regularly and ate well, so I don't need to tell you how shocked I was to be diagnosed with cancer. I am stage IV, diagnosed…
loads of pain
I've been in quite a bit of pain recently. My Drs and I thought it was a kidney infection. I took the antibiotics and the pain cleared up. I still have about 3 antibiotic tabs left and the pain has returned twice as bad. I seriously can't do anything because of the location of the pain. Medication only lowers the pain…
Need advise on Chemo!
I took my 3rd dose of folfox on Monday. It has been a tough week, side effects are a lot worse this time. I am debating whether or not to continue after round 4 (I am sheduled for 8 rounds) I just re-read my pathology report and dont know if the chemo is doing more bad than good. The tumor was removed along with my rectum…
2011 Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing
Here is an incredible way to acknowledge and award these incredible, life nurses, who each and everyone of us have experienced! Honor a special oncology nurse for CURE's 2011 Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing CURE is giving you a unique opportunity to honor an oncology nurse through the 2011 Extraordinary…
Hello Everyone
Hey there guys I really have nothing to say as far as the cancer as I won't know until my scan on the 1st. Tonight my wife, daughter and I had a tea party and danced to some nice music. I danced with my little girl to the song It won't be like this for long by Darius Rucker and it was great. As I was dancing with her I…
your opinion ??
So Chris has decided to go back to work full force. After being off for a year and a half it has put a huge strain on our finances. He is woriking alot of hours and really not getting alot of sleep. Our familes are insisting that by his lack of sleep and the stress of working so much, we are some how going to cause a…
Irish Blessings
An Old Irish Blessing May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Remembered Joy Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free! I follow the plan God laid for…
Good News ... I'm back ...UPDATE
Hi Family! I am so sorry for the long absence and for all that I have missed. Hello and welcome to any of the newest members that have arrived since I've be off the boards. Marie (who loves kitties) sent me a wonderful PM updating me on many and I will attempt to respond if my fingers (damn chemo!) can hold up today. My…
My niece who lives in England has been diagnosed with Colon cancer, primary that metastised to her ovaries and peritoneum. She has had colon surgery and had her ovaries removed. Her cancer is quite rare in that it strikes young women going through pregnancy or having a young child. My niece's baby is 1 year old. We found…
We're going to zap the buggers!
It is a go for Stereotatic Radiosurgery! I met with both my local medical oncologist and radiation oncologist yesterday. Basically, I am not a conventional surgical candidate for the 4 lung mets. Other treatments options are chemotherapy or, recently on the scene, some sort of radiosurgery or RFA etc. The nodules are slow…
Funny Joke....... Adults only
A man is sitting in a bar. An attractive "older" woman comes in and takes a seat. He normally does not mingle with women this age but she is very good looking..so he says..why not? He joins her, buys her a drink and they begin a conversation. After a while, they woman asks if he is into mother/daughter 3sums...... whoa, he…
How are you doing? I have been meaning to check on you.
thank you for all the holiday cards
I would like to thank all the members that sent me holiday cards. As some may know, my wife Liz died last year from complications of hipec surgery relating to her stage 4 colon cancer. The cards meant a lot to me. I wish you all the best and pray for you all. Jon
What next and how do I help him
My husband and I just found out he has stage 4 colon cancer. It started out as a routine gallbladder surgery, they found cancer on his gallbladder a whirlwind of tests, found it in his colon, they then took out half of is colon.More tests then the other day we were told of staging and we where at stage four. This happening…