blood in urine
The doctors found blood in my mothers urine. She has finished chemotherapy in the week of Dec 23rd. Is this usually a side affect of chemo? She can not see it and it is a trace amount.She had a CT scan and nothing showed up. Dang it! Does this ever end.
C Dixon Update After Surgery Consult at Duke
My devotion from yesterday morning was preparing me for today. It was this: For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven: … Ecclesiastes 3:1 God has ordered this world and the life within it with natural rhythms and cycles, with beginnings and endings, that are time honored and enduring. All…
question about radiation to the pelvis (maybe tmi)
Hi! I have a question for any women (sorry guys) who might have had radiation to their pelvis. I'm wondering (sorry about this) if a discharge that has an odor and greenish is a side effect of radiation to your pelvis? Who should i call, my gynecologist, my radiation doctor or my oncologist? I know its not right, just not…
Thicken of the bowel wall
Anybody have thicken of the bowel wall when your cancer was found.
Allergic Reaction to Oxi
Well, no more Oxi for me. I had a reaction to it today and they had to stop the infusion. My doc said it was too risky to try again. I go to Duke Wednesday to see the surgeon about more cytoreductive surgery and RFA to liver. I am praying for them to say yes. I'm not sure what they will do about chemo but the doc wants me…
Changed my user name.
Hi everyone - Just wanted to let you know I have changed my user name. Just in case you were wondering who I was. LOL! Jan
Number 3 Folfax delayed
One number one treatment I had so many side effects that for number two they lowered by 25% hoping this would help. Well it didn't and I have had every side effect there is and some new ones added on. I have had a headache for over two weeks and no meds take it away. So when I went in today they gave me some tylenol 4…
advice on chemo for stage 4 colon cancer pls
my dad has been told today that they want to give him a round of chemo every 21 days for 3 months and review after that. how much is a round, one two injections,???? isnt that too little for an advanced stage shouldnt they be attacking it more aggresively?
My mom just diagnosed with stage IIIA colon cancer
Hi, My mom, 53, was just diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer yesterday. She had undergone surgery to remove 8 inches of colon due to a polyp that they said was benign on the outside. While removing the polyp,they also removed 13 lymph nodes, one of which was found the be cancerous. Apparently, the cancer had not broken…
I've got a brand new shiny power port....
well, I'm imagining it's shiny anyway, but I do know it's working great. I've been AWOL around here, I come by to read, but am mostly quiet, sorry! I really suck at being supportive. I may need to vent and rant a little in the future, hope you all don't mind, I'm really not a complainer by nature, but this just really…
Flofox # 2
I had my second round on Monday and am having some weird side effects. I can barely look at a light without it feeling like my head is going to explode, the roof of my mouth hurts but no sores. And the worst one well except for her cold sensitivity is the back of my head hurts I can't even sleep on that one side. Has any…
Got some fever (100) and a kind of stiffness in arms legs and shoulders also tired!
But not ant other symptoms, shoulD l be worried or just a flu? Hugs!
Liver Biopsy Results--Good News
I went to my gastroenterologist today to get the results of my liver biopsy two weeks ago. I had the biopsy because of persistently high alkaline phosphatase levels that started during chemo. I'm stage IIIb, with colon resection surgery in August 2009 followed by 12 treatments of Folfox that ended in April 2010. Naturally…
I spent the day at the clinic as this last round of FOLFOX hit me very hard. Everything that could happen seems to have happened. I survived it so there! They gave me iv fluids and platelets and told me to go home to bed. So before I do the bed part I wanted to say a quick hello and let everyone know I am doing ok.…
Really worried about Sundanceh and C Dixon!
What can we do? does any body have their phone number?Can any body give them a call?. Hugs!
Your opinion
I have been reading messages on the board for about 6 mos but have never posted a comment. My husband, Jimmy, was dx with stage IV colon cancer on 5/10/10. He had a cancerous polyp removed 5 yrs ago and we're not sure if it was completely resected or if it reseeded, but the tumor is outside of the colon with 1 lesion on…
If its not one thing its another -
So had PET and CT scans in November, showed cancer on the move, this was not a big surprise. So doc orders liver biopsy, showed only necrotic, so doc orders another liver biopsy, bingo, mets on the move. They wanted the biopsy to insure that it is colorectal mets and not something else. So started CPT-11, first infusion…
Chemo #3 on hold for a week !!
Just got back from my trip to the hospital. I was supposed to get treatment #3 of the mop up chemo but red blood counts were down and I am a little anemic so my ONC is having me wait a week to get the count back up so less side affects. I am happy not to get it but on the other hand that means an additional week in April.…
A reprieve!
Happy New Year! Feliz año! Here's the short version after my visit with my oncologist today: "let's look at the long view re: metastatic disease, balancing quality of life and treating cancer as a chronic disease (which I probably will die from, but no one knows that answer of when)– these nodules are slow growing, and…
anyone else doing this alone
i think this is my biggest fear. i am alone in dealing with this. at the beginning i had my brother's support as long as i lived with them, but when i overstayed my welcome and moved home, i knew he would not be there for me. i have 7 sisters/brothers, many very bad things have happened to prove to me they are not…
Second Round of Cancer
Hello I am new to this network. I am 30 years old and this is my second round of cancer. I first had cancer in my appendix and now two years later it has appeared below my kidney. I guess I am unsure of whether it is considered a colorectal cancer or a kidney cancer.Having surgery on Thursday to have a bowel resection and…
A new member
My daughter posted a msg on this board last week as I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer on 12/30. This started as a large polyp with two biopsies being benign. After surgery was performed on 12/14 a detailed pathology report indicated that one of 13 lymph nodes removed showed signs of cancer. I am no expert in this…
Recycle your Christmas & Greeting Cards by sending them to St. Jude Ranch for Children.
Recycle your Christmas & Greeting Cards by sending them to St. Jude Ranch for Children. Only the card front can be used so tear off the front and discard the rest. A great way to recycle for a good cause. Over thirty years ago, wishing to show our donors appreciation for making St. Jude’s Ranch for Children possible, the…
My bracelet was found!
Not cancer related, but I had lost my diamond tennis bracelet when I moved to California three years ago, I really thought I had swept it up and tossed it in the trash. The last night in my home, I had swept up the garage and tossed all the dust in to the dumpster. Later when I got in my car, it was not on my wrist and I…
Buddy system for new members
I know Kathy, Nana B and Lor have worked on a buddy system, and I like to give a big shout out to my bud Chris. :-) I'm just wondering should we do something similar for new members? New members pairing up, or an experienced member pairing up with a new member, like a mentor? Just thinking so many new members, and some may…
Questions to ask Matt's Oncologists??
My husband just had a liver resection in Dec to remove 7 liver mets & had 1 ablation. He still has his colon tumor. We are 2 weeks from surgery & go today to meet with his oncologists for a meeting, im assuming what the next treatment plan is. I sometimes feel like i have chemo brain & dont know what questions to ask the…
AFTERNOON/Jim's oncology appointment//UPDATE
Went to the oncologist this morning and Jim is being switched to Folfori with erbitux. We really didn't ask too many questions other than about side affects. I'm sick still so my head is in such a fog. Will he still have the neuropathy and the sensitivity to cold on this treatment? Have any of you found that you did not…
Proctectomy (not colectomy)
Surgery is scheduled for the 15th. I did a pretty poor job of explaining in my prior posts, so here is a description of what I THINK is going to be done: Abdominoperineal resection (also called APR). APR used to be the standard surgery for tumors of the lower rectum. Now, it is usually limited to large tumors that lie very…
Questran is used to treat diarrhea UPDATE!!!
I thought I’d update everybody now that I’ve been on Questran now for about a week. The results have been life changing. I’m now having regular BM’s about 5 times a day. I know to some people 5 times might be a lot but I was going 40 to 100 times a day with NO control!! I couldn’t take my kids to school or even go check…
Winter Marie
The last thing I saw on Winter Marie was that she was going home. Anyone know how she is doing?